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About Helpstone

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    Dual Element Tower 1

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  1. I also experienced the issue with some towers not actually stopping to attack if you tell them to do so. Back when income did not freeze when a creep leaked you would just tell your towers to stop attacking in order to let them walk through and thus get a lot of income^^ Actually used a click bot in order to simulate me pressing the "s" key 10 times a second back then Now that the income abuse isn't doable anymore it doesn't actually matter that much, but I still think people shouldn't be rewarded for using external tools like a clickbot or something similar.. That's why I think either there should be an option to rly make a tower stop attacking until you tell them otherwise or remove the option of stopping specific towers completely so that no one can do it anymore. It may not matter that much atm, but maybe there will be problems with something like that in future patches^^
  2. I also don't quite get the reasoning behind specific guides..it's a game with a lot of possibilities, which is centered around the players trying out different builds in order to get a good score/ kill frogs/ beat the game/ have fun. What's the point of copying someone else's tactic if you just want to play casually? If you think you can adjust a certain tactic for the better then its fine/reasonable to look up what others did and then trying to improve it, but that's what replays are for imo. Someone who is just looking everything up in a step by step guide doesn't accomplish anything when finally succeeding in copying what the others did. So what' even the point?
  3. Each frog kill should count now - only played one game this patch so far so I can't rly tell if it actually works like it should... EDIT: Apparently I was wrong^^
  4. y, I guess I was wrong thinking is has something to do with gds being down..seems like eletd has its on site where game stats are sent to in addition to gds.
  5. True! That's probably why he said "Might need to wait till multplicative is supported" in 2014, which is in fact supported now..
  6. @Thunderbolt I like the idea! The problem might be that waves would have to start at different timings changing from player to player, because one might be faster others might be slower.. Dont know if that would be too big of a change implementation wise, because the game has to individually spawn creep waves for each player.
  7. In WC3 your builder also had special abilities like stealing gold from someone, making their creeps faster or selling one tower from someone else. Don't know when those were removed but without them the focus already shifted from trying to beat the other players to beating the game itself and getting a good score imo.
  8. @Utoko About your first point: That's also what I thought when playing the first (and last) time multiplayer. The problem with your suggestion is that scores would be higher if the other players kill the waves extremely slow (-> more income for you) Maybe income has to be somehow frozen when the next wave would normally start. Other than that, you can't rly aim for highscores in multiplayer matches (with random people) anyway because its very unlikely that everyone votes for the same options as you do :/ Still think the possibility to get highscores in multiplayer would be rly nice!
  9. Already everybody is starting to copy each other.. So the networth "bonus" can also be negative? If you lets say have 100k networth on insane at the end, do you get a bonus of (100k/103951)-1 = -0,038 ?
  10. I guess that has something to do with getdotastats being down temporarily..not sure though Its probably good to check whether its up or not before trying to make a highscore
  11. I guess that has something to do with getdotastats being down temporarily..not sure though Its probably good to check whether its up or not before trying to make a highscore.
  12. It should be 0.7^10 I believe, so .02824 ms and 97,17% slow
  13. Helpstone

    Life Tower

    You can still get about 400 life and nearly 300 frog kills on insane, but your score will be nothing near the top scores right now, because your speed bonus will get broken at some time So no need to nerf life towers atm imo.
  14. I dont think its lost, you can see it in his profile, it just doesnt show on the leaderboard cause its not his best score
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