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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. I don't mind people pretending to be me. It's a way to show they adore me totally..
  2. Sometimes I ask myself that question, I lost my skills recently and have to regain them.. But basically it's an easy step by step method: Step one: Train for a year.
  3. Cisz

    hi there !

    Welcome to the forums. 1 month is onle the beginning..
  4. Hi lesher, welcome to the forums. Let me guess - you found this site because it is mentioned in the loading screen of the public beta?
  5. Cisz

    Leak on us west

    The word "public" in "public beta" means that this version is for the general public. But thanks for the tip anyway, we can use your help with preventing leaks.
  6. List done, hope the formating worked. If not, I'll repair it later.
  7. Cisz

    Challenge #7

    By popular demand. All challenges must be played with the 3.0 version. They must be completed under normal game conditions. Very hard difficulty only. The encyclopedia challenge: Win the map using only 4 different elements (level 1-3 allowed). No pures, no interest picks. You are not allowed to extremely slow or disable or leak for money (aka no stalling). The point of this challenge is to show if a build is valid, so the closer to a real competitive multiplayer game you can get, the better. A mixed diff game with a ve racer is better than a slow single player sollution. If we manage to complete them all, we get a "complete guide to eletd". We could release it as a nice replay pack, allways using the best version for all builds. Status of challenge Nr. ldwfne Solved 1 ++++ ldwf No 2 +++ + ldwn No 3 +++ + ldwe No 4 ++ ++ ldfn No 5 ++ + + ldfe No 6 ++ ++ ldne No 7 + +++ lwfn No 8 + ++ + lwfe No 9 + + ++ lwne No 10 + +++ lfne No 11 ++++ dwfn No 12 +++ + dwfe No 13 ++ ++ dwne No 14 + +++ dfne Yes 15 ++++ wfne No Aditional rules The following has been proven to work and is no longer allowed: Using gem towers only. (Replay of mass gem.) Gem towers are still allowed, but please don't use them for mass stunning like I did. Using mass gold towers. (Replay of mass gold.) Gold towers are still allowed, but please don't mass them like ShaveTheWhales and Jolin012 did. (This is a revival of the old forum challenge 8.) (Edited twice.)
  8. Cisz

