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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. As mentioned before - choose your micro. you don't have to micro your towers&hero. maybe you decide to let the fleshgolems not move at all except for killing elementals. and it's not like, you will lose this game if you can't micro builder+hero+towers extremely well - unless your opponents do it better
  2. jolin012

    Renaming lumber

    this was actually a good thread to bump (no tto add moar content to 4.0 but) to again ask the question - why is it still lumber?
  3. Bloodstone works like: Get XP from an area where you are Not! Even if you are dead! that way the hero can be "dead" while you use the builder, and still gain XP, not and being able to click the hero icon.
  4. leaking a boss once with no longrange towers isn't too bad. leaking a boss tier 2 on lv 20 with say impulse would be wrong though
  5. yep ppl play very easy and saay the game is too easy, because they want to look good and pick ve because nobody can see that they are on vh (<1% of ppl know the multiboard shows difficulties). I still think difficulties picked should be announced right when they are picked. "Pick Your Difficulty" jolin012 has selected Very Easy! M45T3R has selected Very Hard!
  6. jolin012


    the thing about hydro and quaker is taht you need to build at least 3 (or use well or trickery tier 3) to be safe i guess that's a part of strategy - but maybe it's a strat we don't like.. I'll pass voting on this one.
  7. only for beginners would be reason enough, but I definitely think at least I would enjoy this mode, just like I would enjoy Super weapons(except in FFA since all attacks the leading one!) if it had big bombs.
  8. Ok - I spoke to kara about it and the only minor coding problem seems to be the transform bit - since the hero has to keep his XP while you as a player are controling only the builder. It cannot be the same unit, with changed abilities and model, since they are different types of units - hero unit and builder unit. This leads us to the fact that the hero has to be "hidden" when in builder mode, and vice verse. The Easiest way I guess would be to Freeze the Hero (when builder in use) and put him next to the killed elementals. when clicking transform the builder and hero would swap location and freeze/unfreeze. frozen means invulnerable and can't be used for anything other than transforming into use again. The problem would be if people click the hero button and try to use it while it's frozen - but hopefully it's enough with an ability even on the frozen unit to switch which of the units (builder/hero) that is active. Edit: Spoke some more, and using what Dota have, called bloodstone, which means the hero can be dead and still gain xp from an area he is not. this means, when you switch from builder to hero the builder dies, hero is revived and takes the location of the hero. so - no frozen hero next to elementals. Edit2: before talking to the dota guys, I will be thinking some about ideas for which heroes (if we copy theirs) will suit well. I will probably post some suggestions here, and explain to non dota players. anyone else my ofc suggest too.
  9. choose what to micro besides - you can't be builder and hero at the same time, which is a bit less micro possible.
  10. jolin012


    after having calmed down some after being killed by it, and also being informed that it makes building possible first I am at peace with you it was actually a great move since WNWNWNPPPPP is not a build we want to be possible
  11. Yes ofcourse we could if we prefer that. To have from dota (with permission) would just be an idea to a) make it more popular most likely, b.) cut down coding times c.)make the friendship with our mates at dota stronger (if they like the idea) I don't see a negative side of it but ofcourse we could make our very own instead if we want.
  12. A good question is how many years it would take to code hmm... maybe not, if the game mechanics are easy, and if we just copy 12 heroes from dota (with permission) and balance them after release when we notice imbalances.
  13. Hey Ho! It's time to announce a new mode again - how about a New hero Mode? The reason it was removed was cause it was too difficult to balance and well... it'll still be difficult to balance, but I think that if we want a hero mode we can get close enough. Close enough to make it worth, cause even if it's not perfectly balanced many people would enjoy it. This is my thinking - if the mode is selected at the beginning of the game, every player may choose from 12 heroes. During the game, the builder will have an ability, transform into hero. the builder can transform into the hero, and the hero can transform back to the builder. The likely strategy will be to be bguilder only when you build, and hero on the other time, since when you are hero you can farm creeps. The hero has AoE abilities that make good use here. All heroes have different abilities. 4 abilities i guess. If hero kills creeps you will get more gold than if your towers do the kills and experience will be gained nomatter if hero kills or is only present when towers kill creeps. But beware - you cannot farm at all times - since enemy heroes may come to kill you! and they have dangerous SingleTarget spells! In hero mode you can move outside your maze, but cannot transform back to worker while being outside your maze. Maybe heroes will even be able to attack your towers and maybe towers vs heroes but the main focus is hero VS hero and if you kill an enemy hero, you will receive Gold and extra Experience. The enemies hero(builder) will be dead for some time, and respawn in his maze after some time. Why this one would possibly be named dota mode would be if we got permission and used heroes from dota with the abilities they have. If so we could also copy some of their items and make able to buy for heroes. If heroes would not be able to attack enemy towers the most reasonable for hero vs buildings would be that heroes at level 15 or higher(mid-lategame) have a frost breath from frost wyrm, so that a player cannot survive without his builder, since his structures alone cannot upgrade if they were attacked lately by frost breath. the aura of a builder would remove frost from buildings i guess. frosted towers would not be able to attack either i guess, so a mass leak if your enemy can keep large parts of your towers frozen wtihout himself dying. I'm sure this mode would go very well with team mode if there is more than one team and for complete confusion among the readers, your builder will also be able to die if he is in builder form when keeping attention, and he will most likely have lower health than your hero. oh - and maybe your hero will gain XP from killed nerby creeps while in builder form... maybe infact builder will be a hero in hero mode, without extra abilities, just so that you can see the level of the hero
  14. jolin012

