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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. it is a variant of samerandom where it is guaranteed that a 4element build is randomed, main problem why it ain't used would be that 4ele builds are too weak, especially is randoming alot of interest and maxing the wrong elements. Maybe it works better in easier modes, and maybe it'll work better after build rebalance. Edit: forgot to add - the 4 element build is Voted by the players, using tokens in the inventory at start of game, although order of them, tiers and pures and interest are randomized.
  2. VeryHard Samerandom should be the modes, definitly. Pick doesn't work cause some players here can hunt ronalds (even on veryhard) for several hours, maybe days, and it's more boring too and everyone does the same. Chaos mode, Short mode, Competitive mode should not be on imo. 4.0 is the better too, even though 4.0pb is not finished it is still better than 3.0. So - 4.0 Public Beta - VeryHard - SameRandom
  3. jolin012


    On Random-mode I often decide to use it on composite waves, where all other towers lose strength, on wave 22 I often build 3-4 kindles on area 5 (the middle of the map) where it works best. Watch out for using on fast waves loses strength just like all splash/aoe towers. Often if I'm on chaos mode I can use them up to around lv 27-28 if there appears a composite wave. I never use this tower in pick mode, cause it doesn't really work out to build a tower that will not be worth it's cost later on. So - Switch your water towers for steams after level 21;) and then to fire after 22 and you can surprise your opponents with great speed!! Good thing is that steam might work on area 7 if you raise them quick enough.
  4. jolin012


    nono, you must've read that steam doesn't stack (old kindle when it didn't stack)
  5. For those who didn't know yet, lv 2 is amplified and lv 3 is focused, advanced belongs to cannons and arrows
  6. hehe, that sugguestion I've allready done, a tower opposite to old Death:) I said it more like a base damage+ the effect that means extra damage/% hp left. But that'd be a bit weird while the effect can be like 1000 times as strong if the creep has 0,1% hp. So, maybe it'd be better like you say a base damage+ the effect that means (extra damage)*(missing hp) which might still be a problem to calculate as some difficuties enable creeps to enter at not full hp.
  7. Oh, VH AP(6 eles)... That's against the rules... Also Competitive mode is against the rules. Rules can be found in the first post.
  8. Sorry mate, but a tower that deals damage equal to a % of creep hp is just not possible balancewise. You can't have a tower that deals 6damage/sec at level 11 at the cost of 500g and ast the same cost of 500g deals 10000 damage at level 60. It's just not possible, and at a higher tier of your tower, where it does 10% every 2 sec, that means ONE kindle tower could reduce a wave to half it's hp Nomatter what level. Half their hp for 6000gold, at level 60, is that fair? And if you combine with slow I'm sure you could get one wave down to a third or a fourth of their starting hp for just 8000g and (0,90^6) (6 is the number of times each creep is struck) The only towers who increase their strength by the same speed that creep waves increase in hp have to be calculated into build planning as supertowers/suporttowers, and this one is meant to be a plain damage tower, dealing the same damage, no matter current wave. Ok, it has been tried with flesh golem tower, but was proven not to work out, either too weak or too strong it is.
  9. jolin012

    Punisher mode

    You are allready punished for leaks, you lose lives
  10. jolin012

    Greetings, Ele TD!

    Hey mate, and welcome to the forums. http://www.eletd.com/chat.html Not many enough go here yet, but if ppl start going there it'd become a place to meet and find good players to play with, but you can at least check it out to see if someone's there however, ofcourse everyone isn't USWest, myself for example, I'm European.
  11. oh, sorry for saying oblivion was 4000, memory failed me as i was thining one archer did 1500dmg and, you're right on the other things too, spread over several minions makes the overkill less of a big deal.
  12. point is Oblivion deals 4000dmg/sec Impulse deals ~2500-7500dmg/sec depending on how long it's missile travels. and that some of Impulses missiles miss is equal to that some of Oblivions' arrows deal overkill damage due to slow attacking. I don't see a problem, and I wouldn't say Oblivion is stronger than impulse if you micro impulse correctly. PS. Sorry for beeing a bit negative, keep the sugguestions coming
  13. erm... no. To me, the users who have not joined any group, or recieved a special title of some sort, they are all, new or old, just the regular gray.
  14. Right, now what you say makes sence
  15. handicaped? the wc3 handicap can't make anything easier for anyone, or did you mean like i was on easier mode? And yes, 6ele build is alot easier(if using all lumber, else I'm not completely sure, I've not really trained the 4ele build)
  16. jolin012

