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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. Cisz

    The return off...

    Ah - welcome back war.
  2. I have used hard quite a bit, so I'd say keep that.
  3. Eletd is a survivor map. You are supposed to kill your friend. Horribly. No seriously, this map is not for coop play.
  4. Cisz

    lfwd replays

    How about this one.
  5. Uhh - you are right. I meant "markers", not "makers".
  6. When I try to read all new posts, and don't finish fast enough (like in 30 mins), they all get marked as read. Is there a way to prevent unread posts to be marked as read?
  7. Axe amour ignoring. It only causes balancing problems.
  8. At the moment composite is fine with me, im more concerned with how to handle mech waves. Them mechs tend to leak a lot and I have a hard time catching them. But I won't complain to loud for now, I might find a way to deal with them.
  9. I don't care too much for what I have, so I'm not totally sure, but I guess our systems are pretty identical.^^ So - good choice, grats for your taste.
  10. Hm. I feel interest in this topic. I am wanted. Hm. Sounds like work is coming up.^^
  11. We could drop the gold from 70 to 60 for all difficulties.
  12. Cisz


    Merry christmas all'y'all. May pointy eared elves pile toys upon you. And it's spelled correctly, I checked it.
  13. I don't like kindle and flame as they are now. Kindle is to weak, should have stayed as steam was, and flame is an armour reducer, which breaks the rules for strong towers. I really like the new undead, and in a hating way the new mechs too. Edit - On a second thought, maybe I just don't know how to use kindle..
  14. Ice is allready in there, It's called muck now and works exactly as ice did. Let me repeat the status quo, the masterplan for eletd 4.0: In our current plans we have 3 strong duals and 8 strong tripples, and a strong dual is supposed to be more than twice as valuable as the strong tripples, with the following result: Category Maximum points Overall 26 Four-element builds 26 Five-element builds 26 Six-element builds 26 Worst build maximum 24 With "points" beeing a value to determine the relative strength of the towers. >> Click here for the full table. << Or in a more primitive way: Strong dual - 2 points Strong tripple - 1 point 4 ldwf 4 ldwn 4 ldwe 4 ldfn 4 ldfe 4 ldne 4 lwfn 4 lwfe 4 lwne 4 lfne 4 dwfn 4 dwfe 4 dwne 4 dfne 4 wfne In other words the builds are equal once we managed to get all towers working and make them mimic the required relative value, that is the strong dual will be much better than the strong tripples, but much harder to get, so as a result, all builds shall be equallly strong. 13est - can you give a complete distibution example of all strong towers? 4 aoe slow, 2 armour reducers, two other strong tripples, 3 strong duals. Or do you use less strong towers? If you don't just exchange strong tripples and change the number of strong towers, I'm afraid your concept can't work. Maybe we missed something there, but I doubt it. As for switching strong tripples to get the aoe slows spread out - why should we do that? We allready have a map where the winning strat is identical every game, and it's called eletd 3.0 on pick; lfwd or lfwn ftw. The idea behind making the builds equally strong but different in how they achieve this strength is to diversify the game. If all 4 element builds have, say, one aoe slow and one armour reducer, why have different builds in the first place? Blizzard TD has aoe slows and armour reducers, in every build, the same build for all players and every game, in fact the only build that map has. Of course this is harder to ballance. But we can do it.
  15. Cisz

    Rainbow Tower's

    What exactly do you like about them? It's basically a single target short range composite dmg tower. No different from gold or a basic arrow.
  16. Same here, although it died out a bit in the last months. It usually makes me smile. I prepared a new way to make fun of them, along the lines of "I'll quote you on the forums and we will have a good laugh" or "I'll tell Karawasa, he'll be chuckling", but I didn't get the chance to use this yet.
  17. I like this version much better too. There is no "Wind" element. The only thing missing now is neat pictures and diagrams to pimp it all.
  18. The game allready is too hard at the moment. Maybe we should come back to that once the map is actually working?
  19. Cisz

    Renaming lumber

    Yeah, I never liked the work "lumber" too. At least make it "wood" - much faster to type.
  20. Cisz

    Gold Tower

    I gave the current 4.0 version another try, and I have not found a good use for it yet. It's no dmg tower and the profit is not very high. Is the bonus gold based on the damage taken by the creep? Or the damage of the shoot? Or modified by armour? How does that work?
  21. I can feel a disturbance in the force, like two coders working on the same project..
  22. Cisz


    Damage test is a bad idea. Will the test target be slowable? If so, wont the damage test take forever? Mass hydro ftw? And if not, won't that be unfair to players that use stalling/slowing as part of their build?
  23. It lags on my machine too. The creeps don't come out in a straight line, they stutter on spawning or take a break on the road..
  24. Cisz

    Insane mode

    If the HP/armour of the creeps are unchanged, this is the GipFace mode.
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