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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. Nice one. You don't really have a source of dark damage. Is disease working well enough?
  2. Level two blacksmith is one of the towers that are harder to get if you are playing a 5 or 6 ele build, so their boost is set to represent a bonus to level 4 (and to a lesser extend 5) ele builds. There is no connection between 2 lv1 and 1 lv2 boost duals. We might end up with lv1 doing +12% and lv2 doing +60% or +20% and +35% for a proper ballance. Remember that if lv1 duals are strong, 6 ele builds get strong. Too strong.
  3. What is your reasoning for more than 1000g? We had a discussion about it and did some testing, so 1000g is a solid value.
  4. Angry? Sorry about that, didn't mean to sound angry. Maybe that's because of my headache. Beeing confused made it worse I guess.. So you were trying to get info on how to properly get this thing to work. Ahh, I kind of forgot about your older post there, and didn't reread the entire thread when new posts where added. Ok, got it now, back on topic: I won't install it if it looks like that. Maybe there is a manual on how to install gui themes? I couldn't find one yet. Karawasa cen give some help maybe?
  5. @lesher - What? I don't understand you and I have a feeling that you didn't understand neither echinodermata nor me. Please don't take the following translation any serious, it's a comical parody and totally misrepresenting your opinions. It's just that I didn't get your opinions at all, and this is a bit what it looks like to me. Translation: echinodermata: "This design doesn't work, look, it covers the elements on the right side with the menue. I don't even have to install it, because the sceenshoot, showing how it is supposed to be, clearly illustrates that the design is all wrong." lesher (as misunderstood by me): "Install it anyway. I want to see how it looks on your computer. I think this will be interesting, to compare the screenshoot of Karawasa, and how it turns out on your machine. And I don't care that you don't want to install a theme that looks bad in the example picture, maybe it will look much better on your machine?" Cisz: "I agree with echinodermata, that design is far from excellent. And lesher, the screenshoot shows very clearly the problems of this mod. Why should he even bother to install it?" lesher (not even closely understood by me): "What do you mean by 'screenshoot'? There is a screenshoot? And you should install this theme that you don't like too, so we can all compare three identical pictures of a design that doesn't work." So lesher: What? Are you talking about? There is a picture in the first post, the post by karawasa. That picture in the first post shows how the theme is supposed to look. To echinodermata and me it looks like someone simply pasted a full screen loading picture as a background graphic, which didn't turn out very well, as the screen is intended and designed to be visible in the foreground. Kinews artwork looks bad when covered by the menue like that. And consequently, echinodermata and I don't plan to install it. Why should we? We allready know what it looks like, and we don't like it. So lesher, please explain to me why you keep talking about us installing it?
  6. @lesher - Take a look at the screenshoot in the first post.
  7. So what you are saying is that this site is not for human use?
  8. Cisz

    4.0 Ronald counts

    So if I use XP with 2GB, can I do 66k ronnies?
  9. Isn't seo about optimizing text that is not visible to the user? Why mess up the gui, do some text in white on white or behind a picture.
  10. Is this (several hours of ronald hunting) related to a memory leak? It's not of any importance that the maimum ronalds the map can handle is capped at 33k ofc, but maybe that what caused the crash is causing problems earlier too?
  11. Cisz

    4.0 Ronald counts

    That's interesting. Are you usung XP or Vista? And how much ram do you have?
  12. Cisz

    Best Towers v4.0

    Yes, muck and gunpowder are very high on the "to nerf list", or should I say "were"?
  13. If the only problem is randoming a lv.2 elemental at 20, then there is an easy sollution: Nerf only lv.2 elementals after 20 on random. I can take or delay a level 2 elemental on pick, and everything else seems to work just fine too. So make wave lv.2 ele at 20 on rnd a special case with nerfed hp. Still high enough to make the players go "oh noes" ofc.
  14. Just when I found out about "ipconfig /flushdns", the problem had disapeared.
  15. I agree on the math, the level is only to check if you remember what levels are not taken yet and for diplomatic puposes ofc.
  16. I think I solved my problem. Appears I got infected with some sort of malware, and part of what it did was change the way the irc.gamesurge.net was resolved to an IP. I don't know exactly how this was done, but I think it might have manipulated the dns cache (yes, there is a dns cache). Now that I killed the malware with some proper sacnning and waited a while, all seems to be back to normal. (The dns cache seems to have expiring dates for all entries, so getting rid of a bad one can be done by flushing the cache or by waiting.)
  17. Ah, beautiful. Morphing the hard way.
  18. Can you elaborate more on the anamorphic pictures? I'm into stuff like that.
  19. Francis Bacons portraits (the other Bacon, not the old one), and Thomas Demands simulated photography. Similiar, ain't it?
  20. I have that replay, but I just conducted a little demonstration. 4 Mushroom = 4 Magic = 4 Quark = 3 Ice = 3 Electricity < 3 Poison Electricity is even stronger, as it is 1100 range now and can be played semi-longrange. 1553 Etd(4b13c vh) testing duals.w3g
  21. Both are to weak. I can't solo a wave with 6 of them (all gold spent) if it's not their strong wave. If it doesn't work with 10, I won't complain, but 6 are far to soon to fail for a damage dual.
  22. Please help us in making the world a cleaner place by deleted any versions that are not properly named.
  23. Hm. You fail at properly naming your mapfile. Check out the rules here. Edit - and after trying to rename my map for like 7 times I am pretty sure that it's not even the right map version. As long as you can't tell me wich map I have to rename to "Cia de Element_TD 4.0_Public_Beta.w3x", I won't watch it.
  24. After several hours I finally got in, and yesterday it was hard to connect too.
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