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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. Nice one, I get your point.
  2. Nono, maybe the tower doesn't stack, havn't tried that yet. Maybe it's a bug. And you don't suck.
  3. Cisz

    Undead Leak bug.

    Afaik the ankh ability has a cooldown. And I have seen this happening too.
  4. I have a feeling the map is to hard now, but I agree, it's to early to tell for sure. But isn't it to early to ballance overall difficulty? Once the builds/towers are equal enough we can start to adjust the game diff. Right now our mayor concern should be elsewhere.
  5. Cisz

    Blizzard TD

    Finally I got to watch your replays. No.1) Nice how early you get a hero and how you basically skip the mid tech except ice. You kill faster than me, and I can only assume your summons rock. Finally a player that did the math and levels orb and nova properly. No.2) Cen is my favourite. He has a wicked dmg/sec and a huge nuke. It's more expensive to upgrade lightning (or fire or ice) before building, as it raises the towercost. Afaik poison stays on the same price. And I allways just knew that ultimate towers are not needed. Stun is enough. No.3) Ya, good ol splash'n'slow. Great speed. To bad this map punishes your skill in multiplayer. One more reason for eletd. I personally don't like the hero towers. I should try to play mass lightning w/o them. And hero after 2 should be possible. Edit: ..no. Hero after 2 is not possible.
  6. Cisz

    Light towers

    Yes, light and impulse tend to fire two shoots when one is a kill allready. That's one more reason to micro.
  7. Cisz

    Light towers

    ..on the other hand, light fires at allready dead targets more often, or wastes shoots on shielded mechs. So I'd say they are very ballanced indeed. @Neverdweller - Do you by any chance play on northrend? Ask jolin012 or me for an introduction to proper speed.
  8. Cisz

    Light towers

    Darkness does 200% the dmg at half the speed, so it's dmg/sec/gold is identical to light. It tends to have more overkill though.
  9. Cisz

    EPIC FAIL!!!

    Oh my, sell on pick. Happened to me too before. But how about this fail: 1518 Etd(4b11 vh rnd) died on 38.w3g
  10. Cisz

    Light towers

    You are an idiot. No, you are not, just kidding. But you missed an important ballance bit here. If I play with nature and you play with light, who of us both will kill first? Answer: I will. Light, as well as all long range towers, suffers from a great problem: They need too much time to do the damage. Sure, they can fire all over the map, but while they do, two more waves come creeping in. Just compare the dmg/gold/sec of an amped light or dark (2.56) to amped nature (3.37). In multiplayer, range rarely matters, as there is someone racing you at 4. (Just in case you don't know what "at 4" means.) So long range is underpowered. But what if we raise the dmg/gold/sec? Then long range is overpowered on those rare occaisions where range matters, such as single player.
  11. Blacksmiths boost doesn't auto-target flame.
  12. Hm - about the micro, that is true. What's more important: Micro the copies or sell on random?
  13. The corpse explosion works on razed towers too. So if I have no corpses, I can allways sell some arrows. And shouldn't the tower have a bit of a normal attack too?
  14. ..and that would be true is karawasa actually used my numbers and not his own.
  15. And by "damage" karawasa means the towers attack and jolin is speaking of the special ability?
  16. The hotkey ("c" for conjure) doesn't work for me too. And I have more: The copies don't carry a "can't be copied"-marker, but they should And they can be selected with original towers by mass selection (ctrl-click or doubleclick). The resulting mix of real and virtual towers can't be sold anymore. I suggest to give the copies to a different player, or make them unselectable in another way.
  17. Cisz

    Shadow_Fang REPLAYS

    I think it's much better to post in the same thread each time, and not open a new topic for every replay. So please post here now. Edit - And now I watched it. See, it works. Please build more slowing towers and plz start to build towers on two pass (3, 4, 6, 9) and not on long pass (7, 5, 1). I assume that if you don't do either of those, normal will prove near impossible for you.
  18. Cisz

    Shadow_Fang REPLAYS

    I have good and bad news for you: You finished the map, congratulatons. ..but.. You played on very easy and you stalled for money. (Leaking for money could be considered cheesy or even cheating.. ) You won a victory today, but there is a new goal now: Win the map without lifetower/leak abuse.
  19. Cisz

    Shadow_Fang REPLAYS

    Ah, very nice. Let's see what we have here. About the first replay (ELE TD---VH-TR-CM-EM.w3g): I think you suffer from placement problems here. The towers closest to the entrance/exit don't have the time to fire properly on the second pass. Move your towers over to 8, 9 or 6, and see what happens. And yes, those trees are dangerous. About the second replay (ELE TD---normal-normal-tourny rndm-norm.w3g): Maybe you shouldn't place short rage towers on long pass (7, 5, 1), build them at two-pass instead (9, 6, 3). Long range towers (dark for example) do better at 5, right in the middle. And disease is broken, don't use it. Oh, and well gives +25% to 4 towers for the cost of 500. So you need to boost 4 towers with a combined cost of 2000 to get that money to work. If you just boost 2 amped single element towers with it (225 gold each; so you gain 2 x 25% of 225 = 112.5 for the cost of 500), it's better to build amped towers only for the same money (for 500 you get two more amped dark, and not just 1/2). About the third replay (ELE TD---hard-short-all pick-normal-nor.w3g): Winning the map is much about damage/gold/second. The more a tower costs, the more you get for your gold. (For example: Amped nature has 3.37 dmg/gold/sec, and focused nature allready does 3.73 dmg/gold/sec.) So upgrading is better than massing. My tip here is: build less, but more expensive. Maybe try to build support triples early on. Corrosion, nova, muck, roots, all those do decent damage, help your other towers a lot, and stay usefull till the end. Healers are dangerous if you don't kill them fast, so try to place your short range towers at 3 or even 4. It's not that you suck, they own. About the fourth replay (ELE TD---all normal-all pick.w3g): Aha, you start to sell and rebuild there, very good. Someone asked me: "When should I sell towers for interest?", and i replied "When you are bored and need something to do." And leaking for money does wonders. By the way, blablabla towers on two pass (9, 6, 3). Oh, and it's probably better to upgrade the life towers first. I am to lazy to do the math right now, but you get more bang for your buck that way afaik. On wave 39 ("poison did help") your life towers did 200% damage. As i see it, poison didn't help. And it doesn't belong on long pass. Same goes for 43 (dune worms, earth healing); 200% dmg again. And evil childs = healing = realy hard. Did any of this make sense to you? Do you have questions? More replays? And why don't you build on two pass? @WordsWorth - I see this as a request for help, and the strategy section ain't bad for that. But I can move it ofc.
  20. How about this: Let the tower deal damage. As it is now, it barely does, so maybe it would be actually good if it would have damage > none.
  21. Cisz


    Hey Shadow_Fang. Nice you made it here.
  22. Cisz

    "Strategy" Bug

    I didn't quite understand you: You did use the "mark forums as read" button, but still there are some "unread" markers left, right?
  23. Cisz

    "Strategy" Bug

    I had problems with posts in threads that show up in several forums (global announcements). Often they don't get marked as read. Did the "mark formus read" button not work for you? It works for me.
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