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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. jolin012

    DNEF build

    in PB the windstorm can go at 5 too..
  2. jolin012

    Renaming lumber

    or frogs that morph into elementals.. like zerg larvas walking around outside the ele summoning center building.
  3. jolin012

    New Terrain

    sorry for the negative critique, but glad to hear that it does look better can't wait to see it all. hehe, sure
  4. jolin012

    New Terrain

    i kind of feel the same, at least as it looks on that pic.. though perhaps it suits better with the elemental areas that you created?
  5. will be the most interesting thing to test next beta for sure
  6. jolin012

    IRC Meetings

    depends how we make them the main reason is coll size 0 but we also have the option to add: total invisibility (untargetability), invulnerability, debuffing and immunity( to spells like slow). all depending on how powerful we want them and what we want them to counter. shall they counter splash, then we have them invulnerable. wanna counter clumping even more than coll size 0? perhaps immunity+debuff helps that. if we're combining this with mech into the new mech, then it shouldn't be wrong to have all these. coll size 0, invulnerability, immunity+debuff. perhaps though, it'd be good to keep them not totally invisible so the player can know that they are there and let them be shadowly, like a discovered windwalk, but the player can also see the invulnerability shield. or - if that looks bad, total invisibility is fine too. The reason that would make it good to not have invulnerability would be if we do not want to punish splashing alone. if we only wanted to punish clumping. i mean splash is punished by fast, by bosses, by new healing allready.
  7. jolin012

    IRC Meetings

    Damn, my alarm was not trustworthy Sorry guys for failing to show up.. (next time I'll connect one of these to something that makes ALOT of noice ) anyway i read all of the chatlog and putting my comments here: non coll size would let them run through clumps.. and without having mech shield to it, we would be able to increase the time to 2sec last 4 sec rest (6sec CD)or so, so that they had enough time to get out of clumps. At least I believe this will work, can't tell for sure if it works or not without a beta. The WW could be added to either mech or to fast, but should NOT give a speedboost. but when i suggested them flying you said they'd fly over the borders? and if they act exactly like hydro (sticking to creep path) they still can clump.. afaik hydroed creeps can clump wtih each otehr and with the regular.. but if you think it might work(they able to walk through each other anyway), shoot just don't add a speedboost that is random, cause it causes clumping, and with synched speedboosts nothign would happen really, if there's a clump and they all get speed boost and non coll size for 2 sec, with 0 coll size they'd still stay in a clump, or even closer to each other. cause they can ignore each other and in parallel reach their next checkpoint all walking inside each otehr cause they started as one big clump. I can't comment much here. hope you find time getting it to work I know there's alot to do stuff, so I'm not trying to rush anyone. Nah, with fast either having really large spacing or the WW ability it'd not be boring (combined with faster movement ofc) So, a WW with speedboost does NOT work, WW needs to stay non speed boost. Needs to not be synched either, need to be randomly. WW can be added to either mech or fast or stand alone(but only I seem to believe it can do anything alone, perhaps it can't, im not sure about anything before testing this) Fast if not added with WW should have really large spacing. mech if not added to WW shoudl remain as it is.. Preferably mech should be the WW+shield one and fast should be increased spacing. undead stays same perhaps reduced reinc time, healing changed to heal upon, sure you seem to want to try upon death, but i have my doubts that it's possible to dodge too easy. BTW, some seem to think WW is to prevent splash. but, well at least my first thought was that it should prevent clumping, not splash alone. but we could ofc have WWed units be invulnerable too if you like (aka combined with mech).
  8. Nice ideas! the first one, I guess favors clumping a bit too much.. so even though we make clumping not overpowered with slpash it'd be overpowered with this tower that splashes more the more there is to splash.. if you see what i mean. (the closer the creeps are, the more stomps and the more each stomp does. second one, a really cool tower, multishot with lower dmg the more shots. with a different factor than 10% off, it could be a tower that favors from beeing on shortpass (yay we could get back shortpass towers)
  9. hiho, if b21 is released (and is the draft version) count me in.
  10. hm, if we have time it sounds like a great thing. cause, the bad thing about testing with drafting is that it's restricted, so it doesn't really work like macro balance testing. but it'll sure be a good way to make ppl test whether or not they like the new classifications!
  11. and the ones that don't have fire dmg but contain fire, but the idea would neither make the map more balanced or more interesting I think..
  12. and that is relevant because?
  13. you can select high quality i guess but filesizes can be really big. but the only reason you'd like them playable would be sending them to someone who doesn't have wc3 or uploading to youtube, right? and then you want lower quality..
  14. Hm.. not a very bad idea.. i just don't see reason enough for the change, I mean, ppl wouldn't even wanna upgrade the hydro. or the dmg increase was very small, and then it'd just be unnecessary. .. but it would be code-able through wc3's dmg upgrades system.
  15. infact it's one of the things i don't like about dota. even though i've played perhaps 100 games I'm still a bigtime noob. have played like half of the heroes, and memorized a max a 3rd of all heroes' abilities.
  16. yes, SM is 30 in PB. and has been changed to 45. and xsm is 60.
  17. jolin012

