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Everything posted by DDRKirby(ISQ)

  1. @13st sorry maybe u aren't into the whole "imba whine" culture of wc3 basically i was just saying, any replay where mass tanks are involved is...not a pleasant one for me to watch. i dont think tanks are really imbalanced, but I think they're annoying as heck and I hate to see someone winning off of tanks. It's the same as whenever you play against someone expecting a normal 1v1 and then he builds 50 towers in his base. It's not unwinnable or truly imbalanced, but it sure is annoying as hell. the quote i posted is just poking fun at all the races. None of it is true of course (well to SOME extent it is true), but it is just some humor... Human: all they do is build towers (b->t), and then attack bases with tanks (right click buildings) UD: all they do is coilnova nuke (this one is actually REALLY TRUE rofl) Orc: all they do is hex and ensnare the shit out of your army (E = ensnare) and then have their Blademaster go and knife everything to pieces (W = windwalk) NE: Night elf is always known as the "imba race" so they dont even have to micro you get the "alt+tab" right? i think I once made a flowchart for wc3 that was basically the same thing. Like, HUMAN -Build towers ?:have you won yet? if no--Build more towers UD -Coilnova ?:all enemy units dead? if no--coilnova Orc -Altqq (since orc is always known as the weakest race. again, not really true, but it's just wc3 popular culture) I dont remember what I did for NE. Here's another quote: (as night elf) 1) write down all unit names on pieces of paper 2) put pieces of paper into a hat 3) pick out two unit types from the hat--this unit combo works vs orc. sorry i know a lot of the humor is lost on you guys unless you are into the wc scene, but...maybe one of you will get a chuckle out of these. I'm not even that good at wc at all, mainly because I don't practice ladder, but I still follow the scene from time to time. From what I've seen SC is infinitely better. IMHO starcraft is harder to pick up and easier to get screwed, but it's at least a lot better in the sense that: -Not as many "lame" strats (mass tanks, mass towers, mass batriders w/blademaster) -Static defense is actually effective without being imbalanced (as opposed to warcraft where towers > all. You know something is wrong when a viable strat in high level play is to build towers at your opponent's base...aren't they supposed to be defensive structures???) -Much much more gameplay variation (in WC3 same heroes and units are built almost every single game. True there are differences depending on the matchup, but not much...and orc always gets grunt-raider-walker every game every matchup even in 2v2 -More balanced (warcraft 3 is not very imbalanced, but you absolutely can't deny that Starcraft is more balanced) -More exciting to watch etc etc. The con is that starcraft just has a higher learning curve and seems in general to be more demanding. but that's just my opinion anyways. just fyi most of my experience playing wc3 has been 2v2 AT ladder, which has in general been pretty fun. It doesn't feel as "stressful" as 1v1 ladder, and I go random (my partner is UD) so I get to change it up a lot. I don't like playing against those damned Orc/NE teams though, they're way too strong.
  2. sorry reading my post over it seems a bit arrogant/condescending. I agree this is useful *thumbs up*
  3. quoted from a wcreplays post/sig: === Breakdown of buttons pressed during battle by the average player of each race (non-custom keys): Human: B-->T, Right-click building Undead: C, N, Left-click targets Orc: Right-click, E, C, W (<- I think he meant X not C) Night Elf: A, Alt+Tab === ...just makes me look forward to sc2 more =p i shoulda gotten into SC and not have to worry about 100 towers > 100 raiders, 1 DH > my army, types of annoyances.
  4. did u remember to check the replays forum? (since it's a subforum of the strategy forum)
  5. i get the impression that watching this replay will cause a little piece of me to die.
  6. well yes, but is there any =reason= to watch replays windowed? =P
  7. jolin, just watched your VHSR replay, easy build of course, I think you could do better though. Lots of points I saw where you could have done sell/rebuild if you were not lazy =P especially after every 5 waves when you get a big long time during the elemental killing phase. In general I make it a rule to always sell SOMETHING then. Your setup may not allow you to do a big group sell/rebuild but you can at least do something. You missed some periodic sells as well, and weren't multitasking that well during wave 60, which is why you lost lives there. That point of the game is always tough, you really need to take wave 60 seriously; though a little less so because you have periodics as opposed to pures. But ideally you have the basic layout of your final ronald defense already done by wave 59, then you should only worry about buildling additional damage/hydro towers. Also i would say that the mass polar was a bit overkill. You might know better than be but IMHO since polar is autocast isn't not really necessary to have so many (though of course vitally important to have enough). If ever in doubt I usually select the group of polar towers you have set up and watch for the cooldowns. I'm personally usually more worried about voodoo being in effect. Also, no hydro or jinx!?!? in terms of early game you did well. Though generally I never use lvl 1 elemental towers unless its for round 5-10 or so; i always prefer to upgrade to amplified. With an EFN opening I think would usually rely pretty heavily on quaker towers, and I would constantly be "chainmorphing" them from blacksmith towers.
