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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. Since Slow And splash is the strongest of strategies and it's major weakness is mechanicals, I guess you can imagine what weakening mechanicals would lead to.
  2. leaving 17th night? or arriving 17th morning?
  3. ya, what you say makes sense. I'll rather od that custom hotkeys change that you suggested
  4. Sorry echinodermata, for misunderstanding. I didn't get that you meant element based hotkeys for upgrading. too. Anyway, another advantage of this idea, not mentioned is that if we would choose, say W(Water) E(Earth) R(Nature) S(Light) D(Darkness) and F(Fire), those are located all next to each other, in a rectangle. This means that upgrades of towers could also be located in the same Rectangle. (the "add water" button always beeing up left just like the W on the keyboard is located down left, the add fire always being down right etc.) This is another system, that comes for free with the upgrade element system when we move light and nature around (which are the only ones not part of the rectangle from the beginning).
  5. heh, too bad slow and splash already is too powerful
  6. I spending those 5 lumber on a whole lot of support tower upgrades is better than 3 extra periodics though
  7. I don't quite see the reason to mix first-letter with closest-to-reach. if what you mean is that the most used towers don't take much time to learn because they are so few but are used so much that they should be easier to use. single element towers are not that much more used to make that worth IMO. I'm not a fan of the combination idea, so unless single element towers would represent like 90% of the use of all towers, then perhaps it would be a bit closer to agreeable.
  8. concentrating at 3 is alot better than 4 and 2. 4 is not an entierly complete 2pass without slowing towers,(creeps appear at second pass before the last creeps left 1st pass) and that is why a few towers on 5 works in earlygame (a few temporary arrows there to hunt down a few creeps to concise creepwave length. else there isn't really a reason to combine 2 defence places. however -when we talk about longrange towers, like light tower or impulse tower those beong to area 5 because they're not 2pass towers. also quaker/kindle/tidal are examples of towers that belong to longpass. so concentrate your 2pass towers to area 3 OR 4. (if there is not enough space to build, build at 3 and 6) and your longpass/longrange towers at area 5. area 4 2pass is faster, better for rushing opponents but harder for beginners. another god thing about area 4 is that it becomes a complete 2pass with slowing towers and that you have time to run builder to area 3 or 9 or "-"(area minus) and build arrow towers if you need to catch some leaks.
  9. no, everything can not be balanced the way we want it, for example we don't want any stuns at all, not even if we are allowed to nerf them down any amount of secs we want, except if we may nerf them to 0 sec stun If you want more feedback, do post in a different thread, cause this is what the thread's first post sais: But as i think some actually want to know if their towers work or not, incase they didn't know that this thread was a non-discussion thread, i sometimes responded anyway A serious idea you want feedback on? open a new thread
  10. oh, when you said "how about one wave then" I thought you meant, instead of a a tower that makes minions, there'd be a wave where minions would be created from dead creeps and from the misunderstanding a new idea was born - I shall move it to a different thread if you want.
  11. I think he means to spread his defense over 2 2passes, like combine area 4 and area 3. and the answer if that was the question is that there really is no reason to do that. you build at 4 which is less cost effective but to get faster kills. if you're gonna finish the creeps off at 3 you might as well place all towers there.
  12. Hey, interesting! a shortrange singletarget the works best on Longpass! and works best later in the game and many at low levels. I'm not sure wether I like that it gets out most power if the creeps are too strong for the tower to kill. I'd say the increase damage is too close to zealout though and the splash damage I don't see the reason to combine splash and st. oh, and the tower sucks on mech btw.
  13. jolin012