    Punisher mode

    This one proved to be a bad mode. It mostly showed effect either when mass slowing was needed, and a lot of time to kill the creeps, but someone didn't use slow, mass leaked, and sent a new wave upon those with slow. Also when there was a very hard wave were there weren't great towers, and everyone leaked half of the wave, next time you don't wanna get one fresh wave ontop of the remainings of the ultrahard wave.
  17. Imo There's nothing wrong with "miss-hit". just look at slow towers, they have "overkill-damage" instead. It's compensation enough imo(to not have overkill damage compensating the missing). Unless Speed is supposed to be something good to compensate some other weakness of a tower. And for drowning tower, it's good as it is now, except that it needs to care about armor/armor type/blacksmith and work vs bosses. Ice Age/voodoo will always be weird with an instantkill tower, which is sad, but I think for 4.0 we can keep the tower, maybe if there's still ice age/voodoo in 5.0 there can not be an instantkill tower.
  18. Ice age doesn't deal damage equal to % of creep hp, it temporarily reduces it's hp, to be given back after 5 sec=) (if not killed allready)
  19. jolin012

    DELF vhcm rnd

    delf is a bad build. there is no supertriple, and trickery and blacksmith don't stack, neither is there any singletarget slow. I didn't view the rep yet though..
  20. jolin012

    eletd mechanics

    I think you did those calcs correctly for how it'd be with composite, bhut when i said composite i actually meant both armor and armortype ignoring, because the damage it buffs is allready affected by armor and armor type, so that it doesn't have to be (affected)². it means if buffing a fire tower onb water lvl instead of the current (if im correct it ain't armor and type ignoring): 100->25 + (6.25->1,5625)=26,5625 maledict beeing a 6,2% boost it would be more like (with armor and type ignoring maledict): 100->25 + (6.25)=31,25 maledict beeing a 25% boost, as it should be and if buffing a fire tower on a nature level on veryeasy and using a corrosion tower for 0 armor: 100->200 + (50->100)=300 maledict beeing a 50% boost it would be more like(with armor and type ignoring maledict): 100->200 + (50)=250 maledict beeing a 25% boost.
  21. yesyes my bad, but maybe you didn't care to watch it as it was placed wrong hehe
  22. jolin012

    eletd mechanics

    Good questions, AFAIK it is something like this: All kinds of damage reduced by armor? No. They should be Imo but they are not. for example one of the towers I keep pointing out, Drowning tower. That towers effect doesn't really care about armor (or armor type) and on VH 66% of it's damage is the effect, so I'd want that fixed. There are other towers such as Windstorm and Corrosion, but I'm totally sure which ones ignore armor. I can do a research if nobody does actually know all for sure. Voodoo's maledict is fire type, yes. Which is bad Imo, as it simply is a buff of something that allready is of a type. Say, if you buff a fire tower with maledict (means, you curse a unit going to be struck by fire) first fire damage is dealt, that is reduced to half, from, say, 100dmg to 50 dmg, that means the maledct should only deal 25% of that, to a 12,5 damage, instead of 25dmg if the creep would be earth or something, which is good, but this is how it'd be if maledict WOULD be composite. Currently it's fire, that means, that the 100 dmg turns into 50dmg, and 25% of that is 12,5 but, if fire, it only deals 6,25 damage, instead of the 25 if it'd be earth armor or something. In other words I'd say it's not good that the buff of Maledict is affected twice, once by dmg towers dmg type, and once by fire type of voodoo itself. Voodoo is the Support Tower, it should buff, NOT Decde damage type itself, that's up to the damage towers! Sorry if it's hard to understand, but it's not that easy for me to explain. flame polar and ice age are good, just like blacksmith they make the damage increased in % of the main damage, so they do not change any attack type. You mentioned Ice too, why? it only slows, no damage boost.. Frostbite is just a temporary hp reduce, it's ment to come back within 5 seconds unless you've allready kiled the ronald. "Ronald hp upgraded" has nothing with that to do, it means that after killing some ronalds, the new ronalds will come with even more hp. so, new ronalds come with more hp, they don't gain hp when spawned or so. FrosIce age does not stack, you can max have one frostbite effect per creep at a time. Random, It is possible to get interest at lvl 5. it is meant to be only possible to get max 2 interests in one game, but that's a bug that you can get more, fixed for next version afaik. lvl 2 elementals can spawn at lvl 20, not earlier. lvl 3 I'm not sure about. Someoneelse needs to answer for more details on this question.
  23. with "Normal mode" I think hea meant that it's not chaos or extreme or shortmode chosen. at least on the screenshot the color seems to be red, for VH Edit: Nevermind what I said, he did use VeryEasy mode (after I checked the replay). I just didn't know that Ronald count numbers turned into the colour of the player rather thatn his difficulty.
  24. maybe this helps download/file.php?id=6 I am not using snything that you don't use, so it might work, although not much help for that boss, however, i can hint you that for bosses, it's good to have some jinx or hydro, or a winstorm microed to "bodyblock" the boss.
  25. jolin012

    i'm not there yet.

