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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. Gemcraft is a flash TD with many interesting properties. You get a campaign with different maps and available gems, you get skill you can level up, you can redistribute those skills at any time, and you can uncover hidden levels in the campaign. I just completed a glowing run, it will be available on youtube soon.
  2. Cisz

    Watching Replys

    That's a really annoying thing and I hope that SC2 will have a fix for this. You should google evercraft and learn how to use it, but it's not really easy. Be carefull with evercraft, it doesn't care for custom maps, so you have to manually copy them and keep a backup.
  3. Let me put it this way: Replay?
  4. I hope angel returns. This thread could actually become usefull when we start discussing his experince with him.
  5. He does that from time to time, but last time he returned, we got 4.0pb. So eletd is slow but awesome, and I can live with that.
  6. Shouldn't lv.3 be focused? The host was commenting your skill, not your bug. He was probably thinking that you don't know how to play the map. Even if he was right, that's no reason to be rude. But "very little damage" is what a dark tower does most of the time. What difficulty where you playing on? "Normal settings" would be very hard samerandom for me, is that true for you too?
  7. Composite means basically: "Why play the game? It's much easier to just mass this composite tower." In 3.0 Gold or Rainbow could dmg solo the game, allthough rainbow needed a bit of support to do so. That's not exactly playing eletd.
  8. Ok, Locked, this topic is covered here
  9. Rather ask me to lock it, no need to remove my great replay.
  10. Define full. With a working ballance and ladder system? It takes years for that, as I allways stated, although karawasa doesn't like it when I keep pointing it out, so don't tell him.
  11. Your main problem seems to be that you don't upgrade your triples. If you manage to get them upped, you should get a lot further.
  12. Cisz

    VH normal AP need help

    Oh, sorry, maximum speed reduction is 66%. My bad, thanx for pointing out.
  13. You are right, this is still a beta. But let me point out some things: Kindle tower burns everything within range, and with serious slow thats an entire wave. Magic does a lot more dmg/cost than dark if used correctly. Play it at 4 (you know where 4 is?) with some slow, or at 9-6. And kindle does increase the dmg taken.
  14. Cisz

    VH normal AP need help

    Min speed is 66% afaik. <= Sorry, not true. Maximum speed reduction is 66%. And decent fire dmg would be zealot.
  15. Cisz

    VH normal AP need help

    Hi kevs926, welcome to the forums. For shredders (wave 32, composite mech) you should build a lot of elemental towers at 7 or 5 (You know where 7 and 5 is?), and then relocate to 9. Build 12 (or even 24) basic arrows (7 gold) at 7 and 12 (or even 24) at 9 during wave 31. Upgrade the group at 7 for wave 32 with all your unspent gold. After the shredders passed them, sell those at 7 and upgrade at 9. You start the wave with 2 triples and add a third for the end of it, so most of your gold is bound in them. The storm and the nova are notoriously weak vs mechanical and will allways leak a bit on 32. If you insist on more than one triple, you should either invest in a single target triple at 3 or 9, or a long range triple at 5. For 37 (light mech) 12 earth towers will help alot (but you don't leak on that wave, so ignore me here). For the earth 3 at 40, don't build those focused earth towers. You don't have any single target at all. Get a polar and an enchantment instead. And build more elemental arrows on long pass (you know what long pass is?), those at 6 are firing at reduced efficiency. You nearly get the fire mechs (wave 46), so one set of 12 water arrows at 9 or an ice tower at 9 and 3, or said polar, would make you fireproof here. Your pure earth safely destroys wave 50 (nature mech), but it would get even easier if you sold those refined earths and got a periodic at 9 instead. Does that help?
  16. Cisz

    quick question~

    Karawasa stated that hydro accidently does composite on it's stun. I never tested this and I don't know about the direct attack though..
  17. I have to agree - %-based dmg is very cheesy on ronald. And wouldn't that be composite dmg?
  18. There is tigershark, hyperprimate, basically a whole clanfull of people. Click here for clan etd.
  19. I wonder what he does while he is away...
  20. Hi MiracleRuby, Welcome to the forums. You should check out the rules for replays, because you used a bad map folder, and now we all have to copy maps..
  21. A very good idea. Start collecting players. And use the irc, it's usefull.
  22. Cisz

    Northrend Team

    I'm pretty busy atm, but I can be contacted in the eletd irc.
  23. The main reason is that not many in the dev team really care for heroes and karawasa has difficulty finding the time to work on the map. So maybe after we have a working map.
  24. No, because noone has ever done this before. Playing in the middle (at 5) is faster, but has less interest, so hunting doesn't work. You don't get the networth for it there.
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