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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. We just had a game with electron and it's bonus ability never did reset itself. Quark works though. 1531 Etd(4b12 vh sr sm) died electron bug.w3g
  2. Cisz

    Splash Damage

    I wouldn't call a tower that does 500% of an st tower with slow ballanced.
  3. Maybe a 30sec counter could also increase the motivation to play on a higher difficulty, dunno..
  4. If we are willing to remove racing, we might as well wait for the last player to finish. Racing is a way to reward skill, as it gives better players a reason to play fast. If it weren't for racing, I could just sit there and wait for interest.
  5. A constant wave time is ofc too slow early game and too fast lategame, and it would also remove the element of racing.
  6. With a 5sec delay on all ve games, that's really too fast. And when a vh player manages to win a wave in a mixed diff game, most players should be nearly finished with theirs, so 30secs after a vh player finishes will totally nerf the vh players ability to race other players. We could ofc totally remove the aspect of racing from mixed diff games, but I'd rather force players than can and/or want to race to pick a higher difficulty. So far Karawasas 5/10/15/20/25 looks the best to me, but we might end up with even higher number if we look at lategame. Afaik the kill time difference changes over the course of the game.
  7. Cisz

    Tower Range

    Afaik 500 is the lowest range that can 2-pass when placed at one side of a straight ledge, and it's also too short to cover an entire turn at 5 or 7, so it's a different kind of range that makes a great change in placement, and I think it's a good thing to have such towers. About 900 vs 700 - I can place much more 900 towers to cover the entire turn at 7, 5, 3, and 9, so the more towers the game allows, the more 900 becomes important. In a nearly towerless game 900 is more of a nice boost for me than a big difference.
  8. Cisz

    Splash Damage

    That sounds like a huge boost for situations with slow. I'm not sure about the post-pb slowing, as it is much weaker now, but still your splash design sounds like a big boost. As I see it: The more a splash works like an st tower (for example: 80 range with full damage, 150 for 1/4th, 250 for 1/10th damage), the less it will change it's output when slow comes into play. And a tower that looks like "350 splash range with full damage" will have to be very weak w/o slow to prevent abuse with slow. I forsee the following: If we increase the splashed part of the damage, the towers will either become useless w/o slow (like beeing 1/5th of a natures dmg, and unable to solo early game) or overpowered with slow. I guess it needs more testing. We are not even sure how the current splash behaves with slow.
  9. Cisz

    Wich server

    I'm on northrend most of the times. Easiest way to play with me is find me in the irc and ask for a game.
  10. Whenever I host a mixed diff game, I get at least one ve racer: A player that knows the map quite well, but picks ve anyway, because he want's a win, even if it's a cheap one. In 3.0 I could handle a ve racer on vh most of the time, because even on ve it takes some serious skill to do damage to a decent lfwd-n. With average racers I could even get away with random. But in 4.0pb things changed greatly: vh got much harder, and ve much easier. So nowadays I don't even attempt a mixed game on vh, and even h rnd proves too difficult most of the times. So far I know of two possible sollutions. Either we could forbid certain difficulties in a mixed game, like as in "normal or harder"-mode or maybe set a range of 3 consecutive diffs the players can choose from. Or we could increase the waiting time before the next wave. [pre:3qurtpmb]This is the list for 4.0pb: vh 4s h 8s n 12s e 16s ve 20s[/pre:3qurtpmb] Maybe we should also change the spawning rules for new elements, to protect vh rnd players from midwave lv.2 elements. How about: The element spawns for all players halfway through the waiting time of the releasing player, like at 10s for ve (the additional wait for ele spawing would come after that). What do you think? There is probably more that can be done. Keep in mind that the result should still be very easy on ve, but not impossible for vh rnd on mixed diff.
  11. I don't like the custum one. It should at least have an elemental theme to be worth the size, and it should be of higher quality imo, else it will look really bad after the loadscreen.
  12. And here it is: The place to decide, how much more dmg a single target tower needs to make up for not beeing a splash. The dmg/sec/gold values are for single target short range I assume? So all long range and splash should be weaker?
  13. The current range is in the mouseover of its ability.
  14. Cisz

    [Beta 12] Jinx

    Seems to work just fine. Im not sure how well affects this though, there is no visible change, but the dms-o-meter tells me it's properly affected by waterfall. Dunno about the looks, the orb is pretty crummy. And a mass of them (like 30) causes the fps to go down from ~50 to ~25.
  15. WN is listed as Spring, not Well as it should be.
  16. So who exactly is the target audience for vh rnd now? jolin012 or kirby?
  17. To even out exactly those tiny details i suggest to test a mass of towers and devide the result. That's why i used 12 magics and repeated the test for both versions. The numbers varied each time, but never were close to equal.
  18. Karawasa, I tested magic lv1 with both well lv2 and smith level 2, and they are not equal. Over the time of one wave of evil childs passing, magics do about 1500 less damge with smith lv2.
  19. Cisz

    Light towers

    Corrosion and voodoo do aoe effects, while polar and enchantment do st. And I'ts been only 1500 times.
  20. Sorry, I meant doable, not to doable.
  21. Your mirage towers did not autocopy - die you put them to autocast? And I have seen undead walking backwards, but not in this version, was a long time ago, most likely before pb.
  22. So the 6 ele strengh dropped by 50 and you say it's easier? I feel lost when playing now. Healing is too strong for me (and I can imagine what it does to ve), while fast seems to doable.
  23. Um, can you at least agree on what the other one is saying? Could each of you please fill out the following tables: [pre:2lwcalq2]All towers level 1, damage/second/tower values for b11: +----------+--------+---------+ dmg/s/tow| no boost | w/well | w/smith | ---------+----------+--------+---------+ mushroom | | | | ---------+----------+--------+---------+ magic | | | | ---------+----------+--------+---------+ Boost towers level 2, damage towers level 1, damage/second/tower values for b11: +----------+--------+---------+ dmg/s/tow| no boost | w/well | w/smith | ---------+----------+--------+---------+ mushroom | | | | ---------+----------+--------+---------+ magic | | | | ---------+----------+--------+---------+ Boost towers level 3, damage towers level 1, damage/second/tower values for b11: +----------+--------+---------+ dmg/s/tow| no boost | w/well | w/smith | ---------+----------+--------+---------+ mushroom | | | | ---------+----------+--------+---------+ magic | | | | ---------+----------+--------+---------+[/pre:2lwcalq2] After that it should be easy to test that on the map, right?
  24. Um, karawasa, afaik the game is not easier now. You nerfed the only build it ever was easy with (6 ele), and the others did not get up to the power of the former 6 ele. Or did I miss something here?
  25. Cisz


    So you are hosting tools for deprotecting maps and want to affiliate with a site for a protected map? And you host hacks? I'm missing your point here.
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