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Everything posted by jolin012
Woah, that was the biggest and the best change. in PB the prices were lower and the damage lower of tier3. and yes, 4ele and 5ele builds were not as strong. 6ele was the strongest, by far.. with the 6ele build in PB I could own one of the best players around here using only 6 lumber. Therefore this direction, making 4ele stronger and 6ele weaker, was an excellent direction, and we didn't land too bad on our first guess either, making tier3 cheaper and stronger and making triple supporters boost less. if you claim 4ele is the only unbeatable now, that could be true, but that is mostly because a few of the towers currently work better than others. (for example the triple supporters roots windstorm and corrosion work excellent while enchantment and polar suck big time compared to those). Because some work better, it was easy to pick a 4ele build using those towers, while the 6ele is dependent on towers that are currently not working quite as they should do. I didn't attempt to sound aggresive or upset, if it looks like it, just please know it ain't true
I'm not quite sure if you are looking for advice or claiming elementals to be too strong. But if what you say is that builds are varied in terms of how easy they have to hunt down elementals, i agree with you to 100%. a few water arrows on longpass should take care of it easily, which is definitely the better alternative. if you don't like arrows there are other stuff that should work too. if you play with interest i hope that means you can farm interest a bit, and can afford at least one or 2 impulses for lvl 25. One impulse itself should be able to take care of a frie 2 elemental at level 25, even though it is nature damage. as for the other 3ele build, FLNIF you can (ofc use arrows, else you could) use light towers, life towers, Another way around the problem is to NOT pick fire as your first tier 2 elemental, and plan your build and element order with care for the elemental hunting, instead of finding the worst possible pick order and trying to play that . congratulations, you got randoomed:) that could happenin in all otehr versions of etd as well. that's why we have same random. a random where everything would be of the same difficulty would be pretty boring imo... like, "whatever is my next element it will grant me one buff of 50% and one new tower to protect me from bosses and mechanicals, aka long range single target."
tier 3 duals are not to be underestimated. They have 250% more power per dollar(or bang per buck or dmg/sec/gold or whatever you like) of tier 2 dual. and i guess between 150 and 200% more power than tier 2 triple. yet 10% lower than pure. the "extreme" power is needed to make up for all the support towers of a 5-6ele build. however, something about t3 duals that is important to note that everyone has not done I think, is that 250% more power than t2 dual doesn't only mean a lot of power, it also means that if you have t3 of one dual you should use it even against it's weakness rather than using something that does 100% (unless the 100% tower is t3 or pure). for example, don't use a mushroom tier 2 to cover up the weakness of a gun 3. however, it is ok to use a flamethrower t2 to cover up for gun3 because when gun has half and flamethrower has double damage, that is actually helping the dps up that level. That is why light tower is ok to use in my wnl build. But, not only attack type matters. light tower for example also covers up the weakness of towers such as ice, in terms of bosses, mechanicals and such. meaning, light tower would be ok to use with say disease if playing dln. Something else about the 250% strength of duals is that t2 stuff that won't be maxed and aren't needed anymore, for example if using gun3 and having flamethrower2 to cover up for it, after lv 54 flamethrower is obsolete, meaning you may now sell the flamethrower, even at 75% (pick mode) because the gun3 is so much more powerful than the flamethrower, except for the nature levels. Note that this is nothing "bad to the game", just new strategy tips coming up with the changes to the map. So - get rid of the "never ever sell on pick"- habit that i think some of you out there have .
for example, a lvl 3 boss summoned after wave 25 has 150 000 health. one summoned right after 30 instead has 300 000 health. Although, at lvl 25 you have a third of the cash there is at lvl 30, and it's easier when ya have more elements to build greater towers from. therefor, it can be useful to delay an elemental if playing on pick, if you don't need to use it yet. and if you await the lvl 25 elemental to like lvl 29 or before 30 is killed, ya can have moore cash and still a lowhealth boss.
didn't yet test it. but i like that magic and mush are no longer exactly the same.
disagreed. lvl 3 elementals. LVL 3 Elementals. Level 3 Elemental!!! that's a big boss mate. not meant to be no leaked with any build:) and yet it's possible to no leak one as my 5th ele.
disagreed, mushrooms are now strong. infact, higher dps than electricity, even though electricity sucks vs bosses (and does not gain advantage in combo with slowing like other non st towers).
i just finished 14b with WLWLWLNNNFF This is not a recommended order of elementals, but i wanted to test going wlwlwl, (and can in the future refer here and say elementals are not too strong;) ) ice ice baby and light tower to hunt eles, darkness, and mechanicals. Took only a few tries so failed a no leak. but i did it with 49 lives and the only leak was a shreddie with less than 0,1% health hehe. didn't care to replay for that^^. 66 jokers down. Could also have been played other lwn 4ele builds, aswell as lwdX builds. Don't say, "oh, ice is overpowered" cause it might aswell have been able with other towers, and ice is not that easy to play, need to consider placement( try placing it at upper 5 - where mot noobs place their towers often - and you'll notice placement is needed:P, need to combine with something cool to huunt for eles, cause it can't do itself. beta 14b lwlwlwnnnff 49l 66r.w3g
good,. and it's not only cause it makes 3 t2s possible. it makes t2 much more likely, as there is chance at lv 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. instead of 25, 30.
