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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Are the elemets going to be exactly the same? Or maybe with some changes. It will be harder to get elements like "Water " but instead we got new ones like: "Void", "Psionic", "laser". We might only need a few changes, or we might need a total overhaul for the elements.
  2. U mad!?!?!! This will cause massive floodings on the site! *Not to speak about the editor, it's crazy. Litterally it's easier to use triggers then to use a customized unit... **Then I must be able to change accountname ***This sounds awesome!
  3. Twilice

    One Week

    cheer up were 1½ people active here. (you = 1, me = ½)
  4. Indeed I created a new unit from scratch. I didn't even find how to change the model................. I don't know if it's a bug or not....... Here is the deal, you must add things to your unit you created, and then you can change those added things. But I couldn't find where to add a model! (wtf) It's extremly complex, but you can an almost outrageous amount of things. (they should have made it more simplified to use the standard things. The hardest things is almost the simpliest....)
  5. I just recieved a starcraft 2 beta, are there any plans at all moving along to this platform? And the editor is out aswell now. I might be able to do a "start".
  6. I'm here. P.S. I got a new account-name in use. -> Twilice
  7. But I want the standard modes more standardised. I don't want big bombs everywhere just to interact with other people. *Why is random harder? It should give more profit since you will end upp with more gold.
  8. It's a bit similar to what I wanted to tell here https://forums.eletd.com/The-point-of-Element-TD-t2020.html but in a different way. I think the problem we have now is by no means boring/unused/useless/overpowered towers. It is the way you play the game itself. I think we should make it more strict in how you play it. But it might aswell be bad for never users (or good) it needs to be faster, with better re-play ability. *A succesfull map we all know about is Dota, we have taken a few abilitys and made our own. It didn't really help. It's not the flashier part of Dota that made it popular it's the re-play ability. You can play it lots of times before it gets boring, the pace is quite fast. Still a match can be quite long. I would say in order to "bring back" element td it needs a total overhaul of the gameplay like in 4.0 with support towers and such. But this time with the money and at different times. *Since I always play random, this is for random then it would work different with picks duo to 75%/100% resell but still be similar. First phase: The first few levels should be like the standard "do it all over again" like any RTS game (I know it's a TD, but for me this was the thing that made it fun to play. We had this kind of play when we gathered a few that could actaully play) Second phase: Then later you should focus on your economics (interest farm) thus you should NOT need to use all your money. Exept if you face a element you are weak against, and maybe it's also mechanics. Then you should use all your gold to survive. Or you might get rushed by someone using all his money at a "fast" location. Then you must respond to this aswell. Thirds phase: Here you start to set up your "base defence" with some supportive towers toghether with some semi-permanent towers which you only sell to swap for another element, or another kombination. While you got some "extra towers" which you still farm for interest. The only different from phase two is that you got a more "steady" defence, you don't move around so much exept for some extra towers to get those nasty mech's who got past. Fourth phase: Here is when you spend about all your money to kill as much as you can. Both damage and supports. **Dreamstate: In any normal singleplayer condition you should be able to get to ronalds fairly easy (if you got interest) but not with 50 lives. "harrasing" your opponents should have a pretty big impact. Selling and rebuilding at the early levels should be neccesary to get far (unless there is a special easy mode or something like that). Multiplayer should be fast paced and mistakes should be easy to make, and to fix. It should be hard to do a "perfect" game. Different elements have different "style", light might be better defencive wise, better versus bosses. Fire might be better at rushing since it's short range means it has a higher dps then other towers thus kills faster. But it might leak alot if not used in enough numbers. THIS is already how single element towers work, but it should also be so with kombined element towers. (having this super ultra balance between support towers is not really fun, some elements like darkness might be better at amplifying the damage taken, while water is better at slowing. Also there should be seperate multiple choises like "classic TD" which is like a normal, your on your own just trying to get to ronalds. (like most people tend to do now.... if the actaully play) and the "element TD" style which is the more competive multiplayer. I hope I didn't miss something in that wall of text................................................ *summed up - needs more replayability., - Players don't really know how "element td" should really be played. They still go regular td style. It needs to "show" the players that it is a vs. td. Also it should have more impact that it used to have when we had our "inhouse" battles. - Everything is to "neat and balanced" nothing is special anymore, you don't need to know any builds or what purpose the tower has. Only if it supports or damages. - Even tough you did your best and play solo you might not get to the ronald stage. How are you then supposed to go to ronald stage versus another player. And even harder to beat with a no-leak or on a special harder mode. (How do you do that again?)
  9. It's not an april fools joke! You liar. I already got the map. http://download.eletd.com/Element TD 5.0/
  10. Twilice

