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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. Cisz

    VE Spamming Fix

    I'd say 5 seconds is to fast for most players, no matter what difficulty. Also in my experience the problem with ve spammers occurs lategame, but I'm no normal player. I'd either implement some factor depending on the current wave, or raise the numbers to 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 fixed.
  2. Cisz

    VE Spamming Fix

    So what you suggest (New) compared as it is (Old) looks like this? Max Pl New Old vh ve 25 25 h ve 20 25 n ve 15 25 e ve 10 25 ve ve 5 25 Max Pl New Old vh e 20 20 h e 15 20 n e 10 20 e e 5 20 ve e 5 20 Max Pl New Old vh n 15 15 h n 10 15 n n 5 15 e n 5 15 ve n 5 15 Max Pl New Old vh h 10 10 h h 5 10 n h 5 10 e h 5 10 ve h 5 10 Max Pl New Old vh vh 5 5 h vh 5 5 n vh 5 5 e vh 5 5 ve vh 5 5 So basically you make things faster. Thats not what you wanted, right?
  3. The challenge system is about to change and challenges of the format "as much/little as possible" will probably be problematic then. For example: GipFace is the fastest eletd racer, so only he can win the challenge? I'd rather use the form of "less/more than X" for a normal challenge. For example "survive w/o summonning an elemental till wave 34".
  4. Cisz

    Challenge #4

    @Trest - no problem. The native english speakers have to learn what "leak" is too.
  5. We may take curd as a substitute.
  6. Cataras gave me a replay where he could build behind his summoning center. It was at ronnald wave, and on player 1. I could reproduce this on area one and two. Didn't check for before ronald yet.
  7. Cisz

    Challenge titles

    That may be true, but I'd rather have the challenge 1 title for this replay: >> Challenge 1 << So, could you check it?
  8. Warning: This is a boring and uninteresting post, but it's important. If you ignore this stuff, people will hate you and steal your yoghurt. When posting a replay, please keep in mind that in order for anyone to actually watch it, the following things must be met: -Correct map version.-Correct filename and folder.-Correct version of Warcraft. In detail this means: -To watch the replay, your viewers have to have a copy of the same version of the map that you used for recording the replay. You can assume that all viewers will have the latest version of the map. If you use a different version, please tell us which version. Please note: The filename can be misleading about the actual version of the map. You can get the latest version here. And the older versions can be found here. Please note, that there are many fake versions out there, lurking to be played. The only official versions of the map are: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.1, 4.1b, 4.2, 4.2b, 4.2c, 4.2d, 4.2e, 4.3 (on sept 2010). There have been some other beta and rc versions of the map. Those are unfinished test versions which are know to have bugs and ballance issues. Please don't host any beta versions including the 4.0 public beta, or join a game on them. (And yes, many of the betas and rc's are fake versions too. And I won't tell you which.) -The viewers copy of the map has to have the same filename and location in his tft installation as the map you used to record the replay. If the filename or folder doesn't match, this is usually not the viewers fault, it's your fault. The official name of the 4.0 is "Element TD 4.0.w3x". They belong into the "Maps\Download" folder. -The version of tft (Warcraft III: The frozen Throne) you used to record the replay with, has to be the same as of the viewer. You can assume that all viewers have patched their game to the latest version. There are ways to watch older replays, but they are painfull. At any rate, if you post a replay on an outdated version of tft, please tell us whitch version of the game it was. So, you have been warned.
  9. Warning: This is a boring and uninteresting post, but it's important. If you ignore this stuff, people will hate you and steal your yoghurt. When posting a replay, please keep in mind that in order for anyone to actually watch it, the following things must be met: -Correct map version.-Correct filename and folder.-Correct version of Warcraft. In detail this means: -To watch the replay, your viewers have to have a copy of the same version of the map that you used for recording the replay. You can assume that all viewers will have the latest version of the map. If you use a different version, please tell us which version. Please note: The filename can be misleading about the actual version of the map. You can get the latest version here. And the older versions can be found here. Please note, that there are many fake versions out there, lurking to be played. The only official versions of the map are: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 (on april 2009). There have been some other beta and rc versions of the map. Those are unfinished test versions which are know to have bugs and ballance issues. Please don't host any beta versions including the 4.0 public beta, or join a game on them. (And yes, many of the betas and rc's are fake versions too. And I won't tell you which.) -The viewers copy of the map has to have the same filename and location in his tft installation as the map you used to record the replay. If the filename or folder doesn't match, this is usually not the viewers fault, it's your fault. The official name of the 4.0 is "Element TD 4.0.w3x". They belong into the "Maps\Download" folder. -The version of tft (Warcraft III: The frozen Throne) you used to record the replay with, has to be the same as of the viewer. You can assume that all viewers have patched their game to the latest version. There are ways to watch older replays, but they are painfull. At any rate, if you post a replay on an outdated version of tft, please tell us whitch version of the game it was. So, you have been warned. Edit - Updated on 24.4.2009.
  10. Cisz