I don't casre bigtime either, but it's a bit too much off. I think it should be 800 rather than 700. 800 is pretty exact i believe.
ya, agreed that the first 4 in a random on shortmode should not be able to be something that was not available that level, aka lvl 2s (unless the last 2 slots). for example nNdDwW would be possible in a random xsm but not in random without xsm. As for level 5 boss, it is not too strong, it is easy to kill without relocation, even on extrememode. just build the arrows on a 2pass. here i get it killed on just half of the longpass (not extreme). temporary.PNG
Meh there is no need to worry lesher, it's just that when Cisz is overclear it can be misunderstood as "angry"
Woah, so it can't be changed? That's ok ofc.. but a bit weird, and need to know about that "bug"-like thing to make up perfect placement^^ luckily i know it now^^.
Trickery tower of all levels can autocast, but the autocast range is too short. it's shorter than the regular castrange. Easily reproduced, it's a permanent "bug".Short Replay attached. beta 14 cloning bug.w3g
level 1 element? overpowered? are ya kidding . it was always possible to kill a level 2 element at lvl 20, (unless you had build and sold a massive amount of elemental towers playing on pick before lvl 20 to get rid of all money lol). lvl 1 elemental is very very easy on lvl 20, and I don't understand what you mean when you claim it to be overpowered. even with the weak element it should be easy with elemental arrows, unless you build them behind the research center. and for the one who spends all cash on, say, kindle, that's his problem, and one of the parts of the kindle-difficulty-to-master is that it has to be combined with somethinhg that can track down elementals.
Why 3ele dmg is a little bit of importance is because you max 3 eles in a 2ele build, and rather likly to do it in a 5ele build too. like F3 E3 L3 W1 N1 or F3 E3 L3 W2. in which both cases, it is pretty sad to have the 2 maxed triples use teh same damage type, like poison and ice in WLD or flame and kindle in FNW or LFE with Electricity and Quark. Oh in the other hand, every 4 and 5ele build can avoid it by maxing other elements which makes up for a test of skill, which i like
for those who do not speak swedish very well: "Det finns inte tillräckligt med ledigt minne för att utföra kommandot"-> There is not enough free memory to do the command"
Note that that's only an example. there are other ways around too, such as: DF - D DW - D LN - L LE -L NF -N ND - N ED - E EN - E WL - W WE - W FL - F FW - F I'm still not sure how important i should consider it to be to not have 3ele builds inluding only one dmgdual attacktypes, like DWL (poison-water ice-water) and FWN (kindle, flame) LEF(quark electricity). perhaps it is also possible to have every 3 elements that is not a support triple, to have 2 dmg duals of different aattacktype and the dmgtriple be the 3rd of the 3 elements. but that'd also mess up the current support triples' and duals' elements, so it is definitly not something for 4.0
perhaps because 75% of darknesses towers are broken or underpowered?=) and as a random sidenote, darkness is the only element that does not have 2 supporttowers using that dmgtype (simply because there are 11 support towers) but that ofcourse doesn't matter alot.
Ah, well, I decided to put it in development team section, cause I think tower rebalanced is development rather than beta testing. but it is free for anyone to become a development team member, and you can discuss such things as new towers and what you actually think about towers and modes and stuff.
yap, with trickery, the boosts doesn't boost the boosts. just like 13est sais. how to solve it? As I mentioned in this thread when i sugguested teh clone summoning trickery tower, there should be a link between clkones and original, making their status of spring forward and fire up the same as the originals. Another idea would be to make clones last a bit longer if the original that they are cloned from is affected by fire up or spring forward, making the extra time equally worth to the dps it lost. That calculation should be pretty easy but better would be if some spirit link between the original and clones would work. If the only problem would be tomake clones keep the same status as the original, it would be a good way around to make it "if original was affected (by spring forward and/or fire up) when clone created, the clone will always have spring forward and/or fireup on itself."
Magic is getting a buff, at least imo and most others agree. none got death to work really, some claim it to only be a bit too weak, but i guess teh concept will never really work. oblivion can be considered a longrange tower and jinx could be considered to be an AoE-DoT (like kindle). They both work, although maybe a buff needed for jinx. not sure yet if the range increase made buff enough though.
I have written which towers I like nerfed/buffed and so, but I like to keep it in the thread i started the project in, and don't wanna double-post it
as a response to this thread as i like to keep my work in the thread i allready started for this. I've already ranked the duals in this thread. Check there for details of the rankings and why they are like they are. But to make things more clear I'll just quote the rankings of dmg duals and then add some lines of explanation and what I want. Quote: Top Strength Ranks: Poison Ice Electricity Flame Gunpowder Kindle Hydro Mush Magic Quark Death Life Hardest to Master: Death Flame Ice Poison Quark Kindle Gunpowder Electricity Life Magic Mushroom Hydro (as for how i put my "hardest to master" - list together, most is concluded in first post of this therad. but also other factors are included, and changes since b12, such as the range of 1100 which makes for a bit harder placement and limited placement slots, but not very bad on a regular area like 6.) Most clearly is shown that quark needs a pretty large buff. it's not very easy to place, it's not just a regular 2pass like over area 6 and 9, and if you do place it wrong it hurts pretty badly. Mushroom and magic and perhaps also hydro should need a buff as well, even though they're meant to be the weakest they shall not be that weak. Poison and Ice and Electricity should all face a nerf. Electricity is pretty easily played but yet one of the overpowered duals. poison and ice are a bit harder to place and micro and sucks badly vs bosses, aka requires wise combination with boss hunting towers, therefore should remain some of the stronger towers but are currently far too strong. Lifetower is meant to lowest damage which is pretty obvious, and death tower is simply broken, the concept doesn't seem to work. dmg triples and support triples and support duals are to come.