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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. WoW, that Custom skin looks really nice, and 0,5mb is fine by me, thumbs up!
  2. FWN has 2 fire duals, LFE has 2 Light duals. ok, 3 element builds are not meant to be used, but 33311 and 3332 are both relying on the damage that those 2 duals do. Although it's ok with me that all 12 3-ele builds tha have a duals support do Not work that easy, it's more fun that way, while we could balance it to all 3ele build have 2 different attacktypes, perhaps we could even balance it to "all 3ele have a damage tower and a damagetower that covers that tower", and that'd be balanced but wouldn't be fun, it'd take us far too close to "any build i pick i will get the same towers with different names". anyhow, what I found was that if: LE - L(ight Dmg) LN - L DW - D DF - D WE - W WL - W FL - F FW - F ND - N NF - N ED - E EN - E All 3ele with a support duall would have 2 different damage types. That'd be too much for 4.0, but it's balanced although boring, if that'd for some reason be wanted for 5.0
  3. Also, kaini suggested that the spell/bomb tower should be located closer, somewhere in your maze, which i totally agree with. It could be placed perhaps behind the tech center being a rather small building 2x2 instead of 4x4 like the research center itself. or perhaps somewhere on the trophy area, or perhaps in the actual maze somewhere. As for the bomb that is meant to be launched and damage enemy towers I have a suggestion. The research center could launch a slowly moving nuclear missile that flies in the angle of old rainbow tower, but very slowly.
  4. Isn't that a great idea? I like it but I have a suggestion of how to make it even better(imo). How about, to the sound of panda, "Fresh cool ale here" the targeted player/all players get drunk, and their screen begins to switch in colors and zoom in/out. I think i have seen that in another map, I think it was somewhere in some version of uther party.
  5. Before building or upgrading into a trickery tower it was --- Range 700 Speed 1 Ability Make a Clone of any tower. Clone lasts xx sec. "of any tower" is wrong, as they can't clone supporters
  6. we were guessing it's cause clone and real are both the same tower but with different sell ability, and therefor it dissapeared. and that it was more trouble to fix than it'd be worth, cause it ain' that bad.
  7. I found that when I clone pures the clones cost essences as well. in a game with cheats i had 10 pure natures out of 10 essences, and when i added trickery tier 3's I god 40/10 essences. As a side note, 40/10 means there was more than a 200% boost. which must mean clones can be cloned, but maybe that was already known.
  8. Flame tower. Should be Spread out, preferably in the corners such at 9 and 3. But then comes the question, How to place a blacksmith or something that reaches both the one at 9 and the one at 3 and the one at 4? What I mean is, The placement of this tower is not easy to master. Many will take a Long time to figure it, and the placement is important. Also Cisz and the stop Button Reveals to us that it also should have micro. (if skilled perhaps micro OR placement is enough, but anyhow,) And to get to the point, This tower is hard to master, which I like, I like different types of towers, and therefore deserves a bit higher top dps than the avarage in it's class (tier x damage dual that is aoe aka weak vs bosses (weak vs bosses is also a disadvantage which i mean should grant higher dps, unless the aoe advantage of clumbing makes up for the ST ease of bosses, but this might belong to another discussion)).
  9. I'll protect you next time he comes to smash you Well, Roots, has the longer range so that one would be the only possible exception. with it's range and a good placement it could be possible to make the creeps struck all the way back to the 2nd roots pass, but that might even require to micro it.
  10. you can always hold over the upgrade button before you upgrade into the tower, and see it's attackspeed. if it sais 0,31 that means 0,31 seconds per attack, and not 0,31 attack/second which means, the lower number the higher speed. Also you can find here: eletd.com/triple-towers.php but when talking of private beta it'll not show there ofcourse so for example new ice ain't there and hail couldn've changed, but it hasn't. And ofcourse for anyone who wants .postcount++; questions are free and the answer: Hail Attackspeed: 0,31 (and if you do 1/0,31 you find that it equals 3,226 attacks/sec) Ice Attackspeed: 1
  11. that means also "scale like Magic/Mushroom." is untrue
  12. I meant that you should have one of each (roots corrosion voodoo muck) at area 4 AND 6. if you use alot of slow perhaps 4, 9 and 6. As for lv 22, yes corrosion is a really great damage dealer actually. it has better damage than muck. more or less equal to roots I'd say.