    My best score on hard

    Grats. Your score is very good. (Allthough the record is much higher.) It looks like you killed yourself by making the ronalds stop and fill up the entrance. Try the same build but without supernova, build just plain novas instead. If you want a higher score, you actually have to kill them.
  9. This is a review of all multielement towers in 4.0B9b I had trouble editing this post, so the formating might be messed up. You can read up my findings in proper format here: >> Click here for the txt version. << These are my opinions. Feel free to disagree. First I'll tackle the categories in which allmost all towers are the same, to get a smaller table for the rest of my findings. Ballanceability: It's to early to achive ballance of the map, but what we can try to achieve is, that all towers can be ballanced. This still doesn't guarantee a ballanceable map, but it's a start. Almost all towers are fully ballanceable, only kindle and trickery are problematic. Kindle needs to be changed to non-armour ignoring imo, and trickery is, well, tricky. It has not much to ballance in it, so it might prove a mayor ballance problem. Uniqueness: All towers but ice/flame and mushroom/hail are very unique. Those pairs feel a bit close to each other. Imo that's good enough. Now for the towers. The categories are: Micro - My estimate on how heavy your workload will get with this tower if you know how to play the game (eg. rarely have to micro ice, as you know how to place it). Looks - Do I (thats me, Cisz) personally like the models for that tower. Name - Do I personally like the names. Elemental fit - Do I think the towers elements fit it's name, design, effect, etc.. Status - How I rate the degree of perfection of this tower for purposes of a release in a public beta. Problems/Bugs - An explanation of any bad ratings I gave this tower, and any things left out to comment (like me expecting the tower to do bad in multiplayer). - = Duals = - Nr. Name Elements Does l d w f n e 1 Trickery 1 1 Copies Towers 2 Ice 1 1 ST slow and DoT 3 Electricity 1 1 Bouncing DMG 4 Life 1 1 Gives Life 5 Quantum 1 1 Teleports/Bang 6 Poison 1 1 Line DMG 7 Magic 1 1 Mana Bonus DMG 8 Disease 1 1 Killer bees 9 Gunpowder 1 1 LR Splash 10 Kindle 1 1 AoE DoT 11 Well 1 1 Speeds Towers 12 Hydro 1 1 Stun for splash 13 Flame 1 1 ST slow/ dmg inc. 14 Blacksmith 1 1 Dmg Inc. Towers 15 Mushroom 1 1 Speed inc. Ele- Nr. Name Micro Looks Name mental Status Problems/Bugs Fit 1 Trickery Oh yes Ok Ok High Nearly done Removed from group on transform; tough to ballance. Mirage model a bit to big. 2 Ice A bit Ok Ok High Done for now - 3 Electricity Low Great Ok Very High Done for now - 4 Life Mid Eurgh Ok Very High Nearly done Change models for level 1 and 3. 5 Quantum Very Good Nearly Ok Nearly done The names should be quark, electron, atom. Might be useless on multiplayer, as it needs longer than other towers to be effective 6 Poison Low Hm Nearly High Nearly done Level 3 looks not so hot, corruption is not a good name. 7 Magic Low Good Good High Done for now Needs to regenerate it's mana, so it's slower than other towers. Maybe bad in MP. 8 Disease None Nice Good Good Done for now - 9 Gunpowder Mid Hm Hm Good Ok Done for now Long range might be useless in multiplayer. 10 Kindle Hehe Ok Erm Good Buggy Kindle = bad name. Does damage before the upgrade is done. Armour ignoring = ballance problem. 11 Well Yeah Nearly Ok Ok Nearly done Waterfall model is bad. Maybe bad because of not affecting all towers. 12 Hydro Mid Cool Ok Ok Done for now Stun, might be a bit abuseable. 13 Flame Mid Hm Good Ok Nearly done The dmg increase might break ruleset about strong towers; slow is similiar to ice; lv2 is to transparent. 14 Blacksmith Yeah Nearly Ok Good Nearly done Lv.3 looks bad. Maybe bad because of not affecting all towers. 15 Mushroom Low Cool Ok Good Mostly done Autocast needs toggle. Might not work on multiplayer as it requires longer time to work on full effectiveness. - = Triples = - Nr. Name Elements Does l d w f n e 1 Hail 1 1 1 Multishoot boost 2 Jinx 1 1 1 Teleport back/DMG 3 Oblivion 1 1 1 Summons Minions 4 Laser 1 1 1 Strong on short Rng 5 Windstorm 1 1 1 Tornado/AoE slow 6 Tidal 1 1 1 Bonus AoE attack 7 Polar 1 1 1 ST slow and Dmg Inc 8 Nova 1 1 1 AoE Slow/DMG 9 Gold 1 1 1 Extra bounty 10 Enchantment 1 1 1 ST Armour Reducer 11 Corrosion 1 1 1 AoE Armour Reducer 12 Drowning 1 1 1 Insta kill 13 Muck 1 1 1 Splash Slow 14 Voodoo 1 1 1 Dmg Inc. 15 Flamethrower 1 1 1 Incinerate 16 Roots 1 1 1 Line based slow 17 Impulse 1 1 1 Strong on long Rng 18 Zealot 1 1 1 Speed grows 19 Beef Golem 1 1 1 Grows/grunts 20 Quaker 1 1 1 % for AoE Dmg Ele- Nr. Name Micro Looks Name mental Status Problems/Bugs Fit 1 Hail Low Good Ok Ok Mostly done Autocast needs toggle. A bit like Mushroom. Wastes shoots. 2 Jinx Some Ok Ok Good Done for now Technically it's a stun, so it might be abuseable. 3 Oblivion Indeed No Ok Ok Buggy Looks a lot worse than summoning; revert look. It spawns minions before it's fully upgraded, so it's abusable by partial upgrade. 4 Laser Mid Hm Good Ok Nearly done Maybe longer range so the tower actually has the chance to suck. Lv2 looks bad. 5 Windstorm Some Ok Er Ok Nearly done I haven't heard of „windstorm“ before, maybe „whirlwind“? Maybe its just me.. 6 Tidal Some Ok Ok Ok Done for now I got used to the look, so no complaint this time. 7 Polar A bit Ok Ok Ok Done for now - 8 Nova None Ok Good Ok Done for now - 9 Gold Some Good Ok Ok Done for now - 10 Enchantment Low Good Good Ok Nearly done Exchange both models, 1st level looks more powerfull atm. 11 Corrosion Low Will do Ok Good Done for now - 12 Drowning Low Ok Ok Ok Done for now Maybe useless in lategame. 13 Muck Low Er Ok Good Nearly done What happened to the much better looks of 3.0? 14 Voodoo Low Will do Good Good Done for now - 15 Flamethrower Low Will do Ok Ok Done for now - 16 Roots Low Ok Ok Ok Nearly done Effect lasts a bit to long, slow effect gets to strong. 17 Impulse Full Will do Ok Ok Done for now - 18 Zealot Low Will do Ok Ok Done for now - 19 Beef Golem Little Ok Ok Ok Done for now - 20 Quaker Low Will do Ok Ok Done for now Why not use Chaks model suggestion? Less unit models plz. So - what do you think?
  10. Your avatar shows the maniac grinning of a guy that knows just how popular his map is. And it's a great map indeed.
  11. Those of you that have played a game of eletd will know that it lasts about 30-80 minutes if anyone plays till ronald. That's allready too long. And schooled players usually leave, so there will be noone to play again but the host and about 1 more player. I'd say if we implement such a feature and it gets actually used, it will lead to hosts playing with only one other player. We should encourage shorter games and frequent rehosting, to allow many players to find a game.
  12. I don't know what you are talking about, it's allways a crab, right?
  13. Thanks for the tip. I reported it.
  14. Cisz

