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Everything posted by Twilice

  1. Yes I know, I watched the replay, how else would I know he had the map in the wrong folder
  2. Twilice

    eletd mechanics

    Thats wy I got shredded by the healing water "murlocks" I thought I had a decent defence and a maelidct roots and some magic towers, on very hard extreme sr, but I got tottally shredded. I thought magic would do most the work, cause it was darkness. P.S. I can't remember but I think it was also chaos and short mode.
  3. I think we are in a range between 1%-99% finnished. I think we are pretty close to a new version.
  4. Disqualified, you must play at very hard to enter. And a warning, next time have the map at the right folder, place you eletd 4.0 in this folder: Maps\Download\(name of map) Instead of this folder:Maps\(name of map) And attach the file on this site, you can uppload it at this site instead of using a third party upploader.
  5. Twilice

    eletd mechanics

    Hard questions, ask Cisz or Karawasa. Edit: I don't think 2 frostbites stack on one creep because I think it was based on slow or some other spell.
  6. Twilice

    quick question~

    I think its earth damage. But I'm not 100% sure only 66.7%
  7. Agreed. (strange I must have missed this post, haven't seen any unread posts)
  8. Twilice

    US West

    Oh, I must have misunderstood him Sorry about that.
  9. I know Jolin012. We had some others but I don't know if they quit.
  10. Yes, agreed. Duals should be lategame usable, but I think kindle should be early game. And the skill is far to imbalanced (cannot be balanced without changed the concept. Change the tower completely and add the ability in an another way.)
  11. Format: Battle.net alias - 13est Main Battle.net Server - Northrend GMT time zone - (+1) + (+1) for dayligt save time = (+2) Edit: I knew there was something wrong.
  12. Twilice

    US West

    etd just stands for Element TD but your name was nice to *elite tower defender*
  13. Well, the idea is good. Kindle needs all new ideas it can get. But it would be better to build 2 kindles then to uppgrade it.
  14. Hehe, Are you chatting with eachother with posts? Seems like it Maybe there is enough players on US west, I don't know. There have been others who want a clan on Us west, but never enough players. (I'm in europe)
  15. I don't know wy but I can't dl the file. Could somewone else please aprove it?
  16. No I haven't done that xD (there should be some kind of xD smile) I usually play random, and random on extreme is quite fun. But some levels are really though on extreme as some towers are plain useless.
  17. Not as much as usuall, but about 5:00pm - 9:00pm. those are the main times. Account name = 13est I don't play from 5 to 9, it is just an estimatet time.
  18. Very Hard, extreme And RAnd00m. Is the ultimate chalange.^^ btw Gj, I haven't beated it on random yet. (always leak on the normal undead ones and the shredders, knights pretty hard to(mostly chaos mode.))
  19. We could change that, but I don't know if it is fair or unfair, (offtopic - 15 seconds for very easy is a very long time if you play solo(maybe on multiplayer also if all is very easy.)) P.S. sorry Justkidz Must have pressed the wrong button when I edited, cause I did I might have pressed preview and then just shut it down.
  20. Yes that could be an option BUT PEOPLE please this is not the forum to discuss, it is already spammed ALOT. It will be 6 pages in no time with not much records. I think the old topic is still here, if not start a new one please.
  21. One mayor important thing, is you can't change a level 2 tower, it is the level 1 tower times 5. (some slow skills and buffing might not be times 5 like well tower, but it is times 2 every uppgrade)
  22. Hmm??!!?, they were imortal before. This must be a bug.
  23. You have to think 2 ways. You cannot turn an acolyte to a hero, BUT you can turn a hero into an acolyte. (lol, could be a story) just create a new hero, change how it looks and abilitys and so. Need more help? You can PM me or create a new topic.
  24. I am not a moderator, I cannot unchange the stickyness of this one, and add a new one the other. I will se If I can change name to this one.
  25. Did you have another replay? This has been uppdated for a pretty long time. (exept for DDRKirby(ISQ) wich I watched and forgot) If you do have another replay I beg your pardon, but if you don't maybe you owe me an appoligese. (P.S. I look on the forum almost every day. But I don't neccecery watch replays and post new stuff, only look. And I might only be active for a very short time but logg on almost every day).
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