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Everything posted by jolin012

  1. jolin012

    Challenge titles

    and if u want to add u've completed 1 and 2 ive seen one of your gold replays.
  2. I agree. Darkness, Water, Fire, Nature, Earth looks better in the newer version, but Light better in the older, a beam don't relly look too good. Btw, water and earth looks so much better now Well done!
  3. jolin012

    Challenge #4

    oh, and, here's one of mine: http://rapidshare.com/files/46752714/CH ... l.w3g.html
  4. i like the attack ground ability, not that it shall begin attacking the ground, but that you can choose it's attack direction (of the ability ofc)
  5. vote for how lumber was spent, yeah i had that idea too. But the mode i was longing for most is a mode where you can choose all eles yourself, maybe even before the start of the game with 100%sell to redo someones horrible/excellent/wierd random to try out if it really is such horrible as he sais . Unforntunatly, i think it would be missused alot so maybe it isn't such a good idea anyway. The mode that all votes for eles wouldn't be too good, you'll get earth and light if most like money, you'll get only darkness if most are very noob, or you'll get wfldn if most are prosv I think. I still think samerandom is the best mode for the lumber Whatever you do, do NOT remove it The last and the best mode i think i forgot
  6. jolin012

    Challenge #6

    Hehe yes, I just heppened to be watching the little bigger icon in the downer left:P where it says it's one lvl lower than it is didn't know that before:P was rather frustrated when they never seemed to advance to the last level(thaught maybe cisz even wrote wrong and that max lvl was 30^^). And, then i even did it w/o leak
  7. jolin012

    Challenge #4

    never mind that I thought it's aoe wasn't armor ignoring, what i was thinking of was that it wasn't armor-type ignoring
  8. jolin012

    Challenge #6

    here is my 2nd try on this, they were all at lvl 30 for a very long time and seemed like it was the max level^^ the only thing missing was maybe a build including Hydrocloric, and perhaps a little bit more micro, see for urselves, i think it's almost impossible. Even did hundreds of ronalds killed and still they never advanced to 31. However i did my best and am proud, will do another try with a different build. http://rapidshare.com/files/46574624/Ch ... 0.w3g.html
  9. jolin012

    Challenge #6

    However, i must add this was the most fun challange so far, in my opinion
  10. jolin012

    Challenge #6

    hehe, definitly harder than it sounded to me, didn't know it was so long to max lvl of them, maybe because i don't usually use them:P. got them all to lvl 25/26 on first try, must try again, raising them earlier.
  11. jolin012

    Challenge #6

    hmm i was about to answer to ocmass but then there is one thing not too clearly. You may not leak disable or mass slow for money.. If i understood it right i may not leak for the money but i may leak if it's not to waste time just to gain interest?
  12. jolin012

    Nature Sig

    NIce but... hmm... darkness...green.. didn't come very darkness to me
  13. hehe mischievous tower. Has the ability to send a creep into someone elses maze haha just kidding, that would be unfair, but fun(for the one using them)
  14. nice thread for sure How I found out about eletd? Oh.. hmm.. let's see. Yes, I bought tft some year ago, played some but put it away into some drawer when I began playing an mmorpg alongside some friends but it became boring quite fast and i found good ol' wc3 aha! I began playing custome games, liked TDs most. Gem TD was fun the first try, but did beat hardest mode without leak on second try and then it was fun no more. I did like cube defense some but it became boring when every game looks the same. I began searching for the most popular TDs on epicwar, found high-rated element td in the list that I kknew i had but never really played. I hosted some games to try to learn it. Some guy called Cisz whispered me and accused me for hosting a fake version, I said I didn't know or think this was fake version. I checked and the filesize was correct. However discussing with him, I found him a nice person, added him to friends. Some week later a day when he was the only one online friends list I whisped, him he didn't remember me but when I said i met him due to element td he asked me to join da Clan. o_O I wanted a clan and element td was a nice thing, I joined. That was 2 mounths ago or something. In clan my skill was rocketlaunching and now I'm here, very happy for that, thanks cisz and everyone in clan who helped me get good. I try to do the same to unexperienced but interested ppl=)
  15. hmm... when I think again, did I really ask for this? still great list however
  16. ehmm... thanks Great work you've done here
  17. jolin012

    Challenge #2

    well, I bet my greedy replay works here aswell;) ($-$-$-$-$-L-E-L-E-L-E) http://rapidshare.com/files/45547078/jo ... k.w3g.html jol 5 interest no leak.w3g
  18. jolin012

    Challenge #1

    Here's mine Completed it with the following elements : $-$-$-$-$-L-E-L-E-L-E http://rapidshare.com/files/45547078/jo ... k.w3g.html
  19. jolin012

    Recent Replays

    Thx for the list And except vapor, infernal, storm and summoning? I understand if storm summoning and vapor are hard to place in the list but infernal would be nice to compare to metal
  20. jolin012


    sounds great Welcome!
  21. hmm I don't seem to get answer on that, however if I understood you right you had began to write the list but give up. Maybe I can have the beginning of the list even though it's unfinished? Maybe all the answers I need are there=) Thanks
  22. jolin012

    Tournament No.1

    Sign up here viewtopic.php?t=238 and it might speed up for the next one Time is not set before some have signed up
  23. Hi everyone who wants a ele td tournament No.2! first of all I'd like to thank cisz and everyone else who arraged the last tournament. This thread I create to speed things up a bit, and the next tournament might come sooner. Because it's easier to plan it when knowing that there are very many who want to play. Right? And at least 8 players must have signed up to play before the date can be set. So, the faster you want the tournament, the faster you should answer this thread that you'll gladly play I've got to know that this next one will be more official than the last one (that basicly was to celebrate clan etd) and ofcourse it'll be at least the same fun. Here and now I'm signing up myself that I'll gladly play.
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