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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. Cisz

    Gold Tower

    What was the problem again? Why is the current beta version hard to ballance?
  2. I like the second picture very much. High voltage baby.
  3. Cisz

    Gold Tower

    Option 4 looks a lot like the beta version, only it's not increased by armour reduction. 2 and 3 open a whole new world of ballance issues, aka problems. Would it be possible to win the game with just one tower and a ton of cash, steadily growing by interest?
  4. Cisz

    Insane mode

    Gipface requested something like that agas ago, and I second this too. We need a faster mode.
  5. Cisz

    Punisher mode

    How about not only the player to finish first starts the next wave, how about the player that leaks first does that too? So the next wave starts when any player either leaks or clears. Discuss.
  6. Cisz


    This is very good news. I never really liked the 4b5 voting system.
  7. Cisz

    Competitive Mode

    As I allready made clear, a random option would be very good imo.
  8. Cisz

    Competitive Mode

    It's a bit like super powers in mpdtd. I don't play that mode, as they all target me. (I'm rank 2 on the ladder, so everyone wants to see me loose. )
  9. Cisz

    Jinx Tower

    I never used it so far.
  10. The popup is really bad, other than that it's ok.
  11. I think it's risky and you missed that as an option.
  12. I was thinking along the lines of "rain, -30% on fire damage; sun, -30% on dark damge".
  13. Maybe he is not in the dev team? Waether could be a fun thing to ad, but there is allready so much to do. But I'd rather have weather than heroes.
  14. Cisz


    ...but still you did a nice hunt there. Would you share your replay with us?
  15. I didn't read that tricky trickery suggestion yet, but about hail - it doesn't work for me either, needs some mayor overhaul. Maybe make it fire at an area like it does now, only the % of the area that gets hit is better. Like in a smaller radius. And that area is placed like targeting with artillery. So the area had a radius and the tower had a range in which this radius has to be. Maybe a unit could be used to choose the area? Like a gyrocopter?
  16. Cisz


    Thats the undead bug, should be gone in the latest version, update to beta 5.
  17. Cisz

    Gold Lover.

    Here you go: >> eletd dwarven style <<
  18. This is the wrong section, posts about secret non-public hidden don't-tell-anyone-anything-about-it beta versions belong into the game reports section.
  19. Cisz

    Tower of Elements

    GipFace used to tell tales of them, and he is about the best player there is. And I use it if I am really desperate, because its better than not building a pure and not having any decent splash tower at the same time.
  20. Cisz

    Quick Brainstorm

    The last two posts are a bit late, we allready have golem, zeal and tidal.
  21. Cisz

    Quick Brainstorm

    How about a tower that can change between longrange, shortrange and aoe, or 2 of those options? Needs to be switched manually, or can bet left on one of the options.
  22. Cisz

    Quick Brainstorm

    The new towers shouldn't have any slowing or armour reduction or damage boost other towers. Those effects are allready assigned to other towers and we'd mess up the builds ballance all over again, if we add more. What we need are dmg towers. And I like the "tower that gets stronger when near" and the "continious beam" of the laser.
  23. Cisz

    Are we....

    We have a pulse.
  24. Wait - what? I never really played 3.0 chaos, but it should have a ronald counter no matter what mode you play. If the counter is broken for chaos mode, thats a bug.
  25. I think you missed an important point here: Ronald is there to kill all but one player, so the map allways has a winner. There are lots of very good players out there, so if ronald would be ending, many games would end in a draw. And you don't want want that, do you?
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