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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. hehe, lol on cisz. Everyone can do misstakes. But when even I knew that something is wrong, hehe.
  2. Maybe you missunderstood kara. No tower damage types would be changed. Only tower abilitys. DN would have DW ability and still have darkness damage. DW would have DN ability and explode creeps dealing still water damage. WE would change animation so that maybe DW would have that animation instead when creep explodes.
  3. Oh, I kind like the idea. Disease explodes the bodys. Water damage. But sadly both water explosions is used. The eruption is used on hydro. And the naga building death is used by drowning. And D-N could be poison, and then poison to "Poison" roots. Sounds great.
  4. Twilice

    Need opinions

    I don't know. No work on it now. Much in school, I don't think I will look so much on this forum anymore. Do not worry though I have not abandoned you I will come back.
  5. Sorry I am back now. You were completely right. You may not leak on PURPOSE. but you may leak on accident. It is hard to tell how "slow" you may build, becuase it varies depending on how you build. I don't think I would disqualify if you killed all creeps and then let 1 pass and kill until the end. But I don't know about it if used in succesion. BUT if you sold your towers quickly before the interest turned 0 you may do it. So it really depends from replay to replay. Hope you understood. You should do fine aslong you don't let a single creep running around on purpose.
  6. Twilice

    Need opinions

    Thank you, at last opinions xD I don't think I will reduce shortcuts. But I think I will reduce the chance from 1/10 to 1/15 or 1/20. Or even less chance. I will try for next version fix some creeps movement. And get player 2 working again. I don't think I will post them here. Just maybe.
  7. Hehe, true. Here is a random replay I just did, I accidently pressed enter when we were forced to wote xD. Very easy is indeed Very easy (for me) Random replay.w3g
  8. That is wy I want another public beta REAL soon. And not skip to 4.0 directly.
  9. I don't know how the triggering is done in jass. But I know just about how the trigger would work. And I think that could cause bugs if pressing letters to fast. Or switching towers and pressing to fast.
  10. You mean demolishers burning oil. I think it is called demolisher as unit missile. And with flame it is located at abilitys with the name burning oil I think.
  11. That would only be confusing to me. And my brain would totally mix upp that since I am used to the hotkeys we have now.
  12. how would that work if I had blacksmith. And want to uppgrade to napalm. I press N as I usually do since I use hotkeys. But instead it uppgrades to quaker. And it is a nature wave. Imagine that....
  13. I miss sancdar xD And kingzor on bnet
  14. That is the truth But as you might have noticed I am not posting that much anymore. But I log on about as often as before, but just to check new post's.
  15. Twilice

    Need opinions

    Okay, so I have been working on this map for some time now. And I need you vote. I have long wanted to change the terrain on the map and finnaly did. The map is still a beta, but I got a better feeling for this then flooded td. And I have tried to do atleast a little bit once in a while. So say what you think about the new setup. Also a bit comment on that shortcut thing. There is a 10% chance that a creep will shortcut. Towers are not changed to match this terrain jet. And not fully to the old either Here is before terrain change: And here is after the change: Elite TD Beta0.36d.w3x Elite TD Beta0.37b.w3x
  16. Twilice

    15th Beta Problems

    do you mean enchantment with polar? Since laser isn't a support tower, but both corrosion and voodo is.
  17. if the selling was about 85% I would also think selling can be done somewhat in pick. Not for interest farming but for uneccecary buildings that have become obsolete or missplacement or replacement.
  18. We need to do something about all those spammings, it is starting to annoy me alot!
  19. I like the speedsplashy tower water. But somehow it seems to decrease in power when uppgraded Still, my color is blue and water is my favourite thing.
  20. I can only se positive things from this. And I aswell can't se the negativ from the "I have no ronnies left" But what if a player dies/leaves?? Then there might be a big mega spawn of ronnies. (d00m ) But I also think it should be like this: Classic mode / Survivor mode = Jolins new idea Ronald Hunt = current mode. Also I don't think ronalds should be so very different between very easy and very hard, imagin that all players on very easy has no ronnies and the one on very hard has all. And also to prevent all 20K on very easy...
  21. Twilice

    Team Mode

    This sounds nice. But should it be a new mode, or a new seperal map?
  22. % based hp towers are no good.
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