    Good summoning built

    This cals for some interesting thoughts. The short version is: Don't use summoning. It won't work. Trust me. If you don't believe me, read this: The main problem with summoning is that it has dark damage but no earth in it. As a dark dmg dealer its great vs water creeps, but sucks vs light creeps. To get those light waves anyway the natural choice would be some earth damage (20% vs light), so DFNE sounds like the logical choice. The problem is, there is not even one good support tower in DFNE. There is only root (it stuns) and that's not exactly good. Maybe you will be able to actually win a game of eletd on very hard with just root as a support, but it is really tough. All the good support towers have either light in it, water, or both. So with DFN you are allready in serious trouble. As a result, summoning is a great tower that's just placed bad in the builds. When you get summoning to lv.2, ou need 6 of your 11 elemental picks for that. To get a decent earth dmg you need at least 2 levels in earth, for a total of 8. In DFNE is no good earth dmg tower but the earth tower itself, but you'd need the 3rd level for that, so you are at 9 picks, and still no support. With the two remaining picks you can either got for L and W on level one or level 2 in one of them. L gives you nova and enchantment, W gives you acid, sludge and well.
  15. Cisz

    LightningLord is here!

    Welcome aboard LighningLord. We are working on the next version of the map, and maybe would like to know that the new lighning tower is awsome.
  16. Orb3r is right. It's not that easy. And maybe watch replays. Your own games, to see what you did wrong, and games of better players. When you loose to someone in a game, save the replay and look what he is doing. Maybe he does things differently. And if you don't understand what your problem might be, post a replay here and ask for advice.
  17. See? We are a helpfull community. The supernova has a bad sideeffect - it makes units stop when too many creeps are present. So your ronalds will start to pile up on your path, not moving anymore. That will lead to your death by ronald overflow. In short this means, that they block the entrance and then you die. And you should really read the faq file, the interest question was also explained there. It's not even a long faq: >> Click me for information. <<
  18. Hi .deeEFF, welcome to the forums. Your questions are welcome here, this forums are meant to help out people like you. You might want to read this text: >> Click me for the map's faq file << I copied a part of that faq for your reading convenience: So you can start with any one of the elements in nova (L, F, N); It doesn't matter which. Then you upgrade to any of the possible three duals (LF - Electricity, FN - Sun, or LN - Life). And finally you upgrade that dual to a nova. And yes, thats terribly complicated at first and noone understands this on the first few times playing the map. As for ronald hunting, maybe you should read this and this topic, and the best build for ronald hunting is ldwf-n in my opinion, so you should probably take a look at the lfwd-n guide too. In short: Get the elements LFWD and N. F on level 3, N on level 1 and LWD on level 2, and with the last lumber get an extra essence. Build masses of fire towers for damage, including 3 pure fire. Use maxed acid and enchantment to drop the armour by 40 points. Use monsoons, ice and nova (and NOT supernova) for slow, maybe even a bit of moon and poison. For maximum effect you need 600.000 gold. And thats no joke. (You can try the supernova, but you will die in a ronald overflow.) Is this of any help for you? Feel free to ask for more.
  19. Cisz

    [Beta 8]Map review

    No orber, I'm talking about towers that are deliberately to strong to ballance the map.
  20. Cisz

