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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. About the ruleset: We should target more players this time. 32 players should be a good maximum, but if 8 players show up, thats enough for me not to cancel the event. The best size for a match would be 4 players imo. 2-6 would be ok too (though 6 is really tough). And games of 7 or 8 players are to big to be allowed imo. That leads to the question of how many players are advancing from a game. I'd say that in games of 4 or less players, only one should advance, and in games of 5 or 6, we could allow two players to get to the next round. The preliminaries will be two rounds of ffa's for all players, so everyone gets at least to play this two games. How do we determine who plays who in the second round of the preliminaries? We shouldn't sort them into games of same first result (swiss), as this will be unfair to players with one win. For a swiss to work there should be at least 3 rounds, and we don't really have time for that. In any case, we will face problems with players with one win after the first two rounds, as we can't really find out which of them are better. So it makes sense to not only award points for the first player of a preliminary match, but also for the second (like 3 for 1st and 1 for 2nd or something similiar). The finals will be two rounds of ffa single elimination. The winning players (one or two from each semifinal) advance to the finals. As the final can't be bigger than 6 players, there can't be more than 6 matches in the semifinal.
  2. Cisz

    The forum bell

    If you think this forum needs more activity, ring this thread, its the forum bell. Bump it till you get some action around here.
  3. Interesting idea. But what about one replicating tower creating multiple images? How can a maxed trickery (lv3) be better than a lv1 then?
  4. It happened again in beta 4 - game stops after an undead wave (wave 9). >> Replay <<
  5. I managed to win more or less legit, one game after 13est did, but on hard only. We rolled all elements on sr, plus water/nature 2 and earth 3. I used impulse and later on tidals and pure earth for damge, and well lv.2 and blacksmith for boost. I had 2 each of storm/nova/muck/root, and several flame and ice, and a ton of hydro for lategame stunning. The combo tidal/well works great, as they power up so fast, and minimum speed still is great help, even though it's higher. I try to put that into 4+1 or 4 elements and see what I can do on vh. Edit - >> Here is the replay of the game on hard. <<
  6. And he set a new record with 4 ronalds. The hydro tower is still bugged (eternal stun and no thrown units).
  7. Right after release I did a first test with Karawasa and we did neither encounter lag spikes nor broken wave spacing. First impression - lag is gone. Can anyone pull up more than two beta testers in one game? And till found otherwise - grats emjlr3, bugfix solved it.
  8. You are talking about the pure towers? Cause everything else can by build at the 3X waves (31+).
  9. Cisz

    [BETA 2] Laggs?

    I just played with hyper, and we had like several seconds lag at the worst times. Mech levels gave a strong lag boost, like up 2 secs from 1 sec lag. And for some reason the wave 60 (not ronald, the healing evil childs) were more or less lag free all of a sudden. We seemed to have an "overall backgroud lag" of about .5 second for most of the game, that started early (gotta check when), and that build up with towers and especially aforementioned mech waves. (Extra mech lag was gone after the wave was over.)
  10. Cisz

    [BETA 2] Laggs?

    @emjlr3 - Try to play solo, bot on b-net. Maybe then you will get the lag too. Hyperprimate and I tried to play arrows only to see if any lag occures. We didn't get far, as the game ended in a "no more spawns after a wave after an undead wave" event. The lag was only tiny, but the spacing of the waves was slightly broken again.
  11. Cisz

    How to use IRC

    You need an irc client. Mirc (not free), chatzilla or trillian (free), will do. Google them, download one, read the manual.
  12. Afaik this sometimes happens at the end of a wave after an undead wave.
  13. Well, till now you could build storm with good microing short before wave 20, and solo the tower till wave 31, which means on multiplayer to kick most of your opponents, it was too strong for the prize you payed for it. Till wave 24 you mean, after that you have to add towers. Thats is try for acid, nova, rainbow, summoning, and, although I didn't test it yet, probalby also for flamethrower, infernal, metal, gem and sludge. Why should storm be an especially weak tower?
  14. Cisz

    Builder Yealous

    Let me translate: 13est: "wtf w0o0t huh?" emjlr3: "p0wned" @13est - Breathe, concentrate, spellcheck. What emjlr3 is hinting, is that the custom workers are more than just an unusual model. Once the gameplay relevant workload is done, he will code stuff for them. And you have seen the new towers, so you can imagine what emjlr3 is capable of.
  15. I've uploaded the pack to savefile: >> Same pack, different link. <<
  16. The mirage tower is meant to create more images, and it does so, having only half the cooldown, but still it's to expensive. I suggest that we implement a copies per gold ratio.
  17. Sure thing, I allways save: >> Replay - Stuck after 16 <<
  18. I ended up massing trickery, but since it is hard to micro more than 12 of them, probably even this would do: 4 trickery (2.000) = 1 mirage (2.000)
  19. Cisz

    [BETA 2] Laggs?

    I had some games with hyperprimate, and we both had lag (he was host), my delay was over 1.5 seconds. The lag apeared after some time into the game, so I assume you should check for memory leaks.
  20. Cisz

    Builder Yealous

    @ 13est - Enter thisd into an irc client like chatzilla, mirc, or trillian: irc://irc.gamesurge.net/eletd
  21. Wave 17 wouldn't end after all creeps were gone. Wave 16 is undead, so I expect some mismatch with extra units.
  22. Cisz

    [BETA 2] Laggs?

    I had similiar experiences. My worker took about 1 second to respond, when I was hosting. Is this even possible?
  23. Cisz

    Builder Yealous

    You can. Spent night after night in the irc. Develop tools for the map. Keep a constant high quality to your input. Help out when its needed and do all this over some months. Or be lucky and get it for no reason as I did..
  24. Cisz

    New clan members

    As I have told you (and all other shamans) I want no messing around with the promote/demote and kick. Once we have 100 members I will kick idle members.
  25. In addition to that, the values of trickery/mirage are badly chosen. It makes no sense to upgrade to mirage for twice the cooldown speed, if for the same price you can get three more trickey. 4 trickery (2.000) > 1 mirage (2.000). 2 trickery (1.000) = 1 mirage (2.000).
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