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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Twilice

    Ice Tower too weak?

    Zealiot is single target tower, and should be a little stronger then AoE effect towers since they gain more boost from slows. correct? Also tidal... I think is a sort of combination. Single target ordinary attack. But a special attack that needs alot of micro. And micro towers were supposed to be a little bit stronge?
  2. Now it hasn't happened for a while. But the computer totally freeze mostly ingame, but also somethimes at any time. At the time the computer makes strange noices. But somethimes it totally freezes with strange colors on screen. Also this hasn't happened in a very long time. (no advirtisment)
  3. I totally agree......... I play on bnet.
  4. I don't know if this is true. But in one version it seems like teleporting creeps are bugged. I suppose it is in the hardest.
  5. Well, there was some problems with undead waves lagging in the beggining. But I didn't think they were still there in 4.0. I don't know the problem, sorry.
  6. Twilice

    IRC Meetings

    ah, thank you for noticing. I will join directly then?
  7. I am just kidding a bit, my friend didn't even want the map xD idk wy?
  8. Twilice

    IRC Meetings

    bad for you, for me it means about 17:00 - 23:00 The only thing I can think of that stands in my is if I forget it.
  9. Hehe, well it is not like I said to him he can't have the map.
  10. Did you give away our private beta I wo didn't let my best friend have it
  11. Twilice

    IRC Meetings

    I am totally fre this saturday. (I hope) And I think this friday to 22:00 Utc +0 (I think I calculated that right) 23:00 my original time +1.
  12. I cant se how the book exactly would fit into eletd. But pudge wards is extemly fun. And playing as pudge is quite fun on dota 2.
  13. The 2.0 was the last "real" version. But it is strange, the 2.5 got an award from blizzard being such a popular map. But the 2.5 is a "fake" version..... clever blizzard.
  14. Wy can't we have this tower I mean we got alot of splash towers already.
  15. What is the difference exept that bounce can bounce back? (electrick couldn't before, I think it got changed to do that now) I can't se the problem with multishoot, please tell.
  16. This is very important!!!! The clan is expiring duo no activity from our leader aka Cisz. This must be taken care of or our clan will stop to exist. (I must say I could be the clan leader, since I am at least online once a week. but usually once everyday for a short time.)
  17. Hey wait a minute!! What is different in damage factor from a bouncing tower (electric) and a multishoot ability. ........................................................ End of angry letter.
  18. Well in the current trigger I have the first condition. Because the second condition never occurs if I use "a unit finnishes uppgrading" (I also change the condition ofcourse) But before the ability got disable when any structure were constructed. But after the first condition the ability didn't got disabled, meaning the trigger wouldn't run. The spell itself work, but not as intended, as it counts attacks. And this trigger was to make sure they got each one different counters.
  19. Okay to straight things up. 1, The find unit: When I find the uppgrading structure, for me it tries to locate a unit that uppgraded something. Like uppgraded armor. Not uppgrading itself. 2, Double condition: ops this is my bad. Wy? becuse I forgot to alter it before I "test" altered it. And the test was this: Before the first condition to run the trigger was added, it disabled the ability whenever I builded a tower. So what happpened was that it looked like the trigger worked, but it didn't. As I noticed when I added another condition to run the trigger for testing purposes with "uppgraded structure" I could se that the ability was not disabled. I hope you understood the last part.
  20. Jup, that totally messes upp the trigger. I cant locate the unit that finnished the uppgrade. And I think it locates unit that did an uppgrade like (Uppgrade armor to level 2) But somehow it should work. I don't know if it must be done in jass, but I don't think so. Karawasa might now the probem. You did Element TD and it uses something to locate the uppgraded structure.
  21. Same for me!!! I don't know what to do right now. I have killed 2050 they are still in no chance of getting past. Should I just quit or should I continue (I got a little brother waiting for the comp xD) EDIT: I desided to quit I killed 3000 then I got bored. buggy B16.w3g
  22. I have made this idea before xD Inplent on flesh golem and nature damage. Well maybe I misunderstood you but here was my idea. Make the tower multishoot 3 attacks, make each of those 3 attacks bounce 2 times. Or make the tower attack 1 attack, and make that attack bounce 2 times, then make those 2 attack bounce 2 times.
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