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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. The problem with this ideas is, they don't work and would take months of work to implement. How about you make a little map and try out a few of those ideas yourself, to get a feeling for the process? Maybe you can have the map you dream of that way.
  2. Cisz

    Stronger heros?

    How about this: You finish the map, and we bring back heroes.
  3. And that is on very hard ofc.
  4. My reason against more levels: 1h is allready much to long. A good game of Starcraft is over in under 20 mins, and thats with maxed tech. My reason against more elemental picks: With 12 picks you can max all triples.
  5. Quaker is like a shorter range nova with an extra attack, yes. And all towers get weak in the end. Have you seen the double no leak replay?
  6. So nobody supports using golem as it is? I mean, the damage is so low, nobody can really tell if the tower would work out fine yet. Shouldn't we buff it and actually test the version we have before abandoming it? I mean, the code took a lot of work you know.. As I allready stated, I expect the tower to either suck or be overpowered, but I wouldn't axce it without at least a test.
  7. Whats with golem? I asked a few players over the weeks, and the current golem (link mode ability) doesn't seem to work yet. This is mainly becuase its damage is to low. I foresee that golems with an exponetial damage increase by link boost will either be to weak (that is, don't do anything, like now), to strong (as in "solo the map"), or not there (as in "get replaced" or "link damage is so small, noone cares"). I could get 25 golems to boost a 26th golem (link range 700). All of them are linking, it just looks as if the ones at the border don't link, because the effect has a little gap at the beginning. Try for yourself if you doubt it. Or you could look at my replay: 25 golems linking.jpg 1570 Etd(4b14b vh) golem test 25.w3g
  8. Cisz


    Magic is a damage tower and needs to be boostable by all support duals. And it is now. Like it was allways planned. And damage duals got boosted several times. As a result: Damage duals boosted by support duals are very strong (and hard to get, as you need to level up your elements a lot). I didn't understand your post entirely: Imagine that blacksmith simply works on magic now. Did you experience a normal boost? Or more than a normal boost? Normal includes ofc smith boosting all the damage, and that's magics extra damage too. (The same goes for all other damage towers.)
  9. Blacksmith and well work on magic and mushroom. To do so, they change the mana values. I don't fully understand how that works, but it does. There is an ongoing debate about if the mana values are corect, because jolin (and I) believe they are like 5-20% off (depending on the level of the toers in question). We are in a process of testing those towers exact damage output and tweaking the numbers. You can assume they work, and the bonus received by the boost is sometimes a little to small or big until we (Karawasa, jolin, and I) fix it, so you probably won't notice any problems at all.
  10. Really good, considering you totally forgot to use trickery. It works now, you know..
  11. Cisz

    Extreme Mode HELP!

    About your friend racing you: Thats a common problem if you play mixed difficulties. Let me guess, they won't stand a chance on the same diff you play?
  12. Try jinx, it rocks. And quaker. Impulse and tidal too, but you have to micro those two.
  13. Cisz

    Download maps

    I just downloaded from the helpers, and the map name was ok. The [1] is used by tft, when two maps have the same name, inserted before a point (it's meant to appear before the extension, but will scew up with mapnames with a "." in the middle).
  14. Cisz

    Extreme Mode HELP!

    13est plays extreme a lot, maybe he has a replay on the latest version of tft.
  15. If that doesn't work, there are allways the severe options: -In a mixed diff game, ve and e players never triggers the next wave, they allways have to wait for either all have finished, or a higher diff player triggering the next wave. ..or.. -In a mixed diff game, the wait between waves is scaled with the wave number if a player on ve or e finishes first.
  16. So what about periodics. 2 boosted periodics don't turn the tide a bit for you?
  17. Problem with this is that finishing times change during the game afaik. I never really took the times, but I would expect great ranges for varying stages of the game.
  18. Design wise I vote for using active skills only for buttons that can be pressed. Also I don't like the looks of the active buttons, so even more reasons to avoid them. And no, I and jolin are not the same person, we just agree a lot recently.
  19. I really like the idea of acid rain and meteor fragments all over the screen too. So count me in, bigger bombs please.
  20. Afaik there is no consensus yet. My guess is, that it happens when the cpu has to much to do. I also experienced units walking backward in old versions of the map (not sure which, maybe betas of the 3.0 series) without any reviving.
  21. Nice - new options arrive.
  22. Cisz


    It has a lot of editors, so you can create all your creatures, vehicles, buildings, and spaceships. Video of creature creation. The editors are so easy to use and so powerfull, that with a little practice, you can do things like this, or this, or this, or this, or this.... You want a race of hopping tentacles? Driving porsche? And flying yellow banana spaceships? No problem. I just made that up and looked after I wrote that down: Here, here, and ofc here. You can download that, modify it to your liking, and fill your worlds with crazy stuff. Oh, and the game's not bad either.
  23. Cisz


    Yes, I bought it. Now I play on normal, and steadily expand my little corner of the galaxy. My empire a.jpg My empire b.jpg My empire c.jpg My empire d.jpg
  24. Ain't the hitpoints of an elemental dependant on both its own level and the wave it is summoned in? So If I delay a boss it gets stronger?
  25. Poison has water damage, so 58 will be a beast. But yes, great replay, you play 4b14b like it was a 3.0.
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