  13. When playing with dual towers like flame and kindle I must say the tier 3's aren't easy most duals spread their damage over so many creeps that their dps will drop to a 5th or worse when fighting bosses. Then i can tell, they got hard Also I got the feeling single eles could get a little stronger without ruining build balance, can't they? because when trying to max electricity refined light even had problems catching the tier 3 fire.
  14. It's true, if there is no location to land close enough it will be inside a tower. This tower might be more good rather than a problem though. beta 12 clone spawn inside bug.w3g
  15. Not only that, a triple should also have a higher bang for the buck than dual, which means 3 ices shouldn't own a hail. although area 4/5 is the wrong area to test these. perhaps deepest 4 or upper 3.
  16. Now that's a lucky random. all 6 eles by lv 35 and it's pretty much gg, and then mire and thorns for 50 o_O. Anyhow, hats off for you, you did very well, only thing i didn't always understand your quaker placements but i guess it's the haste that can make them appear around area 4 sometimes and too high on area 5. (around the center of 5 to get most out of it (and even though you're doing it rather so perfect a tip would be to later go for corrosion and roots and such at area 6 to make the creeps cursed all the time )
  17. thanks, You are right, and Karawasa answered it too in another thread.
  18. oh my, fear ronald, he can do the dance^^
  19. jolin012

    [Beta 12] Jinx

    I was also imagining one cool looking big ice/metallic orb (but when i saw what it was turned into instead, i suspected it was due to fps problems)rather slowly circling around. Btw, the bigger area selected, the better, cause it doesn't lose laps/sec for that, only gains speed (in range/sec that is)
  20. I'd say, the current set range is important. perhaps it could be it's mana, for every click up/down in range it adds/removes 50 mana. and the mana pool is the maximum range of the tower. Either the tower (and the mana) can't go below minimum range, or else there is no minimum range.
  21. it was like that since 3.0 but ofc it should be well ye
  22. Good to hear, cause I guess you know, that is a multiplayer game in multiplayer when fighting for your life, there is no way to lay back at area 6 and interest farm or so Even Cisz, the one who always is so nice, can surprice eveyone with a terrible area 7 and / wrath every now and then, and then you better have shields up!
  23. but, may i ask, why aren't the current replays/proof enough? Both I and Cisz have tested with Magic+well and magic+smith, and tier 2 well seems stronger with magic every time tested. But if you really want it it's ofcourse ok with me to keep it the current way for b12, just don't understand why, and run the same test with the new counter, but I can't understand what's wrong with the current, perhaps have a look first? =) Edit after the light of each the two of yous latest posts: Over the course of a wave, placement of tower and position of creeps factors into output dramatically. I think it is better to look at one single time period, in this case 9 seconds. I can tell you that they are equal when placed in the same situation. Perhaps a Shroom with Fire Up should be placed differently than a Shroom with Spring Forward to maximize its damage over the course of the wave. Hopefully you will all be able to test it yourself tonight. That is where you do your mistake I believe. When the total time of the 2 periods (last and rest of ability) change due to mana added, the time you must use is also changed. To find the avarage output, you must add together one of each otehr the 2 periods. Not 9 sec that would in 3last 3 rest take 3 sec last 3 sec rest and then 3 sec last more and add it together. It would give a false avarage of that last is always active twice as much. To find an output that is safe, you must let it work for a longer time, perhaps 30 seconds(that's how i did in my reps. Or else you could let the "last" and the "rest" last once each, and then divide the output by the total numbers of seconds the 2 periods sum together, to get a damage/sec, like I did in my calculations, but in real game it's easier to see the output on an entire wave of many seconds.
  24. you don't want it which way? the way we discussed it was, (with resetting) or the way we discussed we wanted (without ersetting)? Besides, it could be abused to level flesh golems xD
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