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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. I don't think I can help much here I use the force and use my instinkt, but that helps me alot 2
  2. I also play on Northrend. I think most (not all) players here on the forums play on northrend)
  3. Twilice

    Map Coder needed.

    What do you mean with map coder? Somewhone who can program jass in a map? I can only do GUI.
  4. I also still doesn't get it.
  5. I can't remember 3.0. 4.0 Public Beta Very Hard - Same Random
  6. Twilice


    Remember that kindle isn't that good.
  7. Twilice

    Watching Replys

    Doh, didn't thought of that now all my replays are outdated
  8. Yes I think so. It should stack good. But but either it can be depending a lot on the hp, or it can depend less little. I think the missing hp idea is one of the best, but might be the one hardest to balance. But it will not be so imba lategame is it has a maximum damage. But it will be based on creep hp so I thought that it would be a bit easyer to balance.
  9. Hehe, ops I wasn't sure. But I was sure it was level 2 was advanced then level 3 must have been amplified
  10. Actaully I don't get it, wy does it require a less effective comp with less elements? I had a slow comp, so I hopefully know how you feel. But if you have all 6 elements it will be more slow, more buffs, more effects. And it will be more lagg. More vairabels in game. (or so I think)
  11. It seems a bit better now. How about having it a bit like the old death? (I liked that tower ) This is just a random idea, to help you get other ideas. (no balanced numbers just example) Roast an area of 500. Deals 500 damage to creeps, Gets bonus damage if the creep has lots of life according to this number ( 500 * (creep hp%/2)% So it would deal (500 * 50% = 750) if the creep has 100% life. And (500 * 20% = 600) if the creep has 40% life. It could be without /2. It could be more according to life. 500 AoE (10 damage * creep hp%) It would deal (10 * 100 = 1000) if the creep has 100% hp. and 500 if the creep has 50% hp. So this might be imbalanced aswell and heavy damage to lots of creeps in an area. Maybe it would be better the other way. (10 * creep missing hp%) it would only deal 10 if a creep has 100% hp. it would deal 500 damage if the creep has 50% hp left. There could also be a cap at 50% hp for both ideas.
  12. Do you have a replay? Did you only have level 3 (amplified?) darkness towers? About how many towers?
  13. Karawasa Site Admin Last visited: Sat May 24, 2008 9:35 pm So I begunn to wonder when he was last online and I rememberd that I can look. Last online May 24.
  14. Yes I noticed right now, that this occurs when I use the Black Pearl board.
  15. I just noticed that all new users use a yellow text. But all in the dev team also uses the yellow text. (for example, I got a blue text, cisz a green)
  16. Quick question, how do you compare impulse and oblivion? Impulse deals damage depending on how long the missile has travelled.
  17. Okay Cisz, do you mind lock this thread?
  18. Then it would have to be triggered becuase the damage types (piercing, siege) is already taken.
  19. lol, you played to much dota. Just bone archer. lolz... bone clinkz.
  20. I personally don't like the drowing idea, (didn't understand half of it) but I think drowning is good as it is now. I also think the query is moving to fast, I have said before but it just got turned down every time. I don't know about the impulse tower, right now you have to micro it for maximum performance, if you raise the speed you still need to micro it a bit but not as much as before.
  21. Twilice


    Welcome to the forum. You know that video you got on your signature is from a swedish movie
  22. I think I will delete this thread in less then a month. You may now post post's on the other aswell, but not just "gj" but you may ask questions and have comments "about" the actuall played game.
  23. Oh, he had such an easy path and the score itself looked ...marvelous. So I temporarely moved my map and to my disappointment it wasn't at very hard.
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