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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. Is The Game throughout the game or is it hard lategame or mid-lategame? or "from wave 15 and the rest? if it Gets too hard later, perhaps it's a good idea lowering ht ehp multiplyer. if it's too hard throughout the game, perhaps nerf say armor to 2VE, 4E, 6N, 8H, 10VH armor, or something (if so maybe a double armor mode for masters who get bored . Note: this is a serious idea. not only cause the game might need to get nerfed, but because it might also be a good thing to make normal hard and vh easier so that most people can learn to master that, so players after 200 games don't have to feel that they suck still unable to beat a mode named easy or normal - cause they don't suck tha badly! if some ppl are just wicked sick good perhaps it's better to hide their difficulty, naming it double armor mode or so (like old extreme mode) so that the regular players don't have to feel sad about how bad they are compared to the very best. This might be kinda' offtopic but, meh!
  2. Does this look better? I made the F shorter, but maybe I should revert that change? what say ya, users of black pearl? button_topic_fast.png
  3. no, there shall not be more. infact, there shall be none. in private betas kindle was changed to fire damage mounths ago periodic tower and cannons and arrows are the only non elemental towers left. they are really boring since you don' have to use a variety of towers.
  4. as an image file? *.jpg? *.png? resolution?
  5. new doubts arise. i was expecting an RC a few days ago, and I'm sure it had it's reasons to take more time, just another failed eta, but we'll see
  6. 1.903874605 reg/sec doesn't help since the 3 different boosts have different denominators. but if it works for a spell to give +2.0769230769230769230769230769231 bonus mana back (2 mana directly but it actually takes only 0.923etc sec to get to 3 mana) OR give +(27/13) mana (if regen would be 1mana/sec) then all problems would be solved easily. nopes, I'm not sure about much =) never worked with the editor myself.
  7. jolin012

    Flesh Golems

    yes it does take ALOT of micro. perhaps 2000 cast range is better? so that you don't have to do it twice.
  8. correct. question is - did any other change follow with it, that we didn't notice?
  9. i haven't played enough lately to say if 75->80 is good or bad but I guess it is good to change. since ther has grown a larger differance in difficulty between normal waves and hard waves. so if 75% + classification waves should be possible regular waves would be ridiculously easy. So 80% or 85% imo theretically would not be a bad change. I'm still following your rule 13est, this is not a discussion, I'm just saying I want the same change if I happen to be right 13est: In short terms, you could also possibly want to change composite from 75% to something >75%? It is ok if you discuss your own changes, and discuss things aslong as you are ontopic! (which you were)
  10. So - new mana discount numbers for mush/magic combining with well respectively smith; 15%: (111/23) seconds of rest between ability uses. ie. 27/23 sec less rest than original time of 6 sec rest. 30%: (51/13) seconds of rest between ability uses. ie 27/13 sec less rest 200%: (still) 0 seconds of rest between ability uses. I guess it does not work to give them a mana boost of 27/13, and therefore mana pool and mana regen would have to be changed. either to a pool of (13*23*9sec=299*9=) 2691 mana where it regens 299mana per second. and 15% boost gives a 27*13=351 bonus mana and 30% gives 27*23=621 bonus mana. or, if that looks ugly with 4 digits, multiply all by 100000 to add enough digits for nothing at all to be seen, just like hp of lv 3 elemental can't be seen at all
  11. ah, you're right. users active latest 24 hours.
  12. There is a reason behind windstorm being weaker. the reason is that windstorm can be microed, for almost double damage. and corrosion is supposed to deal about as much damage as nova, so I do not see the problem there, but still, 13est said this was not a discussion thread, so how about a split topic to restore some order?
  13. jolin012

    What's Good Ya'll

    welcome to the forums, and glad to hear you like the map. Yes, we rock and I hope you're soon one of us
  14. how about mix difficulty? although that is a problem when ppl that can play normal instead choose Very Easy. Perhaps though it helps when difficulties chosen are announced. I don't think -ma is enough though... IMO we should have difficulties chosen announced even if there are a lot of other infos announced.
  15. and hopefully you won't have to do so much longer
  16. heh that path bug could really be abused:p if you could get the game actually starting
  17. actually, game difficulty has been discussed quite alot lately, and this would be a reasonable thread to post in about game difficulty, so it was a reasonable bump.
  18. dang gl with restoring your hand's health.
  19. jolin012


    Don't ask Karawasa for an ETA(estimated time arrival), he has failed all the time so far Don't trust me on this, but I guess we could possibly be done in a few weeks.
  20. that'd be interesting if we wre aiming for less micro... But I like that you can micro to improve your gameplay, but very little micro is required to play fairly good. I also like that there is so much to micro, in other words you have to priory what you want to micro
  21. Germany and I say that the latest terrain is a great improvement, Thumbs up Void . the 3 areas that changed cliffs into dirt cliff are awesome! 7 slim cliffs was far too boring. 4 is better, but only 2 would be even better, though 6 dirt cliffs would be too much probably. I like Cisz suggestion of doodad cliffs if it appears to work out.
  22. jolin012

    Element td 5.0

    some bugs seem to occur, but I believe too 22b ould be a release candidate.
  23. Did you use greedisgood or -lumber? that used to cause crashes on random, allready having what was supposed to be randomed.
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