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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. Eletd and mpdtd are getting closer and closer. Now we need spawning creeps and they need armour types.
  2. Cisz

    Ronalds HP

    Wait - The ronald health increse now goes up till 10.000 ronalds? This sounds like work.
  3. Hey, coming from you that's allmost enthusiastic.
  4. Ahh - but jolin.. That is an rnd strat, and rnd is either samerandom or unballanced anyway. I consider the "sell dmg for %" solved. Right?
  5. Yes, when you are sure you will leak, let the element pass and go for the wave. You get much more life for killing the wave properly.
  6. If you played that online as an all vh sr, you should be the last standing. Your main dmg tower was necromancy, with no earth to cover for light. Your next best tower was focused light, which will only work for a while. And to switch to life lv.2 for earth takes micro and you loose your summons. Trickery and disease are broken. Trickery does work even worse with oblivion. No slow, no boost. Aka a bad build.
  7. I like to tackle healing and fast with single target. For mech I prefer long range at 5 and st at 3 and 9. Much easier on rnd, when I can relocate. Undead is splash aoe ofc. On composite I need luck, or a good build, or both.
  8. You did a really good job there. It can be done a little better, but not necessarily by humans. You could have used the life lv.2 a few times to lenghten the game.
  9. Cisz

    VH AR 48 Lifes

    I like the way you use magics early on - I had no idea they rock so hard.
  10. Be carefull to distinguish vh (mixed diff, me on vh) and avh (all on very hard), or rnd (some players were on pick), sr (samerandom) and ar (allrandom). Personally I like to use the following for outcome: l - leak d - died w - won a - abort XX - number of ronalds XXl number of life ..as in these examples: wla - won no leak, tried to finish no leak but failed, aborted. lwd - leaked, then won, then died alone. d - died before the last other player. lw 36 - won after leaking, killed 36 ronalds. wla 49l - aborted with one leak, which usually means I played till ronald, but didn't bother to hunt. I also state my build if I use pick, as in "745 Etd(3 vh ap)ldwf wa", which translates to: "Game number 745 on eletd 3.0, mixed difficulty, me on very hard. I played ldwf, won w/o leaking and aborted." This turns out to become a thread about replay naming conventions.
  11. @lesher Flame and ice are problematic because they are too strong. Both towers are support towers, that is, using these makes all other towers stronger. Let me explain the concept: If you build a zealot, you get 1 zealot and nothing else. But if you build a nova, the creeps will be slowed down, so all zealots near the nova can fire longer at the creeps. Or take well: One well will make 4 towers 25% stronger. So support towers boost all other towers. If you have 20k gold worth of damage towers and add a zealot, you have 21.5k in towers. If you add 3 wells instead, you have (20k * 1.25) + 1.5k = 26.5k gold worth of towers for the price of 21.5k. Ice and flame are support towers, because they slow single targets. Using them makes the creeps clump a bit, as some single creeps fall back a bit, creating clumps of creeps. And that increases the power of all splash towers. Also they decrease the overall speed of the wave a bit, giving all towers, splash or not, longer time to fire. They rock especially when used against few targets, so they help alot when used to catch leaks. On top of that, flame has a damage increase debuff. So all creeps hit by a flame get more dmg (5/10/20%). But the map has a tight plan for support towers: 3 duals and 8 tripples are support. The dual support has to be significantly stronger than the tripples (exact numbers are under construction). And the towers have predefined locations in the build (that is, we planned which towers can be support and which can't). Flame and ice are on non support slots. They might try to look harmless by only giving an estimate 5-30% boost (depending on level and usage), but work like support nonetheless. So yes, they mess with the ballance of the map, giving all builds they are in a +X% boost. And that is precisely what the new tower distribution is all about: 3 + 8 boost, all others damage only.
  12. As I understand it, trickery can copy 4 towers for 1/4 of the time on level 1 (+25% for 4 towers), 4 for 1/2 of the time on level 2 and 8 towers all the time on level 3. But you would need 8 towers to copy. So I suggest: Trickery with 15secs cooldown copy spell Level 1: Copies last 15 secs each, with a 60sec "dont copy me again"-marker Level 2: Copies last 30 secs each, with a 60sec "dont copy me again"-marker Level 3: Copies last 120 secs each, with a 60sec "dont copy me again"-marker So on level 3 you could copy the same tower again, while the first copy is still there, giving you 8 copies of 4 towers. (Just as a reminder: The copies will be placed as close to the copied tower as possible.)
  13. And for poison: It's underpowered, and muck is too strong. See here for details.
  14. Oh, interesting. So the old copy idea could work? You would need to keep all copies and all allready copied towers from beein copied again, and voila. Very interesting. Let's hear jolin about that. Edit 001 - ok, that's jolin. Edit 002 - I see a problem here: What if I combine, say, well and trickery. If well boosts the copies themselves, that would be a waste of mana. The perfect sollution would ofc be that only the original towers can be boosted, but that they transfer their boost status to the copies (spirit link?). So if I speed up a tower that has been copied with well, the copy should get faster too.
  15. Even more: We are still in need of tower replacements. Jinx, ice, quantum, poison, flame, disease, trickery, all don't work (or work too well in case of ice and flame). So why waste a new idea to get rid of one of the towers that is working? Gunpowder might need some changes: Imo we should get rid of the splash increase, and I am still not entirely conviced of the whole concept of longrange. (So far only impulse has my vote.)
  16. Cisz