    Challenge #4

    Welcome Trest. I have bad news for you: I'm afraid you failed at the challenge for now. I agree with jolin, plz use the proper map name: Element TD 3.0.w3x I took the time to rename my map to "element_td_3[1].0.w3x", start your replay, and rename back to "Element TD 3.0.w3x" for once, and there is a problem with your entry: You leaked. I'm not sure which of the players is you, but that's not important, they all leaked. On wave 1. To win this challenge you have to kill all of the creeps and elementals, and you are not allowed to let a single creep or elemental reach the exit before you cleared wave 60. So go and rename your map and try again.
  11. It's not exactly part of my curriculum, but I'm taking film classes at the uni.
  12. @Exodus - Maybe you want to join a certain clan? I've been beaten quite a bit since I joined, maybe there is a better player for you too? Or when was the last time you have seen a scoreboard look like this: (Replay for that.)
  13. Very nice. Flashback is actually a flash: Click to watch it. Tool is great, they've done a big deal of cool videos, I'll get back to them soon.
  14. I'd rather talk about mech getting slower with damage, or them beeing tougher and slower.
  15. But on pick you can play the same build 20 times, plan ahead, and know exactly which tower will have to br build when. Or you simply pay more, win w/o leak and wonder: "What's all that posting about?"
  16. That's interesting. Are films so fascinating to you?
  17. @boom - You will have to use interest and pures, or it wont work. Remember - there is a difference between no leak and full health, and I know it.
  18. That may be, but what has it to do with experimental film?
  19. For what I have seen, the new loadscreen is not very good at promoting the website. It should look like this: www.eletd.com
  20. So I choose nature and darkness alternatively till wave 30? And then, if anyone is still there, earth? Or how about making it 5 x $ and then dn-dn-dn..
  21. Here we go again: >> Chikinki - Like it or leave it << This is a video showing the trick called forced perspective. This is based upon three priciples. First the different parts of the picture don't have the natural distribution of sharpness, that is either all things are sharp or not all things in the same distance have the same focus. Secondly the things shown are taken out of their normal surroundings, making it impossible to determine their real size. And third, the things are then placed in a new context that suggests a likely looking way to estimate the objects sizes, but of couse this last step involves a lot of cheating. To a lesser extend the perspective distortion of the objects in question has to be considered too. Thats why in forced perspective shoots all things tend to face the camera.
  22. Cisz

    Challenge #6

    @Dingolicious - Yes, you did it. There are two ways to help you finding out, if your golems are maxed. You can either select the 6 in question and check if their mana is full and does't ge empty again (as the mana is used for keeping track of the xp) or you can put a hotkey on the youngest golem, for if he is 31, most likely all will be, as long as you keep them in one place.
  23. Yes, two pass builds at 4 and 3 would suffer greatly, as they rely on the towers beeing right next to the path. In fact right now nearly all builds rely on short range, and there is no room on the ledges to move the towers elsewhere. How long would this ability reach? If it's range was like 500, it wouldn't hit the towers that fired at it (with say 700 range) but the next towers in line.
  24. Cisz

    Mode for next version

    All voting systems won't work out imo. The result will either be random (we allready have that) or only as good as the players that vote. The only version that convinces me so far is this: The host chooses all elements before the game starts, and the result is displayed to all players, so they can prepare themselves. Even now, the host is at an advantage. Maybe it would still be fair to make him sell at 75% and all others at 100%, but I'm not sure, that might be a bit tough. Any other suggestione to give the host a slight disadvantage?
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