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Everything posted by jolin012
Here are 8 ways. The first one is the one from the former post. LE - L LN - L DW - D DF - D WE - W WL - W FL - F FW - F ND - N NF - N ED - E EN - E 2nd one: LF - L LN - L DW - D DE - D WF - W WL - W EL - E EW - E ND - N NE - N FD - F FN - F 3rd one: LE - L LW - L DN - D DF - D NE - N NL - N FL - F FN - F WD - W WF - W ED - E EW - E 4th one: LF - L LW - L DN - D DE - D NF - N NL - N EL - E EN - E WD - W WE - W FD - F FW - F 5th one: LE - L LN - L DW - D DF - D WE - W WL - W FL - F FW - F ND - N NF - N ED - E EN - E 6th one: DF - D DN - D LW - L LE - L WF - W WD - W ED - E EW - E NL - N NE - N FL - F FN - F 7th one: LE - L LW - L DN - D DF - D NE - N NL - N FL - F FN - F WD - W WF - W ED - E EW - E 8th one: LF - L LW - L DN - D DE - D NF - N NL - N EL - E EN - E WD - W WE - W FD - F FW - F The first one has it's weakness, NF with N damage and LF F. the other have other weaknesses that are worse imo.. What do ye others think?
So - m0rph1ing suggests to swap the name and ability of poison and disease, but keep combo and attack type. And karawasa suggests to switch the Damage types of magic poison and kindle. To swap ability and name of poison and disease does not cause any unseen trouble. All it does is what we allready know it does. so the question is - watery corps explosion named disease DW? imo that's um... i guess that's um.. well, i don't quite like it. and darkness poison, DN well that's not terrible either, but i liked the name death(lv 3 though, although i think it should be name of tier 1) better with Dark+Nature. To swap the elemental types of 3 towers like that Does cause a greater affect than what is seen from the outside. Ok - it is sugguested to switch 3 towers - which is better than one - because we still stay with 2 dmg duals of each type. But - the problem is - that allready exists in b15 that several of the better 3ele builds, meaning the 3 eles in a 4 or 5ele build that are the ones to get maxed (v 3). out of those 3 eles, meaning every 3ele build that does contain a sup dual and not a sup triple, should have 2 attack towers of different attacktypes. for example we currently have LEF with smith(support) quark(dmg light) and elec(dmg light). By changing around the elemental combinations of towers without caring about this, we make less 3eles able to max out. if kindle would be water, then EFW would no longer be able to max. What I sugguest is that IF we shall bother to change the elements we shall look into it. for example, quoted from a post in june That means that if: Life tower is light damage Poison tower is darkness damage Hydro tower is water damage Electricity tower is Fire damage Death/disease tower Nature damage Flame tower is nature damage Mushroom tower is earth damage. Then all 3ele builds that are useful to max(meaning not those that are a sup dual) would not have 2dmg duals of the same elemental attack type. - or are there too many uncomfortable changes? I'd like life poison hydro change. electricity death mush wouldn't be terrible, but FN which currently is flame, to be nature damage... eurgh. there are a few other possible setups but I'm not sure they can let us to better changes, these changes were the best i found so far. I will look into it and see what i find. Oh - and for those who didn't understand why it is bad when 3maxed elements that contain a dual supporter share same elements on the 2 dmg duals, that is because, those builds are rather useless compared ot others. that means, all builds that contain those, and as there currently are like 4 of those 3ele combos, then probably
Kindle can solo hard till about 18; many triples till much later. Flame is (was) unable not because it is weak, but because it often enflamed creeps with lower health and then those with higher (or simply with luck) walked over. It's just like Quaker: if it stomps often / lucky, it can solo till very late, if it doesn't, it can fail like level 20. Of course if we are talking about high levels, it is rather true. All I meant was that if lesher by this: if he meant by that, that "no, flame is not overpowered, it can not solo water waves" I just wanted to add "no tower can solo" as in "no tower can solo the game". Not that I thought lesher thought so. I just think there was a minor misunderstanding in what I meant. But you are very right that many towers can solo several levels. and well, infact there is one tower that can solo the entire game on VH. Drowning - but it requires A Lot of luck:D like 1/ 10^60 chance or something:P. oh, and 2 would be needed for undeads .
worst replay wins no, seriously, it's a good rule. same is what kirby sais "don't be lame".
thanks for feedback . hoping to see it implemented for try:) and it's not aobut just awarding racing. it's about negating overpower by slow builds, and well, i allready posted about that^^
I hold my mouse over it and it sais "This topic has been reported".
hm Elements=Name works very well. Name=effect is not true either for the attack model or the effect it does. Ice is played very much alike poison. they share one element, share dmg type and share the same way of playing. that is not great. element shared and dmg type could not be changed though. if it'd be changed to an AoE Dot (like many would perhaps guess from poison (ofc they'd guess slowing too, but that ain't possible) it would be much alike Flame. however, we could make it an ST stackable Dot. I think that'd work. stackable meaning if cast on same creep it will Degen hp faster, just like flame or suffering from 2 kindles. would use the good old poison atttack model that we had in 3.0. and the same old green little cloud around poisoned creep.
we hadda thread for that. hmm can't find it. can someone else link it please?
and it would be composite damage? I htink that would mean, people would go for support towers, like DWFLNE DWFLN and then use that composite damage tower for damage. if it would be too weak to use tehre it wouldn't be used at all. We had a composite dmg tower in 3.0. so (nearly) veryone used i. every game of pick. they could beat the game no leak but they didn't know which element was strong vs which one. just that composite worked vs all.
