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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. Cisz

    Welcome emjlr3

    Besides, you can allways help this map. If you want to be part of it, you can. And what's with the "no e-mail", you should sort that out with karawasa.
  2. Cisz

    beta2 : hotkeys

    Most are fine but U is to far right. I have to move my hand for every fricking arrow.
  3. I noticed that too - I had lag allthough I was the host.
  4. I just noticed - the non hurricane attack was removed, which even more reduces the need to micro.
  5. Cisz

    [Spell 4] - Prism

    If I understand this spell right, it will instantly win the map. I forsee me beeing wrong or this spell undergoing a mayor overhaul.
  6. Cisz

    Welcome emjlr3

    @tidehunter Karawasa was desperately trying to contact you over quite some time. I had contact with him in that period and "no email or notice" can't be true.
  7. Ok, I'm trying to do ldwf, as storm and acid look familiar. The build oviously circles around the replicate ability of the trickery tower. Here is how far I got, not far indeed: >> Replay ldwf 4.0 beta 2 <<
  8. Storm as it was could slow over to the other side of a ledge, or about the entire area around a bend at 7 or 5. The decreased aoe makes it more of a different tower. If I build several of them, I can't see why I should micro/move the hurricane, thats more like an ice/glacier was. And if I micro one, it's too slow to get anywhere fast enough. Basically the aoe reduction totally changed the tower to the point that it makes almost no sense to micro it. And the spell range increase for storm makes things even worse, as the hurricane is to slow, has not enough range and now spawns even further away from where its best positioned. Basically the tower should now have a very short spawning range, no movement and an even smaller aoe, or, imo, revert to 3.0 version. What do you think?
  9. Cisz


    That would be either ldwf-n, ldwf, or ldwn. Hasn't anyone used that in the challenge 4 beat vhx no leak)? I'm in a bit of a hurry, I'll get some replays later. How about this? >>> ldwf-n <<<
  10. With the new version of the map, all builds should work now, so a win on very hard should be very possible indeed. Here are the builds to check: 4 Element Builds Nr. ldwfne 4.01 ++++ ldwf 4.02 +++ + ldwn 4.03 +++ + ldwe 4.04 ++ ++ ldfn 4.05 ++ + + ldfe 4.06 ++ ++ ldne 4.07 + +++ lwfn 4.08 + ++ + lwfe 4.09 + + ++ lwne 4.10 + +++ lfne 4.11 ++++ dwfn 4.12 +++ + dwfe 4.13 ++ ++ dwne 4.14 + +++ dfne 4.15 ++++ wfne 5 Element Builds Nr. ldwfne 5.1 +++++ ldwfn 5.2 ++++ + ldwfe 5.3 +++ ++ ldwne 5.4 ++ +++ ldfne 5.5 + ++++ lwfne 5.6 +++++ dwfne 6 Element Build Nr. ldwfne 6.1 ++++++ ldwfne Now we need one win on vh pick for each of the builds. Thats 22 matches. Prism is still missing, so any build with lde should be considered under construction for now.
  11. We should ask the better players if they have time on a proposed date. Apart from the members of this group, that would be hyper, good, cyberseer. Did I forget someone?
  12. Cisz

    Best ronald kill build

    The problem is, there are no decent hunting replays on tft 1.21. I tried to make one again, but failed so far. It's not that easy.
  13. Cisz

    Welcome emjlr3

    Ah. So I never had a chance.
  14. Do I get this right? This is about a new and hopefully ballanced and working hero mode, to be implemented after beta 2? The standard auras are: Attack speed.Damage boost. Armour reduction. Bounty increase (%). Slow. All those give a % bonus. With the exeption of bounty, all boni are based on what the player has built, so they are easy to ballance.
  15. Cisz

    Another new face. :)

    I met him on the irc, and can recommend his company so far.
  16. Cisz

    Welcome emjlr3

    @emjlr3 Let me bump this to raise a question. Your nick keeps confusing me. Could you explain it to me? Or hint how to pronounce it?
  17. Cisz

    New clan members

    The clan is allmost at maximum size now, so we should start to get picky with new members. I suggest the following rule for people that want to join: They have to request this in a thread on this forum. So we see if they want it so badly that they even make a new forum account for it, promote the forums, and get players to actually use it. A second rule could be that the player has to post a replay winning vh, as the normal clan game is vh sr. And in addition to that we have to keep the rule "they have to be nice and friendly" up and alife. Good strained this rule again today.. Sigh. What do you think?
  18. The clan has over 80 members now, and even if we remove the players that have been idle for over a month, thats only like 10 more slots. So we will develop new and hard rules to restrict acces to the clan.
  19. I'd like to at least try to take this serious. If we can't even prevent simple cheating, the whole thing becomes a bit pointless maybe..
  20. Cisz

    Ladder points

    This change was the reason for this post. Before it, the points grew very slowly and I had like 5 games in a row w/o a change of my score. After it the top players score went from 300 to 600 in a few days. O_o
  21. Cisz

    Ladder points

    If you are referring to the casual collective, after their last ladder update the scores explode and now they are a classic example of how activity beats skill.
  22. There is a new user group - League Organizers Maybe you can help us to develop the ladder system, organize tournaments, or create rulesets for copetitive eletd gaming. Have you managed swiss system tournaments? Been a league player with dota for a while? Have ladder experience? Or conducted a lan? We could use some assistance. >> Click here << to check out the groups members and to aply.
  23. Cisz

    Ladder points

    What do they measure? If ladder points are meant to represent the skill level of a player, than many or most game results wont change the ladder score. Strong player wins over beginner? No new info gained, no points awarded. If ladder points are meant to encourage play and to reward activity, even the most unimportant win will gain you at least a point. But by this, activity can compensate skill ladder rank wise. In extreme, a terrible playe could make it number one, if only he manages to find even worse oponents over and over again. If the points awarded for an unimportant win are few, the motivational effect is small. Maybe this could drive people to search for equal oponents. And what about ffa games? If I die, but leave behind me some others, do I get points? Or does my loss cancel out my gain?
  24. As you are probably aware, it is possible for the host to drop a player by abusing a firewall, without this beeing recognizable in the replay. Same goes for a player that wishes to disconnect himself. So if a player sees the game not running as he desires and has hope that a rematch might help, he could drop/lag out and claim a rematch. If we count a disc as a loss, hosts can score easy wins with drop hack. If we demand a match to be completed to score points, then forcing rematches over and over could become a legit way of conducting ladder games. Only in games with a third party host (like a referee) the drop hack can be prevented. But still it's not recognisable is a disc of a player is on purpose or an accident. So - is there a way to prevent this?
  25. Cisz

    Hello to All!

    Hi Pelado. You just sneaked in before the next version.. Hehe.
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