    IRC Meetings

    It would be really nice to see creep class changes within 4.0, because they sort of represent balance and that's what 4.0 since PB was all about. So - as we didn't get a beta yet, I'd like to do a request: It would be nice to see a beta before the meeting, changing mech to 1 sec windwalk(invis and coll size 0, no speedboost as discussed in thread about that) 5 sec CD (4 sec rest) Also healing changed, upon taking damage heals 5% of dmg taken in a 100 AoE. Or as some argue would be better, 10%maxhp heal upon dying in a 150AoE. Perhaps put out 2 betas, one with upon death and one upon taking dmg? And if you like, make the fast wave have larger creep spacing. would be neat to try out (remember that these things are meant so that we can try before discussing, backs up theories alot, and such things are hard to tell without testing) double creepspacing of current perhaps? Am I underestimating the work and time that this takes to code? I know windwalk and such already exists but perhaps it takes alot of time anyway to give it to all mech units and such. But we have really discussed this enough in theory, to continue progress we need one or a few new betas.
  18. jolin012

    IRC Meetings

    great. the latest week felt like: What are we testers supposed to do now? wait? wait for what? When will we get our next beta? What will be implemented before 4.0 is released (of those holepercent mentioned and including the question "terrain?")? When will Karawasa show up in the IRC and tell his opinions to all the above mentioned?
  19. jolin012

    LWFD question

    sure, longrange sucks compared to shortrange if shortrange is located at 9. but if you play pick, it won't be located there really. and unless you wanna sell, pure light is never at the wrong location to kill em off as late as possible. ya, they might be rather equal, water and light. but fire is large splash, so it should be the worst really.
  20. jolin012

    LWFD question

    if you are aiming for more than 50 ronalds, water and fire will not work, because roanlds spread out after the first 30-50. light is nothing worng wil, damage creeps, but finish them off just before the end of the maze. and ya, along with windstorm slowing the maze, massing jinx lvl 1 is a neat idea, if you have alot of money.
  21. No worries, didn't offend us at all. sorry for giving your ideas negative feedback your latest idea is not that bad. but having several skills that still have to be unique and balanced is not that easy.. It is possible ofcourse, but is it worth it? what is interesting with the idea? any skill involved? not really. placement? different placement for different spell, so placement won't be as important. Fun? ya probably a bit more fun than they regular towers Overall, sorry, the idea is not attracting enough to implement IMO.
  22. And I think there are more ppl who won't learn how all towers work cause The game is fun even when you know all towers in most ppls oppinions. and there is alot to balance and fix befrore we even think of the idea of more towers.
  23. try using a screen capture program as you watch the replay, for example camstudio http://www.download.com/CamStudio/3000- ... ?tag=mncol
  24. jolin012

    Renaming lumber

    Bump! if we shall change the name and little icon up right (next to gold and epure essence), we should do it before we release 4.0 so that people have time to get used to it.
  25. should i mention balance again?=) for your information if you want ideas to go through, it is not recommended to have towers with a constant chance to instant kill units. (drowning's chance is based on creep hp and thus lower chance on evil children and ronalds than say siege tanks.)
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