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About holepercent

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  1. Replay submission rules For all map versions, you are REQUIRED to PM me via discord a screen shot with the score board expanded, most of your build within the frame and the elemental boss running after wave 15, 30, 45 and final victory/defeat. If you do choose to delay summoning the elemental boss, the screen shot during the wave you summon the boss is to be submitted. Failure to do so may be considered potential cheating. For multiplayer games, attach the replay to the thread once the game is complete. For single player contests, attach the replay in the corresponding thread when the time for submission is up. If you submit replays early, you are allowed to replace it until the time is up. Due to time zones, players may have a few additional hours to submit replays before the host closes the submission.
  2. Welcome (Back) to the Forum Draft Series! For old times sake, don't be removed from the pool yet again! WAR3 / SCii ONLY. (sorry, no dota2). ACCESS TO ELEMENT TD DISCORD IS REQUIRED. Unity version rules pending Old school players might remember this series (with a different rule set) which led to some of the very best matches and some really over the top builds the game has seen. The concept is simple. 2 players take turns to ban and pick towers (detailed below), until each player has a pool of 12 towers. You cannot pick a tower which your opponent has already chosen or has been banned by either player. This will be forum draft, so the host will not enforce strict pick timers, but do your best to make each set of picks within a day after your opponent does so. The towers you've picked are the only ones you can build in the game. Triples must be upgraded from one of the duals you have selected. There is no restrictions on elements. You are allowed to pick a tower you cannot build just to deny your opponent that tower. Game settings will be hardest difficulty with no additional modes, with the exception of short mode if both players agree. No excessive interest abuse will be allowed, such as deliberately letting a single creep run around the map multiple times. Host has the right to disqualify any replay deemed as breaking this rule. When the draft is complete, both players can take a few days to plan the build before meeting online for the duel (strongly encouraged you arrange a time with your opponent to play against each other, a different rule set will apply for single player contests). The winner of the match is the player with the higher boss kills. If both players lose before boss, last survivor is the winner. For clarification of the rules, post in this thread or ask in discord #draft. If you are interested to play, post your discord name, and which map you wish to play in this thread. Your opponent will be randomly chosen by me from the available players. A new thread will be created for the actual draft and replay submissions. Use of any cheats or abuses is forbidden. In the event of any disputes, draft host decision is final. Rules may change, players are strongly encouraged to check back frequently. Full Draft Process: Player A bans any one tower Player B bans any two towers Player A bans any one tower Player A Pick #1 Player B Pick #1 Player B Pick #2 Player A Pick #2 Player A Pick #3 Player B Pick #3 Player B Pick #4 Player A Pick #4 Player A Pick #5 Player B Pick #5 Player B Pick #6 Player B bans a tower Player A bans a tower Player A Pick #6 Player A Pick #7 Player B Pick #7 Player B Pick #8 Player A Pick #8 Player A Pick #9 Player B Pick #9 Player B Pick #10 Player A Pick #10 Player A Pick #11 Player B Pick #11 Player B Pick #12 Player A Pick #12
  3. You don't receive gold after you clear 55. The waves after that are considered boss waves, increasing in strength as a final test of your defense. Every player will eventually fail. In the classic multiplayer custom maps (war3/sc2/dota2), this serves as a final elimination to determine a game winner.
  4. Don't remember we did any coop or team mode in war3. There was a 2p team mode in SCii and the full coop map in dota2.
  5. Casual Express/Insane/Random/Chaos game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdFCTXglVsE A somewhat weak opening, was hoping this would stay 5 elements, but nope, game decided to give me nature 1 on wave 27.
  6. Starting practice for a new series in anticipation of Element TD 2? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90TiEPSIMig
  7. currently playing through every possible combination of 4 elements in express mode UPDATE: All 15 combinations are included in the playlist below.
  8. DWFN Duals: poison,magic,disease,vapor,well,flame Triples: corrosion,flooding,jinx,impulse With this combination, you have 2 triple support towers (corrosion and jinx) and a dual support tower (well) available. LDWN Duals: trickery,ice,life,poison,disease,well Triples: hail,obliteration,tidal,flooding Another combination with no triple support but two support dual element towers (trickery and well) available.
  9. WFNE Duals: vapor,well,hydro,flame,blacksmith,moss Triples: impulse,haste,ephemeral,quake This is one of the few builds with no triple support tower available. However, you have access to two dual support towers (well and forge), only one which can be maxed at tier 3 due to having 11 picks only. LWNE Duals: ice,life,atom,well,hydro,moss Triples: tidal,polar,enchantment,ephemeral A combination with two support triples (polar and enchantment) available, together with a dual support (well). A choice has to be made whether to go for a tier 3 support triple or fully upgrading the well tower and a damage triple to tier 3. LDFE Duals: trickery,electricity,atom,magic,gunpowder,blacksmith Triples: runic,laser,gold,flamethrower One of the other builds with no support triple but two dual support towers available. Take advantage of the DEF cycle of damage towers here. With almost equal value of towers dealing earth, fire and darkness damage, the build has essentially no elemental weakness.
  10. Darkness, Water, Fire and Nature with tier 3 flooding: Light, Darkness, Water, Nature with tier 3 hail:
  11. Water, Fire, Nature and Earth with tier 3 quake: Light, Water, Nature and Earth with tier 3 tidal: Light, Darkness, Fire and Earth with tier 3 flamethrower
  12. One of the achievements which didn't make it into the game was completing all possible 15 4-element builds. The main issue was how to define whether an element was used. If you purely go by elementals summoned, you can summon an element and not actually build or upgrade any towers with that element. Does that actually count? Having an element at tier 1 or tier 3 makes a difference too. In random mode, there can be reasons to completely ignore a late game tier 1 which doesn't contribute to the defense. There are too many combinations to make tracking all of them practical.
  13. All combinations using 3 or more elements definitely can beat wave 55. Doing so with 0 leaks might be challenging for a handful of 3 element combinations. (i have more than half the builds already recorded on my youtube channel) Most experienced players fully upgrade a minimal number of towers, accumulating as much interest as possible without giving up too much on clear speed. Planning is essential to maximise elemental strengths and defensive cover for waves with elemental weakness.
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