    [Beta 8]Map review

    You listed ldf as a strong tripple, thats not true in the actual map. I did a new version with the tool. >> Distribution plan for the 4.0 << The strong towers are: Trickery (LD) Well (WN) Blacksmith (FE) Windstorm (LWF) Polar (LWE) Nova (LFN) Enchantment (LNE) Corrosion (DWF) Muck (DWE) Voodoo (DFN) Roots (DNE) And I forgot two things in the first part: -The model for blacksmith level 3 fails to please me. -And death towers name is not fitting anymore imo. Decay tower? Desease tower?
  21. Cisz

    [Beta 8]Map review

    The hotkey "S" is taken by (S)top. And the tower distribution you linked to is outdated, because the towers are on different elements now. WF is a super strong dual on that sheet.
  22. Ok, here I go, as Karawasa requested. Part one - duals List of all 2-element towers ldwfne Name Does 1 ++ ld Trickery Copies towers 2 + + lw Ice ST slow + dot 3 + + lf Electric. Bouncing dmg 4 + + ln Life Gives life 5 + + le Quantum Warps 6 ++ dw Poison Line dmg 7 + + df Magic Mana Bonus Dmg 8 + + dn Death Killer bees 9 + + de Gunpowder LR Splash dmg 10 ++ wf Kindle Aoe Dot 11 + + wn Well Speeds towers 12 + + we Hydro Hurls creeps 13 ++ fn Flame ST slow, dmg increase 14 + + fe Blacksmith Dmg Increase 15 ++ ne Rage Has Speed boost List of my observations Ballancea- Name bility Unique Micro Looks Elemental Fit Bugs/Problems 1 ld Trickery Bad Very Tough Ok High Removed from group on transform 2 lw Ice Full Very Mid Ok High - 3 lf Electric. Full Very Low High Very high - 4 ln Life Full Very Mid Eurgh Very high - 5 le Quantum Full Very Tough Nice Dunno Needs extra passes - maybe bad in MP 6 dw Poison Full Very Low Ok High - 7 df Magic Full Very Low Hm High Wastes shoots; needs to regenerate, maybe bad in MP 8 dn Death Full Very None Great Very high - 9 de Gunpowder Full Very Low Hm Maybe Long range - maybe bad in MP 10 wf Kindle Good Very None Great High Armour ignoring -> ballancing problems 11 wn Well Full Very Mid Hm High Does not work on all towers (eg. poison, electricity) 12 we Hydro Full Very Mid Nice Ok Stun, slightly abusable 13 fn Flame Full Medium Mid Nearly Well enough Dmg. increaee - maybe breaks rules for strong towers 14 fe Blacksmt. Full Very Mid Mostly High Does not affect all towers (eg. poison, electricity) 15 ne Rage Full Very Mid Ok Medium Needs to regenerate, maybe bad in MP List of my suggestions Name Done? My opinion about this tower: 1 Trickery If this tower needs ballancing, maybe a dmg bonus/malus on the copy might be needed. 2 Ice #Yes# Done till proven imballanced. 3 Electriccity #Yes# Done till proven imballanced. 4 Life Nearly Change Model for level 1 and 3. Especially 3. 5 Quantum Needs multiplayer testing vs a decent racing build. Might prove wothless there. 6 Poison Nearly Change Model for level 3. 7 Magic Lower firing rate for bonus attack. Needs multiplayer testing vs a decent racing build. 8 Death #Yes# Done till proven imballanced. 9 Gunpowder Needs multiplayer testing vs a decent racing build. I don't like the models but some do, so keep the look.. 10 Kindle Nearly Transform to non-armour ignoring. 11 Well Needs a deep check in all builds for problems with not affecting all towers. Maybe dmg-type changes can help. 12 Hydro #Yes# Done till proven imballanced. 13 Flame Mostly Fix or change models, level 2 and 3 are to small or pale. Might need a rework someday, a bit close to poison. 14 Blacksmith Needs a deep check in all builds for problems with not affecting all towers. Maybe dmg-type changes can help. 15 Rage Needs multiplayer testing vs a decent racing build. Might prove wothless there. Summary of my findings: About 8 duals are done or almost done imo. They will probably need some changes in numbers, but I expect them to do well. Trickery might prove a beast if it's not allready ballanced now. The remaining 6 duals suffer from beeing most effective with a slow match, so they might be a bad choice when facing a decent racing build. Do we even have such a build? But if fast paced gaming is possible in 4.0, I forsee problems with those 6. Maybe some or even all of them will need a redesign. Coming soon: Triples All of you, please comment my comments. Does life look ugly? Is long range a ballance problem? Should kindle not be armour ignoring?
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