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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. I used flame in the double no leak replay (1.21b) to catch leaks and to increase my slowing and damage. I think I targeted the burning creeps with my impulse.
  2. I think 13est is right, I remember the same.
  3. More content without balance problems could come from cosmetic changes, like gfx or sound, and it could come in the form of new game modes.
  4. Cisz

    Review needed

    I assume the easiest 5 ele builds for now (4.0pb) are no light or no dark. No light has more aoe support (voodoo, corrosion) and no dark has mor st support (enchantment, polar).
  5. BTW: Please keep in mind that ths gfx belongs to kinew. All changes and further use needs his aproval. In fact, I'd rather see him doing any changes, he has the "raw" version of this screen and knows a lot more about design than I do.
  6. Traditionally the order starts with l, because ldwf is the strongest build in 3.0.
  7. That was one speedy replay. And mortars do rock.
  8. Cisz

    [Tower] Jinx 2.0

    Good question 13est.
  9. Yes, I foresee builds that are easier for a beginner, and others that seem unlikely or even impossible, but do amazing by the hands of an experienced player.
  10. Cisz

    Wich race?

    The only answer to this can be: Zerg.
  11. Cisz

    [Tower] Jinx 2.0

    I like it. It's totally non support, and, depending on the orb choses, can be really beautiful.
  12. Cisz

    Wich board [Poll]

    I want dark colours, allthough I would prefer something with blue or purple in it and very neutral icons. No dinosaurs or tanks, more like crosses and arrows.
  13. I don't know if this makes sense, but we can try to tell them of the 4.0 once it's done.
  14. Yes, the smilies have a white border now, so they look weird on non-white themes.
  15. Oh. Both posters are right, but they forgot an important thing: The map needs a pretty new version of tft. 1.20 or higher should do. So even if you have roc and tft installed, you need to get a patch to a 1.20 or higher. Go here and get the full patch for frozen throne to upgrade to version 1.22a (the most recent version on 4.8.2008). Hope we could help you, and hope you don't have to buy tft now.
  16. Have you done the test for all 15 builds? Is there a good dmg tower and a cover for the weak element everywhere? Maybe we should wait with this for a while, because I forsee the possibility for towers swapping places.
  17. Cisz

