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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. VH SR 80 Ronalds. just finished a game. spent half of the time teaching a guy so not completley concentrated at building, and slowed down a bit for him, else just a random finish, got 6th ele at lvl 50 for periodics. the only rare thing was that I had No upgraded tower available except well tier 2. so it wasn't that easy. periodic 80 ron vh sr.w3g
  2. someday we'll reach an AP that can be played with diferent builds challanging eahch other! SR will always be balanced and AR will never be balanced, that part we've accepted for now
  3. Is the ability so black and white(i.e. is it really on par with slows/armor redux etc.)? Additionally, it is a % chance so that is something to consider. I like the idea of reworking the tower but keeping the principle Imo, (which you prolly allready expected) it IS a Support tower in a Damgetower slot, like cisz sais, nomattter what % you give it.
  4. even though this is the basic settings I think random and SW should be able to be combined. So what I sugguested wat to give supperweapons a Basic3 window... And one thing for basic modes: Host is most likely a beginner and should get double time with each question.
  5. I think we're all agreed that SameRandom needs a namechange and allrandom a namechange or removal. Allrandom is far too much played and samerandom far too little played. And the option samerandom shall never be the dialog box under allrandom, rather over it. for the basic optione, perhaps we shall also have superweapons there. yet it is a beginner mode aka fun mode. perhaps one more dialog box wouldn't hurt. Else, I like what you've done here
  6. a) install warcraft 3 (Reign of Chaos) install warcraft 3 the frozen throne expansion (this is a TFT map) c) download the file and put it in Warcraft III\Maps\Download\ folder. d) start TFT (the frozen throne). e) click singleplayer->custome game->choose your map->press start game. f) if you want to play online/multiplayer-> press BattleNet and sign up for an account->click the Custom games button-> either host yourself or find a game in the list. Your Firewall and router and such might struggle, aka most can't host. You'll notice that by nobody entering your game within 2 minutes of waiting. Good Luck! and hope you were aware that this is a Frozen Throne Map (expansion needed)..
  7. There is a way to switch warcraft version pretty easy so that you can see old replays with only a few clicks. here is a version changer that karawasa linked me, I have not yet tried using it: http://www.garena.com/forum/viewthread. ... a=page%3D1 there is also eVer-Craft which sadly failed on my pc.
  8. How about this: We don't have to leave shortpasss behind. Flame tower. Sets creep on fire dealing x fire damage per second. Lasts 5 seconds. (x beeing a suitable amount) aka, old ice without slow, new numbers if needed. Would be pretty unique as the only shortpass(or micro) tower, and has my full support as long as it stacks with smith well trickery and armor reduction.
  9. sounds good to me, only thing I can think of is to remember amnually casting fire up spring forward and clone (but that's not a very bad thing, it's ok with me ) and preparing for ronald ofc. My vote would be yes, extend the time.
  10. theat will probably depend on your strategy, if you like to use future-invalid strategies it'll get harder, else perhaps easier I have no idea.. probably a bit easier for the random player to reach 55(aka more rahter so valid builds) bit harder to reach 60 (getting 6build won't give you a victory for free any more). That's how I'm guessing it'll be in the future. prolly a few versions til that though.
  11. I think one of the most important parts of this mode is that the effects should be really cool and bigger bombs! Must not do a bad first impression on every public player, aka - must not even be too weak if fixed for later versions. Big bombs might lag a little bit but those players who need this mode are not going to care. They don't care for a bit of lag, have myself seen em to these linetowerwars versions where the most money effective strategy is to send 3000 cheap creeps to each other, and that goes below 0,1 frames per sec. So - I'm for as big bombs as possible, as much fire and as much sounds, and as little invisible armor buffers as possible. As I might've mentioned before, the players who launch the superweapons must feel that they've done something evil rather than that the targeted player shall feel that the map owned him without him beeing aware of why he suddenly died. Just to make myself clear
  12. well, that's easy to explain. if you play undead aoe won't solve your problems:) the creeps are to fast, and spread out so that the aoe damage is alot less effective.
  13. Nice idea, we can work on it and I'm willing to accept it in coming beta .. ...although I must say it does seem familiar in my eyes....