    About unead creeps

    yes that is true, clumping becomes the same, but is a Bit earlier to happen, so well yes, in one aspect a tiny bit better clumping. And I like to lower the dead time a bit. 1-1.5 instead of 2-3 would be nice I think.
  14. 17b was the first version with completely working food/pure system.
  15. a wave where you receive summoned units from each of the 30 killed... I don't get the point of it though. fun to beginners I guess, but not really interesting in any way as a wave rather than a tower imo :/ if it is that every kill makes minions. if it is a wave and it's based on something, perhaps different things each minionable wave, like, you have to kill them within 30 se, or later than 30 sec, or you receive minions if you kill them with a support tower, or something other adding objectives for your hands and mind to keep track of - then it would become more interesting. perhaps too much work for the brain and hands? and too much info for beginners? it could be a special mode perhaps to have minion waves & perhaps another type of waves like this that favors customized defending for this, perhaps by micro, placement, choice of towers or so (that's why there'd have to be several minionwaves with different ways of receiving extra minions. about the minions themselves, waliking on path and no collition size does not work. well, our tornado could block bosses... although I've seen "phase boots" in action, succeeding what we failed with old tornado - or am I getting th eold tornado wrong? If they wouldn't walk on path they'd be too much the same as oblivion tower I think. if anyone who reads this thread/post comes up with anotehr idea like minion wave, please post, and we might get more interesting ideas. my current thoughts: although I'm sleepy now might add more Gold waves. (increased gold gain by killing the requested way) Interest waves. (temporary increased interest rate teh next X minutes gained by killing the requested way) Life waves. (lives gained by killing the requested way) support waves. (gains atkspeed/dmg decreases armor/movespeed by killing the requested way. is it best if player may chose which support he wants or if it is random or separated over those all? I think player may select would be nice if there is a way.) Overall what this concept (even though it is only a mode) makes, is that the special waves (fast/heal/mech/undead) may be extra hard, and the others extra easy, but the extra easy (normal waves you may prepare for the special waves, by receiving these rewards through special objectives (killing a special way) or other. perhaps "leak one and kill rest and you will gain 10 lives" is a type of wave mission too:p (too bad stop button doesn't always work heh)
  16. jolin012

    About unead creeps

    thing is, with 1 sec or 1.5 sec, it would do the same effective clumping.
  17. the model size bug, towers affected by spring forward, strikes back again. I haven't seen it for a long time but today I saw it in b20. temporary.png
  18. i was thinking of one of these towers that Can Move the creeps too. It has been brought up thousands of times and all times axed because iot's a stun, causes clumping and all that, but here's the thing. what if, say a fishing tower that tries to catch creeps on it's fishin ggaff or what ever, and catches the creep on it's hook. when it's effect/animation runs out the creep appears at where it would have been if it was never hooked. How the Heck would that be done ? in fact, the unit never got moved by the tower, it turned invicible but continued walking, and a new unit was created that moved as the tower wanted it, and did it's animations. and then the effect was over, it turned visible. Cool huh? so that it could not be abused really. (the fishing this was just an example, the coolest and best concept of a creep-moving tower would be the actual choice.
  19. what I meant was that before the creep hp increase, the game was too easy. not that it is now too easy. But also I misunderstood Void I think. i misread "more different ability waves", into "more difficult ability waves". about more different ability waves hmm.. aren't there enough allready? or do we want more thinking? I think there is enough to learn allready with the healing and fast and meh and undead for now.. but that is just my opinion.
  20. jolin012

    About unead creeps

    hm, maybe. i don't feel much of a problem now but also i can't tell a reason why not to. I guess I don't care that much if it's 1.5 or 3. dunno what to think really.
  21. ok, those towers are not much special cause of lag. either yo uplayed with 7 other players or your pc always lags?
  22. Remove the small mushroom doads please. now that clones shrink, and mushroom can be shrinked ppl will think those shrooms(part of the terrain) are their towers, or the opposite.
  23. Several of the towers have been found lagging, but fixed by our cool programmers who optimize the stuff codes and stuff Which towers in specific are you thinking of? You could help us by telling, cause perhaps there are some we didn't think of. Also perhaps you should take a look at the name of this thread, and change it to something that tells us what it is about, and not jus tthat it is about something
  24. um... why? I think the ability waves were about enough much harder than the regular waves, but overall the game got too easy.
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