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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. The font you used is really cool. Still, this is tricky. I have made an example to demostrate what I am thinking off: It needs to be wider than yours, to not disturb the text flow of a forum (so the posts stay close to each other). And can you do it a lot darker please? With bright glowing colours before a dark background? The creature you chose has neither strong colours nor is it really weird, it's more a humanoid with a mask. Maybe I should remove it. How about these: Sorry to be so picky. Example 01.JPG
  2. Hi for324, welcome to the forums. 25+ is really good on vhx tr, so if you are not the last player standing, you happen to know some great players. In tournament random, the easiest sollution is: Do what they did. It's a samerandom, so whenever they kill faster, you can learn from them. Save your replays and learn. Problem might be, you don't understand what they do different. Got any replays for us, so we can try to give some tips?
  3. Oh. Didn't know thats possible w/o admin rights. I'll make good use of that.
  4. Cisz

    warcraft 4

    ..and in my case, good times in tft = times I played eletd.
  5. Um, anything under hard is for beginners, right?
  6. Yes. I can't delete users, and I don't want admin rights. Maybe an auto-ban for 2 warnings will do. http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=597284
  7. With working trickery and an earlier earth that would be a no leak. Nice one.
  8. Earth is great, but I remeber the 3.0 times, where every time I randomed water as first element, a win was so much easier.
  9. Cisz

    warcraft 4

    Kirby, you are so right. If it wasn't for eletd, I wouldn't have tft installed in the first place. I only tried tft out of boredom, and would have dropped it ages ago, but I found the light. And dark, earth, fire, water, and nature.
  10. Dev - I have to disagree. 15 ronalds will favour st builds again. Aoe/splash/slow based buils need many targets.
  11. Sweet. I'm looking forward to it.
  12. Cisz

    One more level

    Wait - is the only one that wants this devouringone? Because I don't see a point in this change.
  13. Does not work. Imagine, one player kills ronalds one by one, while the others don't. So player 1 has still 30 ronalds, while the others go up to infinite. This is called lagging. The OP would lead to this: The ronald stage would become an unstable thing, where a slight advantage on one side would be enlarged and turned into an even bigger advantage. So the rich get richer, no recovering included. I understand this as "the ronald stage gets a lot shorter". What's wrong with that? Or did I miss something?
  14. Cisz


    You are a clown, are you? And there allready is hydro. Go, try it, ask yourself what you think about it.
  15. Cisz

    Stronger heros?

    There is one small reason for them: Many people liked the mode, so if we copuld have it for little work, and without messing up the rest of the map, I am for having them to attract more people. But the "to much work"-bit prevents them, at least for now.
  16. Hm, interesting. I'd like a couple of those. Could you do a button for my sporecast, to be used in my signature? Link to the sporecast "The weird Eye". It should be small (500 x 50 or smaller). It should look good on a white background and black background. I prefer the darker shades, and deep colours, green, blue, purple, red, and dislike pale orange or khaki. So more like starcraft and not like age of empires. It should catch the spirit of the sporecast, so you could use pictures of jellyfish, or sea urchins, or nudibranchs. Are you familiar of the concept "floral" of art nouveau? Very often "floral" meant animals like the ones I listed. Electron microscope pictures of plants are also great, like seeds or spores. Or you could use creatures from the sporecast itself. Textwise it should be pretty calm and humble. Readable, simple, small, unintrusive. The gfx should do the advertising, not the text. Hm, seems like I am very picky and limiting here. Are you up to the challange of a tricky customer?
  17. You can either try to play them on a very short pass, or micro them. They require the same usage as 3.0's poison.
  18. Um, wait. To be clear: Each creep can have the flaming debuff only once. So one creep alone can take only one hit by flames debuff. But each creep can be hit by the aoe of infinite other debuffed creeps. So if you debuff three creeps, you do 3 times the damage of debuffing 1 of the three three times. The key is to spread the debuffs.
  19. DevouringOne - I don't like abilities like that. They either just grant health, so they are a way to cause lag without adding anything new (with all the glowing and humming). Or they affect different builds differently. Blinking ronalds are much harder with a slow/splash combo than with a long range build. If ronald is to hard or to easy overall, we can simply change the hp. Remember what blinking can do to the builds: It would reduce the number of valid strategies of the map. I assume you want the ronald stage to become more interesting, right? Maybe play jolin012 on vh sr and ask yourself if you can stand any more excitement. I know it makes me sweat. But seriously, the game allready tends to lag, so if new effects don't add anything really impressive, you will have problems getting support for better looks. Maybe exchange ronald models, that could be a way of changing the appearance w/o the lagging. But then, ronald is ofc an old tradition in tds.
  20. Consider this: Some players might be hard to impress. For example, I am so arrogant to consider everything under at least hard as "learning".
  21. When a player dies, 30 ronnies get substracted from the pool. What if he had less than 30 on his map? Kill other ronnies randomely? Or have a few more, but stop spawning ronnies till we are down to 30 x players again? Good point with the mixed diff. Again ballance is really hard for mixed diff.
  22. I agree to kirby. Fancy abilities tend to be very unfair to varied builds, so as a result people will play only a few strategies for ronald. We are trying to promote the use of many different playstyles. I like the idea of jolin012. Some thoughts: The total number of ronalds on the map would be constant, just like it is in 4pb, they would only be distributed differently. Also the very extreme case would be a player that actually clears all of his ronalds. Wouldn't that lead to him wating for a while untils someone else kills some ronalds? I would consider a "I have no ronalds left" scenario a win, so I don't think this has to be prevented.
  23. I don't see a chance for 4 ele towers, more lumber, more waves, and more heroes in the near future of eletd. There are good reasons against all of them, and I guess there is a consensus between all that work on the map about this. Please don't get me wrong, it's ok to have spontaneous ideas or impulsively posting requests for things that are totally impossible to do in a map. Some of these ideas actually end up in the map. It's only very rare. I hope you understand that posting in a forum is not enough to change the map. And imagining a tower won't code it, or make it work in the map, or maintain the ballance of the builds. If you want a map that will "add some flying whales that spam grenades and destroy everything, and hey, can I please have insulting ingame messages", you have come to the wrong place. We are interested in a deep and ballanced gaming experience with varied strategic options and a high level of difficulty. We plan to have a ladder one day, and after several years of developement and playing eletd, there is a pretty solid plan about what to do for the 4.0. Are you interested in deeper ballance issues? Trying to fit in changes that improve the build ballance, without messing up what's allready working? Boosting a tower by tiny increments to the point where an expert can use it effectively? Maybe you want to read this to get an idea what the team is up to right now. And yes, that sounds like work.
  24. So sidewinder - where is that replay?
  25. Cisz


    TerrorCore - Welcome to the forums. You do understand how to get essence? The faq might help you too.
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