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Everything posted by DDRKirby(ISQ)

  1. terrible for certain towers anyways. i always used to micro jinx to target the creeps with the most health. .... ...oh wait, that's old jinx. damn...
  2. haha, this worked out about how i expected. nice one jolin, didn't actually expect you to go $$$ though, i was surprised seeing no pure. Your build works better than mine for draft purposes, but I'm not really a fan of the focused earth so much =P. I would have been -very- surprised if you hadn't finished faster than me === niiceeee job by lesher as well, using almost the same build as me good interest farming going on, and solid play. it didn't really seem like should have been that much slower than me, that was weird. === dev1 really likes his light towers
  3. yep. and the four towers that i used were....?
  4. guess again 3element build? you understand that only gives me like 4 different towers to work with, right? that's insane! ......actually, the truth is that I only used 4 different towers in my actual build. =P but, it wasn't a 3-element build.
  5. results! results! hey guys, guess what build I used....=p
  6. laser and impulse should not be equal =/ i'll try to play some SR on this, so I can get a better sense of things.
  7. ahhh. ok. that actually correlates pretty closely to what i've observed, i guess. neat!
  8. but if I have 15 life towers and each of them gets exactly 2 kills, do i get 10 lives or 0 lives?
  9. oh. it's random then? (percentage chance) when i see the tower description I think "oh, every time this -particular- tower gets 3 creep kills, 1 life is added to your total". I guess in hindsight that doesn't make as much sense, but that's how i interpret the description.
  10. wait.. THEY DO???? o_o; errrrrr....
  11. who says you can get highest networth?
  12. URMOM funny how neither bnet or singleplayer are mentioned.
  13. might as well make an AoE tower that hits every creep on the map not exactly, but you see my point...?
  14. blasphemy!!!!!! elemental arrows+cannons are useful because arrows give you a single target damage and cannons give splash. thus you can have light cannons which give light AoE damage, and you can have earth arrows which give earth ST damage. you can't do that with single element towers alone. and of course they are so useful for interest farming, that i would never play AP if they didn't exist. This is all assuming there are no changes. If we implement the change that ALL single element towers can be sold for 100%, then: -This turns AP games into SR-style games for me. I won't lay down ANY permanent towers except for a few support towers. Every wave I will simply sell all of my single element towers, lay down 24 new ones according to element damage types, and then upgrade them all. I think this would be great fun, but I think it would also be imbalanced, and ridiculous. Trust me, I could do SO much with this. It's basically playing a SR game, except I get to make sure I get all 6 elements. If we implement the change that only FIRST level single element towers can be sold for 100%, then: -I will still be able to interest farm more than before, because single element towers build much quicker than element arrows/cannons (keep in mind you have to upgrade 3 times). Element arrows and cannons are still necessary because of ST/AoE types as i said earlier. However, you bring up a good point: Right now, in AP I never use any single element towers aside from pures, unless I'm really restricted and I have no other source of good damage for that element. In SR I normally just end up using amplified element towers before transitioning into duals and triples. The only time I use refined and focused is when i get randoomed.
  15. triple $ is a lot more limiting than double $, since you only have 8 picks as opposed to the 9. You want at least one pure, so that's 3 picks gone. Then you want to have at least one of every other element, so that's another 4 picks. If you do triple $, then you only have ONE addition pick on top of that. Another option is to do a 4-element build, going for $$$AAABBCCD, but again, taking that third interest pick precludes you from having lvl 2 in 'D', which can be pretty crucial.
  16. so far, $FFLLWWED looks like lvl 2 windstorm is in. 10th: INTEREST 11th: INTEREST who thinks i can pull it off?
  17. i require at least two $$ picks to have my fun =P
  18. dual: gunpowder triples: oblivion, gold, voodoo
  19. for me single element towers (besides pures) only end up being useful in SR. in AP I end up using elemental arrows until wave 30 anyways, and then start building duals and triples.
  20. how is earth nowadays (with modified splash)? i havent been playing as much SR in the new betas to tell...
  21. =P haven't watched replay but according to lesher you went with light after wave 5...shame, shame. making it to wave 15 with no elemental arrows is a piece of cake if you play well
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