Well, IE is more alike 3.0, meaning it only works on SR unless only players who don't know are playing. But because IE would be overplayerd and make players not learn the proper map balanced it would probably be better to just skip it. SE is fair, and more equal between number of players /team, meaning it works to play alone in a TM game if ya dont' like team mode.
in AP yep, that's right. In the aspect of experienced players who know how to form the best builds, the game gets alot easier. There are many new features if playing individual elements. one is what you mentioned, combining for example eidolon with waterfall or incantation with hydrochloric. another is that one player can max earth at lvl 15 if others pick elementals easy to kill or interest. So yes AP TM IE is more like AP in PB where there is just one strongest build. for those who have figured that, well they can play IE SR or IE AR or SE. If we do consider it a problem and want it away, we could make up restrictions that made it disallowed to use some things. one way would be to give less lumber/player in a team. perhaps 6 lumber each in a team of 4. One other way could be to make some restrictions by increasing the price of certain elementals, as in cost several lumber, how many would be dependant on team members and only for TM IE.
java irc nickname broken if one enters eletd.com/chat.html and enters his name in the box and clicks chat, he will enter named Anon1111 anyway. it has been broken for at least a month.
Agreed with everything except perhaps "random is more important than pick" that's not exactly what I mean. I just mean that separated lumber is more of a fun mode is ap. Playing pick on separate lumber there would very likely be one or several overpowered team build for each number of players, which could however be a fun way to make a teammode challange like "fastest game with a team of 8 players" (or 6 players or less ofc). Separated lumber SR would be fun however, same goes for separated AR which would be more luck based ofc, just like normal AR. Gamename codes: Team Mode=TM Shared elements=SE Individual Elements=IE. number of teams: 4v4, 2v2v2 etc. Example: ElementTD -NSrTmSwSe4v4 or EleTD N SR SW TM SE 4v4 Perhaps TM isn't nessesarily needed for everyone on the forum, because SE/IE tells that there is TM, but, this is most important for the pub players to use - therefore it is better to use TM - easier to understand it that way.
Because every team has the same net worth I think it can be fairly equal. But I guess in most cases that will not be chosen I think that's exactly what i meant with the second idea for how to sread cash. every Xth kill, meaning every third in team of 3, will be awarded to you. meaning first bounty to alice, second bounty to bob, third bounty to carol, and ofc no reset on wave end. Good thinking - we figured the same thing but you explained it better I was thinking that too first, but it's a bit brutal, 4 full hp bosses at lvl 5? and I don't like the fact that they have to summon one boss every level instead of at lvl 5, 10 and so just to avoid the strength. but perhaps we could make the elementals a bit harder if we find during betas that in team mode they should be stronger. perhaps they are first divided their health by X (4 if 4 in team) and then (X-1) times the hp will be increased by 20% example: one 5000hp boss if one player playing in a team. two (2500+20%=)3000hp bosses if two players playing in a team. five: five 2000hp bosses if five players playing in a team. A networth is Always above 30-40k at level 52. and usually 7 of those are then spent on a pure. if everyone in a team of 4 gets a pure essence that means theey can build 4 pures, putting 29k of their 30-40k on pures. I think this could be unfair. the team shall only have 2 free pure essences I think. Do you understand? do you agree? Remember that this discussion as well as the other small ones I and Kaini are discussing are just details. it's not like the entire idea of the mode will blow up if everyone's not agreed. I can't unterstand the first sentence I basicly meant, your interest gained is the avarage of you and your teammates unspent cash, multiplied by your interest rate. Example: so if you have 100 unspent gold, bob has 220 unspent gold, carol has 20 unspent gold and Alice has 460 unspent gold then that avarages 200 gold. if you have a interest rate of 2% and carol has one of 4% then you will get 4 gold interest given to you and carol will get 8 gold interest given to her. Good to hear, I and all my mates are hoping/looking forward to see the mode aswell
I've put my mind together - and a new day of thinking, and I decided to clear things out - and present to you the changes. Team Mode First of all, the host selects (can ofc chose vote) Team mode. After that he selects how the team are going to be. That could be anything from 2vs2vs2 or 4vs4 to 4vs2vs1 or 3vs5. The Builders will be teleported to the maze they should play in. Team 1 plays in maze 1. team 2 in maze 2, team 3 in 3, team 4 in 4 etc, if there area more than 1 team. The host also selects whether it is team shared elements for all, separate elements for all, or if each team decides themselves. of course host can chose vote on this question. The creep hp will not be changed but the gold in a team of many players will be splited. How? Either, the gold will be split per kill, but that would make 0,25g or 0,33g in some cases and that would not work in the early game where 1 kill, 1g is splited on 5, everyone rounding his gained cash down to 0. This system would only work if there is a way to store info such as "i currently have 0,75 extra gold"(player wouldn't have to