    Game Crash Bug

    Punkz - they do know about warcraft but what they mean is that no, when the game crashes, the LastReplay File is not saved. And master is correct that the extension is not w3x, it is w3g
  15. do they Return to their natural size maybe? I think someone mentioned that about focused light before... as far as I rememhber - before we tried to make clones 25% smaller than normal towers, this bug didn't exist. (correct me if I'm wrong) so - if the solution isn't found before 4.0, then this 25% thing should be removed before the release of 4.0 to the public we dont want 500% sized oblivions and lights there.
  16. jolin012


    Oh - didn't know Cisz. also i was on random that time - so i guess i got the essence too early, maybe it wasn't too hard...
  17. erm.. the 2nd one... I don't think i like that stuff gets more complicated and the game harder to understand (more knowledge required, same intelligence) Healing to be aoe heal was designed to counter splash+clumping, one unit would die when the other had 10% hp left, so with this heal, the slow&splash build would still conquer everything with ease, since creepswould only heal each other for 1%. But kainis suggestion sounds reasonable, with more heal the more hp lost. But I dunno how this would help teh game get better...
  18. no 13est. since some of the best ways to play a 6ele or 5ele is to start with 4 eles at tier 2, and then add up new elements, it should not be impossible to add elements late, just a general lower chance to get a new element once you have 4 or 5 elemenets.
  19. sooo... do we want 33% 6ele 33% 5 ele 33% 4ele (no!) ooor... do we want 5% chance for LDWF 5% chance for LDWN --- .... 5% chance for DWFNE and 5% chance for LDWFNE. (75% chance for 4ele, 25% chance for 5ele and 5% chance for 6ele i know 105% didn't care to round ) (no, we don't want this either!) ooor... do we want something in between? we could try double the chance of 6ele over the chance of a 5ele build, and half the chance for each 4ele build compared to 5ele. so, X/2% chance for each 4ele build. X% chance for each 5ele build and 2X% chance for each 6elebuild, well there is only one this would make each 4ele 3.5% of chance and each 5ele 6.9% and periodics build 13.8% chance. total chance for a 4ele 51.7%, 5ele 34.5% chance and 6ele 13.8% chance Id's say this is about what we want. and the way there, ie what the chances different eles should have at different occasions is pure math as karawasa mentioned. but before we calc - what do we want? IMO this is just about it, perhaps a little smaller chance for 5ele?: each 4ele 3.5% of chance and each 5ele 6.9% and periodics build 13.8% chance. total chance for a 4ele 51.7%, 5ele 34.5% chance and 6ele 13.8% chance Edit: oops, calced a little bit wrong. calced with 5 5ele builds, although there are 6. and with a total of 21 builds, whilst there are 22. the difference would be rather small - 5ele would have a greater chance maybe 40% too tired to edit now.
  20. afaik - we had hydro before they had kunkka for example... try to make ppl copy the ronald stage to their maps you mean? make icefrog replace roshan with ronald
  21. jolin012

    the new forum

    it's neat if read posts are market with a "this is read" icon, so that i can speed through until i reach what i haven't read. And there is a new problem, found by kaini, but also suffered by me. if I click "view new posts" and open all topics in new tabs, the first one will not be marked as read. If there is only one topic and i open it in a new tab it will not be marked as read either.
  22. maybe the difference is that in beta 20 we died before we had more than 4 eles? I dunno. thanks for the numbers and they prove that we'll have to change the chances - but should be do so pre or post 4.0?
  23. ok I lied - trickery CAN create 300% sized bugs. 0.44 sec replay attached. but yes it also created +25% sized towers before in 13ests game cisz might have that rep. Edit: after a bit more experienting, i found that clones of oblivions and it's upgrade, are allways 300% size. at least at my pc Edit 2. in teh same game, tidal tsunami and hail get small clones (as they should be, but comet gets biig clones. beta_23b_oblivion_size_times_3_clone.w3g
  24. jolin012


    what do you mean by OP?
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