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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Well it is nice that you have ideas. But, this tower can never be in this td.
  2. I actaully don't know. Many people say asap and they mean right now or very fast. And then I also started using it, but I actaully don't know what it means
  3. good shot there. Needs to be fixed asap. EDIT: what more exactly does asap means??
  4. Twilice

    Light towers

    NoNo. I said Aren't and that means not unfair. Light does not have higher dps then darkness. Darkness got its range shortened and higher dps.
  5. Here is speciall edition since jolin012 wanted it big... test.w3x
  6. But the problem is that they cost so much. If creep hp was more / harder. And towers triples cost and even more balance tweaks to all towers. Both duals and triple supports could be used.
  7. Do'h well I will find some other ones. I had no mind on that we had some models already ingame, just models that could fit EDIT: here it is another test thingy, based on what you wanted. EDIT2: here is the other thing you wanted. I hope it was. test.w3x
  8. Twilice


    I don't know, because the ordinary explosion damage might be lesser But imagin this you have 4 flamethrowers and 1 waterfall tower. And 1 level 3 magic tower. that you micro togheter. I don't know but wouldn't that explosion be a but exploding`? But I don't know. EDIT: I just remembered wy now. If you have 1 flamethrowing each attacks deals 350 damage. And each attack must then be fueled with less then 350 damage or it will 1 hit everycreep nearby everytime. But when thinking about this trice it might only be a good non original thing.
  9. So I hope this is the right map. I personally like the sacrifical pit most as it looks like the missiles are spawning from it. There were some more models but I skipped them but there were some more good models. I were lasy in doing this so there is no sight trigger, just write ISEEDEADPEOPLE. And I have no idea wy the houses were placed like this. Some saving bugs, since I placed in the editor all 4 houses in a square. So if it looks like a turned wrong z don't worry. WorldEditTestMap.w3x
  10. Twilice


    Yes that was sort of my idea. I think it is better then mine actaully. But my idea worked sort of the same thing; each attack made more and more "napalm" on the fifth attack it were so hot so it exploded. But yours were better. And maybe a capped at 15 attacks.
  11. Twilice

    Light towers

    SSCHH!!!! That is a secret, they are not supposed to know that yet.! But atleast towers aren't that unfair now, = darkness has 1100 range and more dps. Light has 1500 and less dps. Cisz or karawasa can edit/delete this if needed. Or keep it if it isn't that big deal with leaked information, I mean it's not like it's dota.
  12. I dislike that enchantment is much worse then corrosion. (the uppgraded versions) Some facts. Corrosion: about 35000 dps on ordinary creeps. can go higher. -9 armor to all creeps in the wave. about 3500 dps vs bosses I think it was Encantment: capped at max 14700 dps to bosses and a little less when fighting creeps duo to overkill and targetswithcing. -9 armor to about a total of half wave if placed on 2-3. On a single wave corrosion has more then double effect. If you don't agree with me, then try it.
  13. Twilice


    Maybe we should start a new in minor changes about flamethrowing? Magic wasn't a bug, it was supposed to be that way. Flamethrowing could also be this way, Each 5 attack on the same creep cause an explosion OR each 5 attack on the same creep has like 50% to cause an explosion. When a creep dies it will be 100% chance to explode. and 50% chance to create chain reactions. Maybe?
  14. Offtopic: Congrats on your 666 post. Try not to stay on the dark side to long.
  15. maybe, this was just a quick idea. Not much brains involving. But it could work.
  16. Hey we could do a simple solution to this tower. (lasy idea, but it would actaully be better then it is now) Make it move, like it does. But it attacks 3 units multisot. Simple spell but not used in this TD. (Electrik will count as an bounce tower so we have that) But if that is to simple we could make it more advance, those pieces of flesh were living and thus bouncing or multishooting to another target again. I could not attach my image. It was paint. So I will try to descriebe. Tower shoots 3 attacks. Those 3 attacks will either bounce or "attack" again and hit multiple units. The tower hits a creep with one attack. That attack will spread into X amount of units also.
  17. Twilice


    But I thought with all the new planning and such magic would only get increased mana from blacksmith. And Musrhoom would only get increased attackspeed from well. Did this concept change?
  18. Twilice


    Might be, but it should not be to long since it attacks really fast. 0.3 should be enough, if a flamethrower is constantly attacking a creep with a 0.15 cooldown.
  19. Twilice


    EDIT: THIS THREAD IS ABOUT FLAMETHROWER NOW And about flamethrowers they are good but I think they need to be a bit changed. Nerf either the damage, range, speed or damage on explosion by a little but not to much. And make their explosion buff last about 0.3 seconds. When I combined flamethrowers with magics the magic tower always got the last shot and any creeps rarely exploded so their skill were wasted, I were thinking of selling those as I killed light pretty easy even with magic towers. And lets say I combined flamethrower with drowning. If they shoot at the same target, flamethrower would never get the kill without luck.
  20. Twilice

    Extreme Mode HELP!

    Well at first try, I didn't came to far though only level 38. And I will fix my name until next replay. Hehe It was very confusing using public beta xD first replay.w3g
  21. Twilice

    Download maps

    Well some know that I have recently been gone a while because of virus. But now when I were going to download the map again (PB) the text was (teleported) down so I couldn't se it, so it took me a while to realise that. But I also discovered wy some people have the wrong version: Element TD [1]4.0 public beta (or what it is called) Since I missclicked and were directed to thehelpers site and downloaded there I discovered that the name was wrong. So I changed to hive instead. Summary: Thehelpers map version has wrong filename. Text is not visible at first sight.
  22. Twilice

    Extreme Mode HELP!

    I am sort of back in bussines. I got a semi working computer now, but no saved replays sorry about that forgot to save them. Also I play some random mode extremes because they are fun but I am not good at coming to level 60 since I often die to either the undead water revelants or the undead death knights. I wish a second public beta came out soon, now I am unused to our public beta since the other betas. But I will try to get a replay for you but don't have to much hopes. Since I litterally suck at pick, and random is a bit of luck favor. Extreme is Extreme
  23. Twilice

    Sound issues

    Hehe, good for you. Flamethrowing is really nice now.
  24. But then it wouldn't be very easy and so on.
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