    [Tower] Jinx 2.0

    I don't uderstand the problem: What's bad with immolation? I think I like that effect for a tower. A short range damage debuff, a bit like poison/ice dot, but with aoe. About the clumping: First I thought "that's a slow", but after giving it some thought I think it's no problem. Jolin is right though on the clumping. Combined with an aoe slow this will get all creeps in one place, like all into one creeps size. Would it be possible to give a the creeps a size, so they push apart again, without messing up pathing or have clumping all the time? I assume it's not possible, right?
  17. Although I really apreciate any good new ideas (and this is one), I sadly have to agree with jolin012. Basically targeting creeps imo means, that we will have the trickery problems all over again. That is, the tower would work totally different, react in other ways to your build, and will, in general, not give, say, +25% dmg/gold/sec to 4 towers on tier one.
  18. "- Poison (Unlike late sun tower, this one got dark element attack)" Composite damage is removed from most towers on purpose. "- Ice (1 target no splash )" Ice has a huge damage. "- Flame (I thought this tower got some splash, but no)" Flame has slow and damage increase. "- Minion, or something like that" (oblivion) Is great if you are able to hunt your minions over the map for extra hits - so it required a lot of micro. "- Disease (This is kinda lucky draw tower) - Jinx (unreliable) - Trickery (also like jinx)" I don't like those too, they will be gone in the next version if i remember correctly. "- Drowning (No more splash eh?)" I'm not sure of what to think of drowning. If I understand your complaints, you like splash. That would have helped a lot on the last version of the map (3.0) but nowadays with the strong elementals and mech waves, you won't get away without single target damage.
  19. This brings up another idea: A tower that doubles the damage of another tower for one shoot. Could work better with fire, water and zealot. Hm..
  20. I don't know if draft is a well known word among germans or swedish people. I thought it would mean "to be drafted for the military". How about "vote random"?
  21. This one is basically a disguised well effect, but after searching for a better idead for so long, I'm totally for it. Maybe if it has a cleverly choosen buff effect indicator, noone will ever notice.. But I can't tell if this is codable. /me prays to the gods of level design and the little horned deamon of jass coding
  22. Now this is a good idead. I played mpdtd (muliplayer desktop-tower defense) on the casual collective with "superweapons" (now thats a pr name) once. I was about rank 2 of the ladder and it felt like I got all the spells.
  23. Two more reasons why eletd owns them all: Many td's don't have a developer, they get "improved", "transmogrified" and "cough - ballanced" by any idiot who just feels like having bikini ghouls with machine guns or atomic toothpicks in the map. Or a very important "I claim that my little brother has an unusual sexual orientation, and that is supposed to be an insult" messages. And only a very small number of td's reward skill as high as eletd does. Interest farming is real time in eletd, and what is normal for us (fastest player starts next wave) is a special race mode (or not avaiable, sorry) on most others. Try to imagine what it is to play a td where you have neither interest nor the fastest player starting: Who has skill basically sits there and is punished for killing fast (he has to wait then), and he doesn't even get a reward for needing less towers.
  24. Irc is free, mirc is not. Mirc is an irc client that costs 50 bucks.
  25. I use trillian, it's free unlike mirc, and it's not great but ok. And this is totally offtopic.
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