    Beat Ronald

    Sorry for being rude, I meant you can't beat ronald he will go around for all eternity or until your computer crashes or you run out of lifes. They are spawned to determine whom of you won (instead of just ending in a draw at level 60) Altough the best way to get a new record in killing them is problary to do a mix of them all, they are more spreadout then they were before. I aint so much intouch with the killing anymore. But I think I would go periodics with alot of tripple elemets support level 2 or with lots of dual support level 3. For the rest which kind of towers doesn't matter so much, get a mix of them all depending on your elemental choises. Get a few towers which are constantly autofiring and a few ones that need micro that you constantly keep track on firing the lowest hp ronald. (or getting the biggest AoE depending on tower) *Btw, thx for snapping me out of that rude state. Sometimes you just have to take a step backwards and look in the mirror.....
  11. This is more of a discussion. Not really a suggestion to begin with. For all players which are more into it the game ends when you win. But the "win" is different for each player. It seems like most newbies win by killing the most ronalds, for standard you win by beating level 60 at very hard. But I know when we used to gather and play element td toghether (boy, do I miss it ) someone won by "killing" the other players. That was ofcourse the most fun thing about the game, but it's not the way you play when you join a "standard" game of element td. It's just like any of the other td's. And is problary the thing that keeps me from playing it more. I'm still lurking around here, somehow hoping the "competive" element td -gameplay- will come back. I wish there was a way to make the different meta-game/gameplay or whatever you call it more distinct from eachother. To somehow show that on very hard the idea isn't to try and get past level 60 it's more or less to get rid of your oponents before you die. But not everyone likes this and like the "classic" way more. For example when you play solo. But as I said it's more of a discussion, I don't have any particular suggestions because I don't know what will help. But I do know this in my opinion is the only thing that element td lacks.
  12. Twilice

    Beat Ronald

    The point of the game is to win over your enemies.
  13. Twilice

    Hydro 3.0

    Should it have a little above normal dps because of the slow projectile? Also I like that you might NEED a single target tower mix in order to get this to work.
  14. go check if there is a "lastreplay" of the replay in the replay map. It might not be in there because you closed wc3 yourself, but usually is other times.
  15. Check *lastreplay* It automaticly saves the replay of the last game played. *There is an option so it saves all replays instead of only the last.
  16. yes, if it does not then it is a bug.
  17. heh, I wonder what changed to the official 4.2 none of these strange and hazardous bugs happened in the betas
  18. Will this also affect the forum? I think it should
  19. With some minor testing, it seems that electric only laggs when it bounces several times in multiple instances. How exactly is the bouncing calculated? (I don't know the coding, but wouldn't it work better to use a "real chain lightning" effect via the ability that deals 1 damage, then you locate that damage and add it upp)
  20. Twilice

    4.2 bugs

    That indeed seems pretty serious, you don't happen to have a replay? The interest disappearing is pretty fatal.
  21. Some of current known and confirmed buggs. Important: The uppgrade of oblivion (necromanser) uses the same ability as oblivion. Semi-Important: If a player is idle he can get a lower difficulty then the minimum. (Needs a bit more testing), but it seemed like electricity lagged in certian occasions. (I think when they bounce alot) Less Important: It still shows which players finnishes first even though you are the only player.
  22. Okay, sorry about that I were just counting their hp. So lets say they got 300% hp and they heal 20% when a nearby "evil child" dies. Lets just say they got about 500% extra hp if you got some slowing towers (depending on how many is in that area. But otherwise the calculations was correct?
  23. Well, that tier 3 thing was for sure a bug. About the level 60 it could have been. They seemed very strong. And I also think there is a type in the info http://eletd.com/creep-waves.php From level 59 - 60 ronalds gain +20% hp then double their hp(because of level 60 correct me if I am wrong) and then they got compositre armor which gives them about a bonus of 25% hp. So lets say level 59 got 100% then level 60 got: (2*(100 * 1.2))/0.8 = 300% That means they "should" be 3 times stronger then level 59 according to my calculations.
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