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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. Cisz

    Best Start

    Poison doesn't require micro, if you place them well. Check out my challenge 1 replay, it features poison.
  2. Cisz

    EleTD Logo

    The white box is empty, that is, not done yet. And the sun shines from above, matching the increasing dark gradient. But I agree, that link is not abvious enough.
  3. Cisz

    EleTD Logo

    I grew up in white cubes and modern design. Colour is like sin.
  4. Cisz

    EleTD Logo

    I have put my art skills toghether (both of them), and made some really minimalistic logo: I especially like the missing dark. And I started a second version: The idea behind this second one is that each element is graphically linked to it's neighbours.
  5. Before we can set a date, we should have all basics decided and have an overall idea of what is going to happen. I see it this way: Step one - choose a ruleset / tournament mode and write that down. Step two - prepare advertisement. Step three - set a date like 3 weeks later. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The rules so far: We will have some sort of ffa swiss or partial ffa round robin as preliminaries ans some sort of ffa single elimination as finals. The whole thing is still planned for one day, so we cant get higher than 5 rounds max, rather 4 rounds. Winning condition will be last one standing, game mode vh sr this time, although it's very likely the third tournament will be vhx sr, to avoid the problematic ronald elimination. Maybe we could do the finals (semifinal and on) in vhx? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The advertisement: I'm looking for sites with a tournament calendar or similiar news section to announce the tournament once we have finished the formal stuff. Battle.net has a tournament announcement system, but it has high demands on what we have in our ruleset. Maybe to much trouble. And inWarcraft.de has a tournament calendar, but thats german only. Any other sites? This can't be all there is.
  6. I suggest that all people that have a problem with Cataras simply stop playing with him. Problem solved.
  7. Yes, I'm concerned with your atitude too.
  8. As Cataras demonstrated in the old challenge 8, summoning is surprisingly strong, and gets even rediculously strong in slow single player games. I never usde it before he showed me his entry, and now I'm a summoner.
  9. Cisz

    Voting type

    The voting of 3.0 allows experienced players to be done with it in under 10secs. After that I do the following: -Assign hotkey for worker. -Build basic arrow and upgrade to advaced arrow (leaving me over 50gold on vh). -Assign hotkey for said arrow. -Assign hotkey for elemental summoning center. -Check for where other players build. Anyone racing? Or playing very slow? -In many cases I answer some questions: "Yes we play random." "No heroes." "You probably named the map wrong."
  10. I don't like Cataras tone, but I have to back him up on the fact side. Cataras was the first player to finish dfen under the old challenge 8 condtions (no pure, no interest), a feat that GipFace believed to be impossible. And I know of only one player to copy him, and that would be me. (And by that I mean, finally winning, using Cataras strategy, after many losses with my own tactics). Holepercent claiming he would have advice on this build seems a bit daring to me too.
  11. They all suck.. Blizzard TD sometimes.
  12. Cisz

    Voting type

    Didn't we have this cool jass coder?
  13. I'd love to have a custom sound in the map, that goes *#ยง%&, if you do something stupid. Similiar to the sound in starcraft. Isn't there a "no you don't" kind of sound in tft? Edit - I'm serching for sounds in the editor right now, and maybe this could be used: sound/interface/creepaggrowhat1.wav sound/interface/warning.wav sound/ambient/doodadeffects/gateepicbash.wav
  14. Cisz

    "Move" Request

    I suggest a move to a different topic/new thread next time. That should solve such issues, right?
  15. Cisz

    Voting type

    This sounds exciting. Am I lucky and you managed to include hotkeys?
  16. Cisz

    Creep Shakeup

    It really makes no sense to have healers before wave 7, as two super arrows one-shoot them even on very hard. so if I roll healers early, the game gets easier. The later fast and healing come, the harder.
  17. Cisz

    Voting type

    I have some more thoughts. To me, using a menue takes more time than a worker-vote. I have to find the right buttone on a new screen of info in a menu, while i can click on a different place of an allready visible field with a vote. Is there a way to have hotkeys in a menu? If so, that would totally solve this issue for me. The advantage of a menu would be, that all game options could be either chosen by the host or the players or voted upon. Like this (host menu): Difficulty [ ] Allow a choice for each player [ ] Allow a vote [ ] Force very easy for all players [ ] Force easy for all players [ ] Force normal for all players [ ] Force hard for all players [ ] Force very hard for all players Randomness [ ] Allow a choice for each player [ ] Allow a vote [ ] Force a game without random for all players [ ] Force a game with allrandom for all players [ ] Force a game with samerandom for all players Extreme [ ] Allow a choice for each player [ ] Allow a vote [ ] Force a game without extreme mode for all players [ ] Force a game with extreme mode for all players And the players get a vote menue for all options the host allows a vote for, and a choice menue for everything that is allowed to be chosen.
  18. http://www.casualcollective.com/profiles/cisz
  19. In multiplayer there is no need for that, right? And for all single player games that give points for the ladder, like challenges, there will have to be a "no cheatin check", and that includes "no stalling".
  20. Cisz

    Voting type

    We could place workers on some chart area.
  21. Cisz

    Voting type

    Maybe some walls could make the pathing less buggy.
  22. I like to ladder desktop td. (Thats a flash td with a ladder.)
  23. Cisz

    Voting type

    I like the mad running around in the beginning. Removing this takes away an unimportant but existing piece of player interaction.
  24. @ Gipface - It's easy enough to prevent that. What we came up with so far is this: If one (any, say pink?) player enters a command like this: "-ladder adfg653j" (the last part beeing a code he got of the website or from the bot), the game prompts all other players "Player [playername] wants to play a ladder match. If you accept this challenge, enter a valid ladder code." Now all players can do their "-ladder 5ja5h33". If after this two or more players entered a valid ladder code, they and only they have a ladder match. To report a ladder game result, the winning player (or maybe losing player, we will see into that) has to report a different code back. Something like "4eH2}". And ofc this "game result code" is only generated if one of the laddering players scores a win, and that disallows kicking an oponent in a ladder game. Your post raises an interesting point: To prevent the host kicking all other ladder oponents, leaving only the weakest one in game, the game result code should onle be generated if none of the laddering players is kicked during that match. Kiking non-laddering players or kicking a ladder player and finishing the game as a non ladder match are perfectly ok ofc. Thanks for the tip.
  25. Cisz

    clay tower icon

    The love life of the clay golem is very fascinating.
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