    ok, I will watch the replay and list comments on the stuff you do good and bad and hints and so. I was watching the replay and typing down at the same time, so a good way for you to learn from it might be to watch it and read this at the same time. lvl 1- I notice that you've learn the arrow opening with for example super+normal arrow for level 2, however, that is calculated to deal exactly correct damage for very hard creeps. But, you don't have to learn the exact numbers for normal mode, as you might soon be able to move on and try even harder difficulties These levels I can also notice that you build some extra temporary towers at different locations, instead of just at area 5 ( what is area 5? http://eletd.com/images/numpadlayout.JPG )as most do, which proves the opening aint just a copy, but that you can think yourself too=) lvl 6. here comes the boss. ok, this time the arrows at area 4 almost killed the boss on their own, but a good thing is to always prepare for bosses. if you don't have much better than arrows available, or some other single target shortrange tower, place it on area 5, the longpass placement, also found in chapter 2 in Cisz tower placement guide found here: http://eletd.com/tower-placement.php [ a lvl 5 example http://eletd.com/images/longpasswater.JPG ] lvl 6-7 both these levels you leak one or a few creeps up to area 9. You know how to catch a leak, that's good, but why are you at all leaking them? That's because your temporary tower, placed at area 7 isn't doing it's job well enough, consider trying temporary extra tower at area 5 instead. Like you prolly seen in many other replays. lvl 8. you only need an elemental arrow tower at area 4, and some extra tower at 5 for this level, even in very hard mode. lvl 9. on undead levels you should use cannons, they're much better there as undeads tend to clumbp together, and in the best case, all spawn at the same spot, where all die twice on their 2nd pass. But again you provfe yourself skilled with catching leaks, not leaking a single thing, good job, but that might not always work in multiplayer as fastest player sets the speed, and someone else might kill them all at the regular place. lvl 10. again you catch a leak at area 9, you should know that the line is too long for the arrows at 4 to kill, and have an extra tower at area 5 allready. lvl 11. the incoming wave has armor of earth, that means your light arrows will be weak. So, how to kill them easily? Use fire arrows! but how's that? The trick here is to place some light arrows quickly at area 7 or 5, and 2 super arrows at area 4. quickly kill the elemental, sell the light arrows, and upgrade the super arrows into fire arrows. quite stressy, but a useful teqnique. If you can't do this you should instead switch your light arrows for a pack of super arrow towers. lvl 12. darkness wave incoming, that means one light arrow is enough, as they deal double damage vs darkness, and with some unspent cash you will gain interest. Interest, you probably know, is the cash you gain every 15 sec for having as much unspent gold as possible. lvl 16. ah, nature, a nice choice, and you build an electricity tower, also nice. But unless you want to speed up you should sell those arrows, for some interest to be gained the closest levels. lvl 20. oh, a nova tower, I must say a bad timing and a bad placement for nova. Nova deals damage in a 750 aoe around itself and therefore belongs to area 5, else a 2pass placement such as your are a 6 is usually good. Also, aoe is bad vs mechanicals, those who have an invulnerability shield when their mana reaches 12. and those siege tanks are earth, which means nova's light damage is even weaker. you should try building some nature arrows for this level instead of upgrading the electricity into nova. perhaps nova the level after( but ofcourse nt nova when summoning boss, nova is weak vs bosses due to it's huge aoe beeing it's strength) lvl 21, again comes a boss and you should have some arrows on a longpass. consider upgrading into nature arrows, nature deals double damage vs earth armor, and the boss was earth. You don't seem to be aware of which attacktypes are extra strong agains which yet, it goes like this: Light > Darkness > Water > Fire > Nature > Earth > Light... Also you summon a fire elemental level 2, try spamming area 5 with light arrows before summoning it, the longpass placement. lvl 30, now you've raised a quaker and 2 mushrooms and a blacksmith tower. I'd say quaker doesn't completely belong to area 6, a 2pass, but some would not agree with me on that, in other words, that placement isn't too bad. lvl 33, again you don't seem to be aware of the elements strong/weak against each other, you use only quaker(earth dmg) against a nature wave. you should spend 25% of the cash on fire damage if the other 75% are earth, to compensate against nature lvls. lvl 37. a supernova now, grats, that's a nice tower. But by now I'd start using the other good towers that build has. it has flame tower, it has enchantment tower, it has nova tower, it has blacksmith tower, and sevel damage towers. you have all these but a fire tower for nature lvls, and enchantment tower, which should be raised pretty soon imo, and you'd need about 2 of it. but flame is somthing that should have been raised allready. Now I have to leave, more to come later.
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