    [Tower] Jinx 2.0

    Warp back is a disable/stun and support (also known as slow). And jinx is on a damage slot.
  18. I like the vote and choose for the difficulty, I wanted that option for a long time. But I am against allrandom as a standard mode, this should be sr imo.
  19. How to balance Element TD A short introduction to what we do here. (Status for version 4.0pb) This is about pick. Samerandom is allways balanced, and allrandom never will be. The first step to ballance is to make all towers of the same level equally strong. So zealot, quaker, tidal, laser, and impulse (all are damage towers, triples, level 1) should have the same damage/gold/second, when used correctly. In fact, impulse and laser should do a bit more dmg than the others when microed, and less then the average when left to do as they feel like. We don't even have all towers working yet, so we cannot start to balance them against each other for now. But there is another balance problem: Balancing the builds. Back in the days of eletd 3.0, there were some good builds (like ldwf or lwdn) and bad builds (like dfne), so when playing pick competitively, dfne was suicide. What we are trying with the 4.0 is to get all builds decent. So whatever elements you choose, there should allways be a way to win. This does of course not mean, that choosing earth 3 times in a row is valid, it means: No matter if you play 4, 5, or 6 elements, and no matter which sorts of elements you choose, it should be possible to win. But if you go eee$$$ you are as doomed as allways. In our current plans we have 3 strong duals and 8 strong triples, and a strong dual is supposed to be more than twice as valuable as the strong triples. These strong towers are all support towers, and they are spread out over the builds, so each build has it's share. All other towers have to be damage towers only. No slow, no armour reduction or boosting other towers, only the 3+8 can do that. The planned result looks like this: [pre:2kypxpeh]Strong dual - 2 points Strong tripple - 1 point Pts. Build 4 ldwf 4 ldwn 4 ldwe 4 ldfn 4 ldfe 4 ldne 4 lwfn 4 lwfe 4 lwne 4 lfne 4 dwfn 4 dwfe 4 dwne 4 dfne 4 wfne[/pre:2kypxpeh] With "points" beeing a value to determine the relative strength of the towers. (Calculated on a simple calc sheet.) [pre:2kypxpeh]Or a bit more complex (and different points): Category Maximum points Overall 26 Four-element builds 26 Five-element builds 26 Six-element builds 26 Worst build maximum 24 (The 4-ele-builds with 2 strong duals)[/pre:2kypxpeh] We did this calculation with this tool. So far (version 4.0pb), we failed. In the pb, taking all 6 elements is much stronger than getting only 4. The power of the builds in 4.0pb (as calculated on a very complex calc sheet): 4 Element builds - ~30 dmg/gold/sec 5 Element builds - ~50 dmg/gold/sec 6 Element builds - ~130 dmg/gold/sec And since 130 is more than 30, we need to work on that. So the plan is: 1.) Get all towers into a form that works and can be ballanced. Make sure that only the 3+8 are support, and everything else is damage. 2.) Get all damage towers equally strong. This should take into account that some require micro (they need to do more damage to be worth it) or give life or gold (like life tower or gold tower; they need to be weaker). 3.) Get the right support strengths to get all builds equal. This requires to give maxed duals (which are hard to get with many elements) enough relative power to balance out much low level support (as in a 6 ele build). [pre:2kypxpeh]Here is a current list of all 2- and 3-element towers (4.0 pb): ldwfne # 1 ++ LD Trickery Mimics towers 2 + + LW Ice Single target slow and dot (like poison in 3.0) 3 + + LF Electricity Bouncing spell dmg (a bit like metal in 3.0) 4 + + LN Life Gains life with kills (but slower life gain than in 3.0) 5 + + LE Quantum Can teleport itself, lands with a bang 6 ++ DW Poison Dmg in a line (like sun in 3.0) 7 + + DF Magic Extra dmg with mana based spell. 8 + + DN Disease Summons evil flies (aoe dmg) 9 + + DE Gunpowder Long range splash tower 10 ++ WF Kindle Aoe dot (a bit like steam in 3.0) #11 + + WN Well Speeds up other towers 12 + + WE Hydro Sometimes throws a unit in the air, dealing splash when they land 13 ++ FN Flame Single target slow and increases dmg taken #14 + + FE Blacksmith Gives your towers a boost on dmg 15 ++ NE Mushroom Can cast sporecloud on itself for some extra speed ldwfne 1 +++ LDW Hail Can go multitarget from time to time 2 ++ + LDF Jinx Warps creeps back on the path and damages them 3 ++ + LDN Oblivion Summons skeletons 4 ++ + LDE Laser Does more damage on closer targets # 5 + ++ LWF Windstorm Creates moving aoe slowing and dot hurricane 6 + + + LWN Tidal Charges an aoe attack for every 10 attacks, can be discharged # 7 + + + LWE Polar Temporarily decreases targets health # 8 + ++ LFN Nova Dmg and slow to all creeps in range 9 + + + LFE Gold Gives bonus gold #10 + ++ LNE Enchantment Decreases creeps armour #11 +++ DWF Corrosion Dot and armour reduction debuff, aplied with a splash 12 ++ + DWN Drowning Chance for instant kill based on targets health #13 ++ + DWE Muck Splash attack and aoe slow with that (much like ice in 3.0) #14 + ++ DFN Voodoo Units get extra dmg based on dmg taken since cursed 15 + + + DFE Flamethrower Rapid fire splash tower with incinerate #16 + ++ DNE Roots Slows all creeps in a line with dot 17 +++ WFN Impulse Does more damage the further away the target is 18 ++ + WFE Zeal Gets faster and faster the longer it fires w/o pause 19 + ++ WNE Flesh Golem Grows and grows while dealing dmg 20 +++ FNE Quaker Has a chance to do splash dmg # - One of the stronger support towers[/pre:2kypxpeh]
  20. And as for "why" - we play this map for several years now, and the latest patch is pretty young. So give us some time to catch up. And welcome to the forums.
  21. Cisz

    Tower Brainstorm

    Sun could even do that with an aoe, as in the creep it shines on for a few secs radiates on neighbouring targets too. This attack would be called "shine". If one of the two towers (ice, flame) would have an st dot attack and the other an st hit, but an aoe dot, we could keep the placement for both, have then at least a bit different, and removed the dmg inc/st slow. In any case, one of them should become an st dot tower, like an ice without slow. I just feel that we have to give sun. It's one of the oldest towers, and if one of the two gets a cool new functionality, it should be flame/sun imo.
  22. That quick start sound interesting. Like this: (1) Let the players vote (2) Host decides (3) very easy for all (4) normal for all (5) very hard samerandom for all
  23. Sounds ok to me. In this context the map name can be very short. Like Etd30 or Etd4pb or even shorter.
  24. I agree with 13est. If the rebuilding phase would give interest, there would be a high motivation to sell all and that would negate the original purpose of the pause.
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