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Everything posted by Noya

  1. That's a bug, problem with not choosing the time properly or forgetting to clear a time on the sequence, gonna look into it
  2. The Stop not working is due to the autoattack logic needing to interrupt the attacks ASAP to chose a better new target. I can consider a 'Hold' command, making the tower stop attacking altogether.
  3. Noya


    Was it only for that specific tower or a general problem with gold?
  4. Fixed in 1.1, thanks for the report
  5. Noya

    Game crashing

    Is your system 32 or 64 bit?
  6. Just took slightly over a year
  7. Wouldn't a separate tab/choice button be required then? The balance numbers between the 2 games will not be the same due to engine differences, and I'm sure showing the cool 2D tower art of the mobile version will look great on its own page.
  8. We wanted to have any reason to play Normal, thats why current Frog board is Normal-focused. Normal+Rush should be the fastest way to get to the Boss waves (because Rush Boss waves are now equal to non-Rush).
  9. Noya

    I don't know

    Working as intended
  10. Might be worth doing some child removing on that tower effects, yeah
  11. Reset is doable but hard (because it wasn't planned from the start), but we can keep note of it to add it in the future.
  12. Current endgame (wave 55/30) scores, expressed as bonus % EndSpeedBonus (time in seconds) On Rush - No bonus On Express - (20/time*60) - 1 On Classic - (40/time*60) - 1 NetworthBonus (Player Networth/Base Networth) - 1 Base Networth is based on the gold value of the waves of every difficulty & game length Currently: Normal 60805 Normal Express 69483 Hard 79445 Hard Express 89142 Very Hard 90861 Very Hard Express 102373 Insane 103951 Insane Express 117564 Keep in mind these are subject to future modifications based on feedback, let us know.
  13. You don't even need to sell them, you will get the 100% value out of them. It's always been this way, random has those sort of benefits to make up for the lack of pick order.
  14. There are no private lobbies, you are still playing on dedicated servers if you host a single player lobby. The reason some scores might not record is a database locking problem, where once every 5 minutes it is denying writing, causing some matches to never be stored. We found a problem for this and it should be resolved with the next leaderboard reset coming up today.
  15. Summoner Error model makes me sad, does that happen often or is it a replay thing? Also thanks for capturing a top highscore in a video, it really shows how fucked up Nature tower balance is Those Arrow towers though
  16. I will consider this if it wouldn't increase the map size by 30MB with each map version I add. Unfortunately Valve hasn't provided a way to reutilize a map in the playable map list, so we are forced to just make a copy of it for every entry. Providing a N/H/VH/I version of the 3 and 6 player version would mean close to 300 MB download size instead of the current 70MB.
  17. We are planning in adding more towers but as Alternate Versions of the existing ones, changing the effect and element type. Check it out here we are still looking for ideas for most towers As for 4-element towers, it would mean adding 15 new tower models and every lvl 1 triple having access to 2~3 more upgrades... It's doable for sure, with a 4 elem build you would just get 1 extra option in any of your 4 triples to upgrade to, while a 5 elem build gets ... 7 towers I think?
  18. Nice catch, the AttackNoEarlierThan function was bugged so I'll just stun the tower shortly after cancelling the ability Thanks for the report, this was definitely abusable with cannon towers early
  19. Yes, you'll have to trade-off Fast clear bonus with Interest gain, I think that was the idea behind the change (keep in mind I'm not the main man behind the balance updates )
  20. Just fixed both issues, thanks for reporting it. Turns out all the tower hulls were just using their default model values instead of a normalized one. Tower ranges should be more consistent now, will be shipped with the next update
  21. Noya

    Wave 33 Bug

    Did it happen more than once? I can't reproduce it
  22. Patch is implemented and ready to ship after we finish playtesting it
  23. It can be done but I'm sure there's balance implications (Haste tower for example) and of course not really valid for multiplayer games. Games without Rush will last longer, and probably the strategies will be slower (because now there's a networth bonus at the end of the game, so interest is more important)
  24. With the removal of Chaos & Rush bonus scoring, getting into the leaderboard will at least be less dependant on luck. Really excited to see what will happen on the next patch, it should be ready tomorrow~sunday hopefully!
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