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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. As long as I can turn of the autocast, it's ok for me on tidal. It sucks in most cases, but is better than no knowing about it for beginners. Autocast enabled on build, can be turned off, is fine with me.
  2. 13est - why did you quote his entire post? Don't you have anything to say for yourself?
  3. Cisz


    Anything works in ve and many on normal. 40 creep levels? It was and is 60. And the cash went up for all but vh. What versions are you playing? Besides - what's wrong with gold? 5_interest_no_leak.w3g
  4. Hey, nice one discore. The biggest difference I noticed was that you weren't playing with joilin012.
  5. You play good but the map is meant to be hard, so to win you need to play very good, and that takes practice. There are only a few smaller mistakes you make, like placing ice bad (it belongs on a short pass, see further down the post for how to place ice), using fire towers to catch a leak (splash), nature is much better for that, and upgrading monsoon to late. You should simply practice on that difficulty, and don't worry that you have problems, it's called hard for a reason. So what you need to is not avoiding mistakes (you make only a few) but to learn to make the most of your towers. Here are some general tips: -Allways plan ahead. If you know the next wave needs a different element, at least get your worker in the right place, maybe start laying out some basic cannons or arrows, so you just have to upgrade, or even build the basic elemental towers. If you expect the next elemental, prepare for it beeing a higher level one. I guess the first level two elemental can be spawned after wave 20 or 25, I'm not sure. -When playing on random and facing a hard wave, try to relocate towers from 4-5 to 6-9, so that you gold attacks twice. (You know where 4-5 is?) For relocating, planning ahead is important. Lay down the starting towers for both groups whenever you can. -Mechanical creeps are best attacked with either the strong element (eg. nature vs wave 20, earth mechanical), or with single target on long pass. As you might know, long pass doesn't work well, so you will either have to play at 3, so the second pass is pretty long, or even better, relocate from 5 to 9. Use elemental arrows, nature towers, magic, electricity, or similiar for best results. Relocating will work with splash too, just not quite as strong on mech. -If you keep a part of your towers for all waves, try to select them in a way that they have no weakness vs any elements. For example, a corrosion (fire) and a muck (dark, covers fire against water) should be covered with an equal ammount of earth dmg (quaker, gold, focused earth, a pair of hydros) against light. Another good combo is roots, nova, and storm. The two groups efd and wln cover each other in a circle. (You understand efd?) -Try to use the highest level towers that you have, as they have a better dmg/gold ratio. Not all towers allready work well, so trust your knowledge on what tower will do something and which won't. But if you can spend your money on focused earth or refined fire, go for fire on anything but water (and maybe light). And here is advice to maximise specific towers: Storm -If you have a storm, move the hurricane to cover more path. If you do it like this, it covers all creeps that you can see in this picture: If the hurricane spawns far away from that place, you can also use this spot. If you move it out of the middle of the path, the hurricane can slow creeps on both sides of a ledge. The far side gets only a small coverage, but that is enough to make a difference in many cases. In the case of the first picture "small coverage" adds up to the entire center of the map. Impulse Impulse does up to 4300 dmg when firing at far away creeps, but can go as low as 1300 when firing at near creeps, so if you are using impulse, you should constantly manually target the farthest targets. When playing impulse at 5 (like you did, and it's a good place for that) you should start by firing at the creeps left of 7. Retarget after every shoot, don't let the tower follow one creep. After the waves is past that place, start to target the creeps that just arived above 1, and when they are throught there, at under 2, then right of 6, and above 8. If you master this, you can use this tower vs mechanical creeps. Add the well whenever you can afford it. Quaker This needs the help of slow and belongs on long pass. Works best with speed bonus (well). Ice and flame These are single target slows. You can use them with micro: You build a lot of them, select them all and press "s" after every shoot, so they will retarget and slow another creep. Or you can use them on short pass: Another ice belongs into the corner at 9. When placed like this, a tower of 700 range will hit each target only one time, so you force it to retarget for every shoot. Enchantment and afaik polar retarget automatically, but ice and flame don't. If you have both flame and ice, place the other one besides that place. It's not perfect but better than having to micro. That's it for this replay. Play some games, send more replays, ask questions. And don't let my replay get you down. Did you notice the number in the filename? That was my 1431th game on an eletd map. You won't need 1000 games to get better than I am now, no doubt about it.
  6. That's just one way to play the map. So where is your replay? You need help, I need replay.
  7. Whats wrong with all the replays allready posted? Click here and look a bit.
  8. 1.20e is fine. And here is a first replay: 1431 Eletd (4pb vh) leak till ronald (1-20e).w3g
  9. Ok, replay time. I'll fire up evercraft and play random on vh for you and you'll post me one of your replays, and maybe I can give you some advice.. Stay tuned for a replay in a bit. (Walks of to play.)
  10. Welcome to the board. Are we talking about the 4.0pb of eletd or the 3.0? A lot has changed there. Yes, I think I can help you. I have a lot of older replays on the 1.20e that might interest you, allthough they are on the 3.0 version of the map. And I could fire up evercraft to take a look at your games maybe. Are we talking about the 4.0pb of eletd or the 3.0? A lot has changed there. It's hard to give any advice without very small questions or a replay, because we allready found out so many things that a player can do wrong. A quick look at the FAQ might help a bit, and I have written a far too long guide on placement, and it's not even finished, but it might be helpfull. It is important where and with what oponents you play. You are playing random, right? When starting to master "hard", I suggest you play either alone or all players should be on hard, samerandom. If you play samerandom, and save your replay, you can take a look at what your oponents did, after the game, so you can learn from whoever won. As a beginner on this difficulty you should try to play on the right side of the map. Very good opponents may play so fast that you can't survive on the right side, and if that happens to often, try single player instead, or play with friends that won't do that to you. The fun thing about random is, that all towers sell at 100%, you can sell and rebuid everything. So there is no rule for when to use elemental towers. Whenever you can afford them, and if they do work on the wave you are playing, you can use them. For the next wave you can sell them and build something else. I often play wave 6-20 with earth towers whenever possible. They do massive damage, and whenever nature creeps come up, I switch to something else. You are aware of the basic concepts I assume? Which element does high or low damage on which armour? And if you are playing the 4.0 you know about what undead and mechanical do? And here are some replays for tft 1.20e: Cisz chal8-fwdn.w3g gold_NO_LEAK_3-0.w3g Elem3-0 502 (vh) rnd won.w3g
  11. Oh sorry, did miss the "instant". Theorycraft tells me that on wave 50 you'd get about 18% for a kill.
  12. We still have a death tower? Disease tower maybe, and that one sucks atm.
  13. Hm. Is this like hydro? And why would it require placement? Sounds a bit like quaker too. I'm not sure what to think of it too. Can you elaborate more on how this would work? Would there be a delay, as with hydro?
  14. Cisz

