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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. jolin012

    Blacksmith towers

    Under this spoiler, balance related content of 4.0 are revealed. Don't read if you want 4.0 to be a total surprise. Yes. Quaker, poison, magic, tidal, impulse, etc. they will all get increased damage by blacksmith, increased attackspeed by well and cloned by trickery, to the % boost they should get - meaning both ability and regular damage gets boosted. Support towers cannot be boosted at all. To speak clearly: Slowing towers, armor reducers, voodoo, polar, and tower boosters: trickery, blacksmith, well.
  2. most pros I know play SR where the most skilled is the winner, and not the most lucky
  3. you'd be happy to hear this has been fixed for both mushroom and magic tower
  4. we want a couple of days to test this Final Thing, to make sure there's nothing there ruining the years of work. again, friday at latest.
  5. jolin012


    ah - sorry, thought you were a beta tester. but as long as no bugs show up, next friday should be it.
  6. don't change my camera view ingame please ^^ changing it before the game started like, switching to the area where voting for draft mode is is ok. but odn't abort me ingame.
  7. jolin012

    the new forum

    yes, that should be just you.
  8. jolin012

    the new forum

    cool I'll try that. btw - the underscores problem still exists. the link looks like there's no problem but when you click the attachment file for downoad it is with underscores.
  9. next weeks weekend. (friday/saturday is what we hope for)
  10. jolin012


    you can still play the 23c and it's pretty much up to date, just if you find anything that has not been reported for 23c yet you might've found a new bug without testing the RC
  11. jolin012

    the new forum

    I can't find any remember me box to check ^^ so i don't expect it to remember me. Firefox can remember the password for my forumname but that's all, I still have to log in.
  12. ah, finally fixed great! one of the towers i had to ask about when i first played it.
  13. do you actually mean same as trickery? or do you mean cloned radiuses that are 400 instea of range of cloned radius? ok, just read the post about trickery->mirage status change. and yes, it seems to be the same thing, can't detect status before upgrading... but since default is always the same, we know when it starts it is on autocast, and could we store that data somewhere, and change it if status is manually changed, and use that data for when upgrading? what i mean is instead of detecting status when upgrading, status is detected when created, and that data updated whenever changed and store that data for when upgrading. would that maybe work? this is not as important as 4.0. 4.1 would be fine with me. same for radius+radiusclones etc.
  14. jolin012

    Renaming lumber

    The only real problem is. orc/nf/ud/human voice: "more lumber is required". btw - this sucks for "create more moonwells" "summon more Ziggurats" etc, too - which is allready in use. I guess those can be replaced, soooo..... do we have anybody who speaks Orc-ish?
  15. oh, no. you didn't sign anything, did you?
  16. jolin012

    the new forum

    same. since the read/unread post bug only existed in the todays active topics that I'm forced to use at the moment. "view all topics with unread posts" would be awesome!! and also one more thing. I wanna see on a post if it is unread or read, since when I open a topic with unread posts, there are up to 20 posts and I don't wanna read all that I already read. So either - a little icon for each posts if it's read or unread, OR ok with me would be, if I open in show unread topics I can choose page 1, 2, 3 etc. if there was a button for " show from oldest unread post" and I would get to that page, and to the very post that is oldest unread, that would be awesome! else - the unread/read icon would be cool. with these two (view topics w/ unread posts)(&)(icon for unread/read or direct link to first unread in topic) I am finally perfectly happy with the new forums
  17. Oh noes, it is true this looks really bad... thanks alot for report though... "-Random tier 2 entrance to 20 from 25" must be the cause. kara changed to 20, but did he change the fact that it should be summoned true for tier 2s at wave 20 too?
  18. it's a bug since it's unintended, but it's not too much of a "problem", but if you come across a slotution..
  19. Hmm... I don't think you'd have to announce them in short mode or extra short mode. you have too much text to read allready, and if yuo don't need to read that text(knowing it allready) you would do as quick on either scrolling to the trophys or click the element query. you have 45/60 seconds so it shouldn't be a problem. and yes - you can hear the sounds too, a bit tricky on XSM(EM) though.
  20. jolin012

    the new forum

    no.. I just had 10 new post topics, opened in new tab. refreshed the search for todays active, and 3 of the 10 were still marked as unread and no, no new new post between searches. Now, less than an hour later, I logged on again, to find those 10 topics marked as unread again, with no new posts! Still using the todays active topics button. Will see if they're marked read or unread in real forumsection now... nopes, in real forum sections everything is as should be. it is "todays active topics" that bugs read/unread hell of a lot! Also I find now weekold posts in forum sections that i missed. a "show all unread posts" button would have sold for this.
  21. if you want help that is waht you are suggested. you own too much for VE
  22. ah, as I expected. that's what I meant too great - so we get to keep the 75% thing And Cisz again wasn't wrong - this thread was ONLY about the well bug and it was not that he didn't know what he was talking about. although the first post and topic of the thread I claim are misleading I'll just split topic to get rid of the wrong stuff... hmm.. there's no split topic action..
  23. you wouldn't wanna use the mushroom in this condition. The new mana pool was implemented, 9 mana. but the cost of spell is still 45! the impossible was possible, it got bugged! lucky we didn't put this change right into an actual release
  24. oh, this time you are actually wrong Cisz - finally, after 1576 posts . or am I misunderstanding you? the topics name is super sized towers - so a trickery bug that causes 500% sized towers should count as valid here. And no - what I mentioned had nothing with well to do. it is the trickery bug that happens if you clone a tower it returns to original size, which with oblivion tower is the same size as the creep portal, about 300% the size the tower should be. and a cloned focused light gets to the models original size, about 700% of the normal focused light size. attached pic shows supersize compared to normal size (except for those hidden inside the supersizes:P) of focused light, refined light, oblivion, necromancy and comet tower. The only thing that this focused light is smaller than, that we ever had, was the bugged fleshgolem.
  25. unfortunately - this is wc3 we are using, not sc2
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