  8. From holepercent's guide: if you're using a 2-pass placement keep in mind that mushroom ideally needs time to recharge its ability before the 2nd pass. Well placement is just in the vicinity of other towers, obviously. Gunpowder is usually in the middle at 5 so it can take advantage of its long range. Roots and muck placement is important but should probably depend on where the rest of your defense is. Place hydro near your main damage towers since it provides a form of indirect slowing.
  9. i should know the first but i dont because i never use flesh golem tower... as for the second, drowning tower is by no means banned from ronald hunt. It's not "cheap" at all since with the amount of HP that ronalds have, the ability has such a low chance of being activated that it's basically negligible (the chance of the ability triggering is directly related to the amount of HP that a creep has left).
  10. "if a tree falls in a forest..." the only sound I find myself =listening= for is the jinx proc since if I'm microing a jinx tower I want to swtich targets whenever it procs.
  11. I never really liked the idea of killing them at the start. I guess it's true that if you do it that way then they're always all there, so you don't have to worry about AoE losing its affect vs Ronalds, but...iono, I prefer the ST strategy against ronalds. rebuilding for the ronald round in SR is always very stressful. My end setup in that one crazy 2000+ game was really quite brilliant though, with the eternal towers at the end to catch leaks. Not to mention I got to use jinx towers
  12. yes. on a side note, hydro and jinx give the same "amount" of indirect slow, the difference being that jinx is more effective since the proc chance is 33% as opposed to hydro's 25%...but jinx is more expensive, etc. Of course the effects of jinx and hydro don't stack by themselves, but they do stack with each other, so jinx can proc on a creep in the air.
  13. what if you're really, really, really lucky? =P i was using it yesterday when trying WWWLLLDDFFE and wanting a source of darkness damage, I resorted to hex towers. Course, I didn't finish the build....hmmmmmmmm.... This was under forum draft conditions, that's why.
  14. will hopefully watch replay later. Interest abuse is only needed in early game for pick, so it's not that important. Depending on how lazy you are feeling, you can only interest abuse up to maybe lvl 35 or so. With a good enough build you should be able to noleak without any interest abuse provided your skill and placement makes up for it. Also you used short mode anyways, so again interest abuse is not that important. there are many good 5-element builds, you can use holepercent's compiled build guides to pick one. In general they're all decent, though of course anything with FLNW is simple since you have nova + windstorm. Just make sure you have a good pure since you're missing out on periodics.
  15. just a generic zerg phrase. but specifically, Infested Terran: "I live for the swarm!"
  16. i'm only looking at the thumbnail, but the new color is better.
  17. agree. @jolin i think the reason for being axed is qualms with long-range towers as a gameplay balance issue. gunpowder is hardly used because at the point where it's useful you can still be using arrows/cannons. So mortar and vulcan is superior in that regard. For SR maybe...but gunpowder is one more upgrade than amplified earth, and if you time/position your towers right you shouldn't have to worry about range. It's something i have yet to play around with. Been awhile since i've played any SR actually.
  18. i still try to use it even though it's mediocre. =/ i mean come on, creeps warping backward!!! whatever, it will prolly be changed in some form in the near future.
  19. @13est, yes, this is what i meant. however i think with the purple hue on darkness it doesn't matter so much. white still looks a little too brilliant, and earth a little too dull, but that -is- the nature of those two elements anyways...
  20. yeah, either that or have darkness and light be on opposite ends (i.e. shift the spectrum by one). The main problem isn't just the lack of color, it's the imbalance of color, before you added the purple tinge you had a bunch of colors on the right and then just white and black on the left, it wasn't balanced.
  21. no more picks! no witchcraft + ice age!!! =p
  22. lvl 4 duals requiring essence? what about lvl 4 duals that dont require essence... what about lvl 3 triples?? =pppp
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