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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Ehm,.. I use black pearl but I couldn't acces the forums.
  2. Twilice


    I do not get it, every1 talks about spore but I can't understand what it is. Like sims with animals that evolve?!?!?
  3. That depends on in wich flavor you se it, the boss gets stronger. But you will have more gold and better towers to compensate that. Killing a level 3 at level 40 is harder then at level 50. Maybe it should be the other way around, since you want your damage towers before your support towers. But you should not be able to get like WNWNWN and use moon well level 3 and lots of amped towers.
  4. Uhm, with the reduced dual cost and reduced amplified level 3 it shouldn't be to hard. (haven't tested yet thought) p.s. glad to be back again. much school work now
  5. Stupid Jass, I don't understand so much xD
  6. I just found an image converter to convert wii images to jpeg, badly the resolution goes bad but still it is better then nothing. Shiny shiny.jpg
  7. I am member of rodead.com I am sorry to say that they have been a little of the last week. But things are starting to come back now Please join me when I spam their chat of d00m
  8. It works fine now, and gives the proper bonus. BUT it does not stack with well and blacksmith. I have seen well and blacksmith waste their spells on clones and they don't stack in matter of dps bonus. Well + blacksmith = 25+ speed and 25+ attack = 1*1.25^2 bonus (number might not be accurate but I hope you get what I mean) While well + trickery = 25% + 25%
  9. First of all oblivion, I think it looked better the way they did before. But as they are now they still use the skelletons sound. And poison should have a different attack now since they are water damage.
  10. I would actaully say, now since the new remade of build power, that decrease the level 2 tier needed for random... And speciall for tier 3. You often only get 1 tier 3 so you can't get any supertowers. I don't know if interest should get a buff WN-d.w3g
  11. With their current match upp, they are still for consideration. They are still hard, but not imba hard..
  12. Ok, that will do fine. But keep extreme as it is now (exept the healing) Extreme speed units has 375 ms and the ordinary extreme units have their current speed.
  13. Fast minidump of my thinking. Quaker - needs a small buff, not to big Poison - needs a small nerf, but pretty balanced Electrik - I am not sure on this, might depend on how healing will end. As this tower completely sucks at healing, but pretty good vs others cause of its range. Gold - Seems actaully to be working (tried it today ^^) Mushroom, magic and quark - needs another overhaul but I am feeling were going the right way with thesse towers. Hail - Much better Trickery - good, but it doesn't stack with other buff towers. Like well boost 200% and blacksmith 200% boost stack. Fleshtower - Still seems a bit bugged, needs an overlook maybe slight change in ability. Death - havent tested it much, but seems like it needs buff. Slowing doesn't help that much anymore - but what about lowering the unit minimum speed again?? (bad or good, I don't know) Hydro - working fine - but needs a little buff Flame - working fine, but doesn't stack like hydro didn't aswell, I don't know if hydro got its "autosystem" but if it has flame should also have it. Ice - seems fair now. Healing needs nerf. Fast doesn't care. might need a bit lowered speed but they seems fine. Healing is most important. Composite -||- same as fast. The lowered costs seem to be a good thing. But triples still costing 1517.. wouldn't it be easyer with 1500 ??
  14. Yes at first I also thought it was about micro, but I just realesid my misstake right before I posted (I made a quote like kaini and edit the messages. But they were messed upp since it was about micro)
  15. Better, but they are still qiute hard.
  16. Yes it is good, but not as good as old beta solar tower xD In one of the closed betas you could solo the whole game with them
  17. wy is magic ontop of mushroom? Mushroom fires slower and several towers tend to shoot at same targets making several shoots 0 damage.
  18. Either have the healing lower hp then the rest of the creeps and have a pretty fast healing so it makes more micro. But right now they are extremly hard, water murguls healing, and dune worms. Back to PB values indeed.
  19. In the teory, yes. But it just charges to slow. Specially quark. (Cisz did you save the replay, I forgot) Oh, I just remembered I get the feeling that quakers are a bit to weak now. I cant remember wich level, but amplified natures are much stronger..... Or atleast that is the feeling I got.
  20. No, just if you want to edit the UI. Not to use it. What resolution do you use? EDIT: every resoulotuin works for me, but max I can use is 1024*768.
  21. Twilice


    What about this icon? I think it should be added, it has a lot of use in lots of cases
  22. Agreed, specially healing.
  23. This works for me. It is the thing I use not chatzilla or such.
  24. Nice with those purple ones. And changing them shouldn't be hard, you need something that opens blp files (like Wc3_Image_Extractor_II) And then some photo program that can open tga files. I could have done it but I was to lasy xD There are some pictures and this program can only take 1 picutare at a time. But I can do some if somewhone begs for it.
  25. It looked much better in smaller version like that on your signature. Nice job!
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