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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. I still don't get ur point I don't think I could se when you did the range thing. (or I were looking somehwere else)
  2. I don't know about the magic towers just yet. But sorcery (level 2) do get powered upp by blasksmith. (forge, level 2)
  3. shrapnel also made a bit fps drop. But not as much.
  4. We should have a more friendly model builder according to me What about Uther, Furion, Jaina, Cairne. They are all leaders and they are friendly.
  5. Yes I know. But since they are all diferent each time I just post just about how low they get and how high they get.
  6. I don't know if it was either flame or ice. But I think one of these towers got me into a large fps drop. Strangely I could run the game like I could normaly but every models had lesser fps. I usually have 30-40 fps. It went down to about 10-20. When it does this I usually start to lagg but I didn't there were only fps drop nothing else.
  7. Exaclty. And since level 31 is water - fast. They will come incredible fast. And level 32 is shredders.... P.S. It doesn't feel like giving you 30 seconds.
  8. With the beta leader model, no interest number will show. I got interest but no number. P.S. Yay for the builder very happy P.S.S. The new builder looks wierd but better then the old one.
  9. Me and kaini tested this out. The creeps came to fast, I managed to stay on a bit but kaini died short after I also died because we were discussing things. There should be a little bit in increased time to build.
  10. Ok, I get it. Still have you watched it? I didn't win because of tanks but they really helped me alot. Maybe it wasn't one of my best replays. But since the new patch and reduced amount of laddergames this one I thought was a nice replay specially when my ally left.
  11. Now I don't get it at all. Wy will hotkeys make a small piece of you die? And are the quotings from the replay or what?!?!? I still don't get it .....
  12. Here you can post your accomplishments. Here is mine, Played a ladder game, my teamplayer dropped but I still won by quick changing stradegy. ALL HAIL TANKS!!!!! Well I thought I were going to lose when he dropped but I managed to do it anyway. Gosh I hate those who drop....w3g
  13. Ops. Sorry for that failure. Well I'm back now I will confirm it and fix the problem EDIT: I will problary do it tomorrow as I could not get to the site and download the file.... EDIT2: I'm looking at it right now
  14. No tower is banned from ronald hunting
  15. I have had the same problem with moved threads. I use blackpearl. and it is in strategy the moved ele td tournament. How many times it doesn't get marked just if I mark all posts read.
  16. wait WAIT!!!! I am sure that karawasa said a LONG time ago that the stun on hydro will be taken away so it only deals damage. The creeps will still be moving in the air. So I think this topic is pointless as it will not be any stun at all.
  17. What about the bluer water ??
  18. Here is the advanced menu. Ofcourse you will have menus that decide if it will be a vote mode on or host decides. Or ofcourse if basic or advanced. EDIT: I had to made everything to black'n'white (everything were already black'n'white....) but it lost some information on the image but I hope you still can se what it says
  19. Twilice

    Wich race?

    Ah, yes thoose suicide bombers They say that when they are trainder right?
  20. Agreed. But I don't know him. Karawasa does I hope. This were just merely a test version. Not going to be used in tha game...
  21. Well I kinda knew that he would not use my reedit. But 1 question, what do you think about the water if you can notice anychange. I made it more bluer. Better / Worse / Can't se any change
  22. Uff. Try clearing the undead knights in Extreme if I manage to get that far I usually get killed by those.
  23. Here is the changed loadscreen by me. I also made water a bit bluer and darker And added more light to both sides. Edit: Oh, right I didn't fix the text. elementtd 3.jpg
  24. Ofcourse I will logg in to irc now, if we meet at the same time Logg on to warcraft and go to channel /j clan etd
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