know, perhaps the ele summoning center has 75 mana or something that cannot be seen at all) so that the next time I share 3 gold with my 4 teammates, I get 1 gold. If that gold system does not work/requires lot of work or causes alot of space or lag, there is another simple way. Every Xth kill that the team does (x being the number of players in my team) I get the bounty for the kill. in a team of 4 i get gold frrom every 4th kill my team does, and this way the gold per kill is not divided by 4, it is given to the player who's turn it is to get the money. If "Separated Elements" is selected every player in the team will get his own elements, allowed to build those towers. His elementals will have their hp divided by X(x still being the number of players in his team). This features cool stuff, if the team teamworks and decides that 4 of 5 players shall select interest by lvl 15, the 5th player can select a lvl 3 elemental and together they can hunt it down. however - only that player with only his gold, has access to the Earth tier 3 tower (if it was earth3). In samerandom mode every team gets the same sets of elements. for example player 1 in each team could get FNE$LLDWWNNN and every player 2 in each team get a different set of elements. Pure essences is another small detail. Those will perhaps be limited to "buy max 3 extra per team" and the 2 pure essences at lv 52 and 56 will be decided by the team of who shall get them. because the team shall not have 8 essences and base their entire defense on pures. but they can if they are wise decided that the one who has either periodic or lvl 3 ele available shall have the essence. Interest - another detail. Interest given is a Xth of everyone in the teams spare gold. meaning if I don't build anything at all, and let my friends kill, I will get only a 4th of the extra interest that causes. However - if I pick(or random) an extra investment, then I get my gained interest increased by 0,75% (or was it 1%?) Shared Team Elements If team Elements are chosen to be shared that means that everyone in a team will use the same elements. Every Xth lumber is given to each player in a team (if it is not random mode) and that element becomes available to everyone in the team. The elemental bosses on shared elements are at full hp, because there is only 1, and not X of it summoned. Interest is the same as on separate elements. In SameRandom Mode all teams get the same set of elements. In AR they all get different.
you can say light and a tier. for example "light1" or "light3"
nice Orbain! and welcome to the forum. jolin012, that's me, and I agree with kirby, you seem ready to try VH
I say one true spot on area 3. it is here it does 2pass with it's ST attack, and it's ability has a fairily large area covered. Still - I think that this is not as good as area 5, 1 and 7, but not sure. Maybe this is even worse than a regular 2pass... but I don't know. haven't examined the ability dmg vs normal dmg. however, I think it should belong to longpass, therefore I would say if buff is to be done it's 20%->25% chance for stomp and if nerf is to be done it is nerf in dmg. else perhaps a little lower attack dmg and higher chance or dmg in ability. temporary.PNG
Or might it be because most of those who are active on the forum are also playing the new betas, meaning they post their replays in beta testing section . for example holepercent has alot of fresh replays here.
Both systems work i would say. the current (first letter of tower name) has it's advantages too. If we owuldn't yet have selected, ie if it now was summer of 2007, I'd say they are equally good. now i say keep it as such a change, twisting ppls brains, would require that system to be a lot better, and imo, it's not.
(bump sry) Why are there no big bombs implemented? (or replacing other "spells" that're hopefully to become super weapons.) if preferred discussion could be on irc. and what to think of a rocket/spinning burning mine as super weapon center, could be placed above research center? I think the idea is brilliant ofcourse.
I have had it with many towers. mushroom tower, arrow tower, cannon tower, and much more but can't remember exactly. all i know is that I hate it.
you are right cisz - and that coding messed up other stuff worse. I asked him to change it back (and mushroom lasts only 3 sec now so it can't be abused) but he said it was nessesary for other bugfixes too. I have found other abuses for the "reset tower if upgrade+cancle" too. this was a negative thing for the player that you brought up. but for towers that start off with much mana - shouldn't it just help? (i don't yet have a complete replay for the bugabusing - but I'm sure i can put together something impressing quite soon )
there are slots for 4 (of it)at 7, 4 at 5, 4 at 1 and if ya like, one at 3 and one at 9. electronx, i do not understand your reason behind playing them at area 2, 4 and 6. I have not compared but i would guess that is not very effective compared to area 3 and longpasses (7,5,1) when i say area 3 it means teh slot in area 3 where it is 2 diagonal steps up-(and 2)left from the very corner of area 3.
first of all, flame HAS a huge dps. that's why i have suggested it nerfed a lot. yes, corrosion is unstacking and it cannot be buffed by a well/smith/trickery that means 200% boost, (trust me, you can't really compare a support tower to a dmg tower) and cannot (due to the non stacking9 be buffed by slowing towers like flame can. and ofcourse you can't solo with flame, no tower can actually solo, unless on VE ofcourse. you have to combine support with dmg towers and have ( in most casses) to combine longrange with shortrange and/or ST with AoE.