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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. I still don't get the hang of golem. I mean, it's an st tower, right? The fact that you build several to get a decent dmg doesn't make it really anything but an st tower, or did I miss something. Has anybody put the movement of it to any use? Isn't it far to slow to do any better than the regular two pass?
  2. Let me repeat jolins question: You do recognize that darkness has 1100 range and is a semi-longrange tower that can cover the center of the map plus two of the three outer lanes?
  3. Cisz

    Fun Mode

    Ah, now I get it. Make the beginning easier, and the ending harder. As in "change the curve". Interesting. I'm not really convinced we need this though. You allready can play on ve or vhx to change the difficulty. Hm.
  4. Cisz

    Fun Mode

    Sounds like a TD. Getting gold, creeps getting harder. Whats new in this? It's allready out there, and called eletd. Or do you mean: "I want the same map, but I want to build everything in each game." Isn't that a bit boring? There are allready loads of td's out there where you have only one set of towers that is identical every time you play. Or do you mean: "I want an easy mode where I can't loose and can play around." Try cheatcodes, greedisgood should do the trick. Or go for very easy. Maybe I don't understand what you want to add to the map. Why would eletd need this new mode? To make the map easier? Or, um, less variable (as in "all towers every game")? Please explain what your mode should achieve.
  5. Cisz

    Pinoy Clan

    Can somebody confurm that this is no ad for viagra? Because I might delete it, you know..
  6. Cisz

    Light towers

    Dev - You should remember that this forum has a black background for many users.
  7. Stunning ronalds has been around in the 3.0, but I never saw somwone doing this on the 4.0pb. The 3.0 would kill you for that, as ronalds keep coming no matter waht you do, but in the 4.0pb, if you manage to stop 30 of them, you can walk away and leave the country. Nice job. And I want that replay. Savefile.com? Rapidshare?
  8. I stunned ronalds on 3.0 with waterfalls and sub zeroes, so it's not exactly a new issue.
  9. Facebook? Xfire? I'm to old for this the internet..
  10. Never used one of those. So I'm totally dunno.
  11. You don't really know much about BW, do you? Tricks like that have been a part of bw for years, and removing them would make the game less realistic, and less demanding. Where is your source for them wanting to remove indirect targeting?
  12. I agree with the op, I'd like to have hotkeys too. To bad it's so hard to implement.
  13. That's no bug and never has been. That's what aoe means: It affects an area and everything in it. Same goes for siege tank splash (place a marine right beside the invisible unit and attack it with a siege tank in siege mode), or flamethrower, or ensnare, or psistorm.
  14. Hydro and jinx are totally up to any change we feel like, as they are new in 4.0.
  15. Maybe you missed all the months of fighting and discussion, where we (the developers) tried to convince each other, or non-dev-members of the community, that the changes we make are not total crap. The old towers and names are important, for this is eletd. It has a big fanbase, and we want to carry them over. I for example am unhappy with "windstorm". Feels like a stupid name, and storm was one of my favourite towers. And MrChak explictly stated that the sun tower has to stay, it's on of the oldest towernames, if not the oldest still in play. (And it still is, it's lv.3 of flame.) Imo the old names should be kept to keep a close link to the older versions.
  16. Yes, we removed or reworked about 4 towers to entirely remove stun from the map. (Gem, roots, hydro, jinx.)
  17. Cisz

    Stronger heros?

    Sounds like a cool cross over. Think about it: Lego Eletdota the Musical..
  18. And I tested how much longer a wave needs to pass by a supernova at 5, and that would be 9 seconds. With a typical exposure of ~30 secs for two pass, thats ~30% bonus as a rough estimate. 1579 Etd(4b15 vh p) timing test slow.w3g
  19. Cisz

    Hi there

    Didn't I do 4k+ on vh pick? Maybe my memory fails me..
  20. Cisz

    Team Mode

    How are the teams selected? With some sort of new menu?`Sounds like a bit of coding to me.
  21. How comes nobody complains about devs replay? DevouringOne, your map is in the wrong folder. It belongs into /maps/download, and not into /maps/scenario.
  22. Cisz

    IRC Meetings

    Trillian is refusing to let me in the channel for 2 days, otherwise I agree with jolin.
  23. Cisz

    4.0 Ronald counts

    Interesting Error. For the non-germans: It says "out of memory". As I suspected.
  24. And there is a cap of 2 x interest, although that cap is broken in the 4.0pb, but will br fixed in the next public version (that is, in the private betas it has been fixed).
  25. Cisz

    Challenge #7

    And I, until proven otherwise, have hacked the hidden webcam Jacobs mother installed in his room and therefore can exclusively reveal that he didn't do it.
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