  14. you don't have time for that when it's getting past midgame and your available towers are: Oblivion Trickery Decease Life Light Darkness Nature
  15. well, it does have 8000damage/sec and can be considered longrange(loses a bit of time when moving though - so say 7000-7500 avarage dps), so it's better than for example hail (shortrange 6000d/s) and about equal to impulse (max 7500 dps) but oblivion currently can't be buffed either so that sucks a bit
  16. Ah, a tip when it's impossible, for example if composite comes when you felt it allready was impossible enough : appreciate singletarget towers a bit more and do some manual targeting on secondpass, preferably using a long secondpass, So that you leak half with full hp instead of everyone with half hp I have problems doing that myself as I seem to refuse leaking abit too much... same goes for elementals I try to catch and then leak the entire next wave instead x)
  17. ofcourse splash takes care of undead, and in most cases normal wave too and on composite I like to prepare a relocation if needed. I like to use quaker ot tidal or such on healing cause it deals out the damage so quick that the creeps dont have time to regen. Aoe ain't that bad if on a longpass, even though all take damage, aka all may regen, they still don't have such a long time to regen before they're slain Zealout is also nice on healing playing at around area 3. on this level if I remember I tend to give them as long 1stpass as possible, so that it can fire pretty long before switching target on first pass, that means, fewer creep take more damage, and fewer can use their regeneration. The good point in zealout is that most of it's power comes on the second pass, and once the creep show up on the second pass, they're toasted . On fast waves it is a good idea to use ST so my zealout would move to area 6 instead of 3 or if I have another singletarget that'd work too. When mech arrives I like to have those rather long secondpasses like my zealouts at area 3, they take care of them. It's impostant that the zealouts are located on the right side of area 3, so that they can still fire at those arriving from area 2, but those who turn on shield and become vulnerable on the right side of 3 Must be Highest Priority Target! unless you have itme to micro your zealouts ofcourse. Btw, when playing zealout at area 4, always place them on the lower parts of area 4, so that second pass creeps are highest priority, those that are still at the first pass will easily be killed anyway without any hits on first pass as zealouts will be fully charged when 2nd pass is their turn. I like magic to catch bosses and leaks and especially mechanicals, cause it doesn't matter if he turns on his shield when he reaches my catchers at 9, cause what matters is anyway the mana, which stays maxed if they turn shield on, aka, only need a few seconds of firing.
  18. true, but I do hope that all damage towers such as oblivion are fixed to work with smith and well soon enough, preferably a shot at it for the coming beta Supporttowers have been somewhat decided not to be supportable (simply because for example winstorm would need a great rework to make buffable.
  19. well, thanks to all of ya
  20. welcome back sancdar or have ya always been here, undercover?
  21. getting closer... I take for granted that by clone placement you mean that they shall be placed as close to target as possible. Let me sugguest that clones are born with a "25% damage only" effect (aka a negative version of fire up, don't worry about for example corrosion getting full effect, cause trickery tower shouldn't be able to target those that smith can't buff) instead of having the "don't touch me marker last longer than the clones, because that solves one of the problems that would appear in random. let me explain: You could build 5 damage towers for 6k each an 5 trickeries tier 1 for 500 each. on first pass of the lane, clone all of the towers, each with one trickery tower, having twice as many damage towers on the first pass (aka 100% boost). on the second pass no boost is needed, there're rairily any survivors left. before next wave comes, you can rebuild your towers for some interest and for getting some new nice element as for damage. That rebuild and the 100% boost on first pass would never be available on random with smith, well or the way I just mentioned. rather the opposite, they would lose their 60sec buffs during the rebuild.
  22. Still - I'm not really understanding how the tower should really work out balanced to smith&well. If you use the tier 3 trickery with towers of it's own cost, (maxed duals or triples or non pure singles) they can max spread out a 100% boost, the same as it's own price, by staying cloned at all times. That doesn't even cover up for it's own cost! (it costs 6000g and it stays as a clone that would not cost more as an original) While a well or smith tower can, if as you say, changed to spread 200% each over like 4 or 5 towers, reach around 1000%.
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