    Blizzard TD

    The only other TD that got me interested to some degree is blizzard td. It's not really a competition ofc. But every now and then I like to pull off yet another no leaker. I'ts not that hard once I had a bit of practice. This is ofc on the easier version of the map, the version that comes with tft, not the version available on the b-net map section. If you happen to like this td too a bit, maybe drop a replay here? I have completed it with all heroes, so here is my little sample. Blizz TD NL.zip
  15. So, any reasons for this opinion? What does it miss now? What's in there that shouldn't?
  16. No tower costs wood to build, some (the pures and the periodics) cost pure essence. You get 2 essence for free (after wave 51 and 56) and can buy more for wood if you have an element on level 3 (any one element will do).
  17. It's about 50% better than any other pure, so it's imo the best way to spend your essence. It has splash (so it's better than nature, dark, and light), it is not weak on 58 (so it's better than water), not weak on 55 (better than fire), not weak on 54 (better than earth). It's the only pure that does not suck on a wave between 53 and 59. And if you have tried to play wave 60 with elemental dmg, you will have noticed that 25% is a lot.
  18. Even worse, I asked Karawasa and he said that this is as it was intended.
  19. So why is it then that Karawasa claims that drownings special ability get's a boost by blacksmith?
  20. Cisz

    Spell Bringer bugs

    I havn't tested it yet, and now I know why.
  21. I like the idea of the old metal tower. How about a "shop tower" where you can buy auras, that are about the price of a boost tower?
  22. Cisz

    Sandbox mode?

    I don't want this to become a standard, so I strongly recommend that starting the mode has to be voted upon.
  23. Cisz


    I meet him regularily, but hacker is hard to find these days. I'm working on the build ballance, and no, I am not dead.
  24. Cisz

    Sandbox mode?

    Do I get this right: You want to add a mini game of 10 minutes or more to an allready to long (60mins) game? And there is no way to prewent this for me if the sandbox mode started? So I can be stuck in this for hours, the actual game never starting, as long as at least one player still enjoys the "pre game fun"? I don't see any reason to do this at all.
  25. I, as millions of other eletd players, think this is totally unnecessary. We just don't post that much. Edit - "This" is "removing the sound". It's ok with me, keep it as it is.
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