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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. because 6ele is too strong? in b20?^^ perhaps it is.. if there will be no maxed dual. if so, trickery can ofc be maxed with 2 picks.. well would need 3. my agreement an anything doesn't change, my picks are over =)
  2. erm... how exactly did we nerf your interest strategy (that requires too easy difficulty and/or playing offline )? you say something like towers are too cheap? I never saw a tower in previous version, 3.0 that costed more than 5k-6k and didn't require pure essence... or am i mistaken? and as holepercent mentioned, picking extra interest for your lumber will now give a better boost to your interest rate And you talk about "imbalance".. let me put it this way, we don't balance the map after players who experiment offline playing as slow as possible and/or on a too easy difficulty, farming in cash. we balance it after high skill competetive play, that ends with perhaps 100k, not 1000k. You are of course allowed to experiment in singleplayer typing cheat-codes or harvesting in a million bucks, but there is no reason to consider anything you may find there to be or need to be balanced.
  3. 8th pick: Darkness 2 9th pick: Darkness 1
  4. ys that is correct, by Cisz's choice of mushroom roots was a risk, and by kaini's choice gunpowder it was a clear loss of a triple. voodoo+roots, the two DN sup triples, are removed.
  5. sorry for the delay. unexpected time of a "no pc in sight" trouble. after some thinking i choose: dual: hydro drowning, hail, gold
  6. Everything should be allowed, as long as it is presented in teh gamemodes that joining players have agreed upon. Mix dif does not work ofcourse, don't need to go into detail we all understand that I think. one could argue that mix rnd/pick belongs to the same area, but I disagree. not if it is clear that it's a mix.. no, I think it's fair if they decide upon it, just like AR. even though it's not popular in high skill games probably, but perhaps the nubs want luck to be a part of their success/failure, and that's fine with me. same with AR should be allowed, and SW too - but ppl don't have to join these games. SM and XSM sure fang, and all other modes
  7. Um, I was thinking, but never got time to discuss, that the bot doesn't just host games all teh time. but you can go to the channel and tell the bot to host a game of the type ou like. example "!host public unranked vh sr sm 6players" and game hosts game with proper gamename, including game modes. and when game starts, the bot is in some way connected to the game so it choses modes. the pre-decided modes. and for not all cd-keys to be used for hosting stupid games that never get filled, you can host private games, in a special way. i type "!host private ranked vh sr sm 3players" and it ads to a list of prepared games, that players can find by typing "!games" or "!list" or "!gamelist" or "!join" to get a list of all gamemodes that players are trying to find opponents for. and they can join this "prapared game" that isn't hosted to use a cd-key yet. infact, not formally hosted until it's ready to start, because it's a private game that only player with account for league and in channel can join. every now and then the bot asks players if they are there, and they have to answer yes to not get kicked. this is to prevent preparing games with players not there. when game is ready to start the bot asks all players if they are ready, and if they answer ready the game is hosted and all the prepared players may join (if the bot can't make them join then they will be whispered the private gamename or w/e). and when ingame the bot sets the mode. good/bad? bot setting the mode works? if it has to change the map a little bit works?
  8. jolin012

    Bot Development.

    i don't really get what the +/- system is for, it's better to have them all work as different ranks instead of "+/- off". if A- beats F+ he gains 0+10=10 pts ? but if A- beats E- he only gains 2 pts? else I'm not sure.. perhaps it's good to have neutral net's (ie, if you beat someone at your own lvl you gain the same that you'd lose if you lost to that guy). unlike the wgt table Cisz showed. first I was worried that beginners aat lvl 1 will get bored if they don't receive any points, but it struck me that only the worst of the beginners, only those that start with no skill at all, will stay at 0 score. but it's fun for players to grow a bit though :/
  9. jolin012


    one of the mods can move your thread there.. but me and hole are not mods for this subforum. anyway welcome to the forums void and you do have more about you to tell us . which realm are you on? do you like elementtd? how do you eat your bananas? and anything other that is important for us to know
  10. jolin012

    Bot Development.

