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Everything posted by Noya

  1. Pure essence buying gold is currently ((waveNumber+5) ^ 2) * 2.5 * difficultyBountyBonus) so it gives more gold buying it later.
  2. > Script Runtime Error: scripts/vscripts/playerdata.lua:61: attempt to index a nil value That's the line, thank you!
  3. Can you enable the console and copy the full log you are getting?
  4. Noya

    Missing hotkeys

    I can add support for legacy keys, will be LDFWNE for the builder abilities. It will make sell be on 'L' though.
  5. Noya

    Visual bug

    Just Reborn things
  6. This question probably wasn't directed to me, but after ElementTD is stable I'll be continuing the development of my WC3 RTS port DotaCraft and help out in the release of Island Troll Tribes
  7. Noya

    New Creep Types

    This would be interesting and relatively easy to implement and balance (unlike 2-ability creeps), each creep having an ability would be a nice game mode type for some extra bonus points.
  8. I don't think this is that important to require any ingame display, the existing range overlays should be more than enough to figure out tower placement.
  9. I had fun today, getting the new building system to work, we still need to decide the final models! I'm working on the backend while A_Dizzle hits the UIs and Azarak updates the map to make it beautiful Will drop some updates here when we get something juicy (builder interface most likely)
  10. I'd also like to help with this if you are willing to open this project. I'm currently maintaining the RTS Building library (updated to the new UI framework in Reborn, the one mentioned on that thread was done in scaleform) and would like to adapt and polish it for Tower Defense games. As far as custom assets go, I always thought this game could be very well received without them and instead just using the hundreds of heroes/couriers/units models with cosmetic models we have available.
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