    good to hear ouch, I dunno much about that, never worked with ranking systems before. anyway I had some ideas for how the bot will work in interaction with players and map/lobby/channel (will the bot be polite? ), but I didn't find much posted, didn't read the latest word doc yet though. i was about to post the ideas but it'd be too much text and probably 99% is allready figured by you guys working on it was hoping to find kara on teh irc when he is not afk, but it doesn't seem to happen
  11. creeps run again imo, not to the next maze. else this would happen: player a sends 30 medium strong creeps at player b. player b doesn't build any towers but saves all his money. 30 sec later when player b begins leaking he sends 30 strong creeps at player c, timed with the creeps from player a that he leaked. I guess that's a bad thing.
  12. but people will still be able to watch your replay iBerZerKerz, and I see 17 of us have allready =) . and 60 ronalds is a really nice feat, gj.
  13. another pop-up-idea for a mode. imagine to play tower wars in ElementTD. Element Tower Wars. Perhaps not you, but afaik, many others are appreciating the concept of the mapstyle Tower Wars, and that'd be really cool to have as a game mode in EleTD. The concept goes like this, for thus who didn't know: everyone gets a creep summoning center where they may summon any creep they want from the game, at different costs, that enter the opponent next to them. In all current TW's afaik, the same gold is used to build towers as the gold used to summon units. gold bounty for kills, and "income" from sending. (income= if you send a creep for 100g and it has teh income 10, that means you will receive 10 gold per second for the rest of the game, increasing the income for each creep sent). The concept is neat and competetive, perhaps not all "fair" (a bit like SW where all could focus on killing one guy) but should go really well with random mode, where with this mode, not only the defense would be adjusted depending on the creeps, also the creeps would be adjusted depending on defense. also would it go well with team mode, I guess It would be a trick to balance but - I'd say a nice mission for 4.x. We would not have to keep asme gold for building as for sending(the center could have mana), and we would not have to keep the income system. I think that the sending player adjust the spacing is np at all, it's up to the defender to be able to handle both tight and loose. summoning would though take like 0.3 sec, so min spacing is 0.3 sec or any other number, current is a bit above 0.5. (due to this, new creeps will be available suring sending, so cap could be at 20 or something like that) it would also be a max stock of 30 creeps available to hire, and they'd reset perhaps 1 creep/sec. all types of creeps sharing the same cap and cooldown. so - you buy 30 of one type, you have to wait 30 sec to buty 30 new even though of a different type. One of the tricky things is to avoid the ability of a player to not save up money for 60 sec and then send units that are alot stronger than teh receiver would be able to defend from. ofc there has to be sending tricks, effective to surprise and stuff, but not "cheats" that are that simple. also it'd be dangerous if the player behind someone does not send, then that player could instead of building, send for all him money, sending super hard creeps at the opponent. Hard thing - how to determine a winner and how to determine when lumber is awarded. lumber every... x minutes? every new digit of gold? buy your elements? tough question and something to work on too, I think minutes should work really well though. The other prob was - what to do when the players left can afford 30 evil children but none dies? shall ronald enter the map at a specific time? or perhaps at a specific summoning cost? Rest of the development of this idea will probably wait 'til 4.0 is released. But what do you guys think? =)
  14. and/or the larger version, the sacco (or w/e they're called) sacco.jpg
  15. Ya^^ and I pretty much ilked that they were for 0.5 sc the original size. makes you notice really that it is a clone.
  16. the "fix" to make it intended did not work. if a tower is cloned, the clone starts off small and after 0.5 sec it pops up to normal size. with the non intended shrink of b19 it started off normal and after 0.5 shrinked a bit.
  17. when selecting a tower it sais "select this hero" and "select random hero"... hero instead oftower and when one is selected it sais "ready to work"(if randomed it sais "ready for action) which i assume was not intended fixed yet but just for your information.. the system seems good but pretty difficult to tell for sure when it's not all finished yet, with all information messages announced and stuff.
  18. allrandom is more of a funmode where luck is one of the important factors
  19. inside ofcourse the core is neutral from all elements. but that is a secret to only those who create the dice and those who axe it apart
  20. um, why not. if it's the last - I'll join
  21. could work with keeping one or a few towers, i was not imagining this but it could work too.
  22. Element TD Dice (stolen from DDRKirbys kirby cubes thread)
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