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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. I agree. My suggestion: Healing and fast back to pb values plz.
  2. I can't reach the eletd channel, I tried chatzilla, the jawa client and trillian. Does anybody else have this problem, or is the problem on my side?
  3. I'm no expert about the technics involved, but I like it. I would have changed the outer borders olive, but that's just my personal taste.
  4. That's not how it works. Consider it like this: If I have a level 1 support dual in my build, I get +25% on everything. If I have 3 lv.1 suppurt duals, I have +75%. They are so cheap, the cost is basically 0. Now we have to set vaues for: [pre:djxsda2q]% boost lv1 lv2 lv3 Support dual ? ? ? Support triple ? ? -[/pre:djxsda2q] ..in a way that all possible builds are equal. This problem allready has been solved. The theoretical values exist, and there are a lot of sollutions to this problem. Now we need to choose one of them and to properly aply this numbers to the map. This is ofc assuming that x% aoe slow = y% boost.
  5. It's a common view on elements, that they make you strong against something. But the waves you can kill easily won't kill you, it's the other way around. You need to find out what you are weak against. The more you understand what can go wrong with your build, the better you will become in making it creep-proof.
  6. You are doing pretty well, again. Maybe this will help you: It's better to upgrade than to mass. When you go gunpowder as your main tower, I think you should upgrade them to vulcans. Why didn't you summon earth 3 and maxed them out? (This has to do with damage/gold/second ratings. If you buy gunpowder towers, you get 1.5 ppoints of damage every second for each gold. But if you buy vulcan towers, gunpowder lv.3, you get 3.4 dmg/gold/sec. So you get more than twice the damage for the same price) You seem to have problems with the nature waves, as I predicted. That is only normal, as you main source of damage is earth (gunpowder does earth damage). You damage towers do only 50% vs nature. You build some fire towers late into the game, but I think that if you would have used some fire damage earlier, you wouldn't have leaked at all early on, and I guess you would have survived the wave that killed you. But you should keep in mind that not all towers do good damage. Disease towers do almost no damage (they are broken), and voodoo has fire damege, but far to little (2 dmg/$/s, but only vs. a single target, while even gunpowder does 1.5 with splash). Flamethrower (dfe) is meant to be a damage tower, but in the 4.0pb it's weak. Imo fire towers, as you used them lategame, will be your best option, but you have to level up fire for that and I suggest you use them earlier. As I see it, your problem is this: You need 9 of your 11 lumber to max out earth, dark and fire. With only 2 lumbers left, you can't also max corrosion + muck and voodoo + roots. You can have all 4 support triples on level one (with nature 1 and water 1 as your 2 more picks) or one pair of them maxed (either corrosion/muck with water 2 or roots/voodoo with nature 2). Once you find a way to include a bit of fire into your build (1 fire dmg tower for every 3-4 earth dmg towers), and upgrade properly, you should be able to get to ronald on normal. Please post a replay again. If you're still having problems, we will take a look at your tower placement, to get them a bit more efficient.
  7. You can find things like "interest" in this faq. Now for your replay. I don't understand the chat, but I guess you should learn to properly name the game when you host. People that enter a game called "Eletd" can expect to play on normal or mixed diff. If you will force ve, name your game "Eletd VE". And "yo mama so noob" discussions are unfriendly and you should not take part in that, especially if you play on ve. I agree with Mayr, blacksmith is a great boost to your towers. (One blacksmith for every 4 damage towers.) And I think you shouldn't play on ve, imo you are too good for that. Try your build on normal and maybe you find a way to not leak nature waves. If you fail on normal, post your replay and I am sure we can help you. In fact, post a replay anyway, I'd like to see that build win on normal.
  8. The timer for very hard is broken now, it's set to 0. Tested it 2 times. 4 seconds is not much but 0 is really tough.
  9. Cisz

    [Beta 13] Ice

    I'm still not sure how this tower works. Could it be that it does infinite or at least very high damage on the crossings? Like doing it's damage 6 times?
  10. Are you sure this is limited to oblivion (didn't build that one yet)? It looks like the huge model bug, which can happen to all boostable towers.
  11. So this is why I had two pandas up in the ranks after I leaked the furry fellow. Edit: Happened again 2 times (both level 2 eles, panda and firelord).
  12. Cisz

    [Beta 13] Ice

    Still too strong. Even w/o comparing it to other dmg duals, I should not be able to one pass like this. 1535 Etd(4b13 vh sr sm) d kara.w3g
  13. I managed to stun ronalds with waterfalled sub zeroes, so the bug (or a similiar one) was present in 3.0.
  14. I liked summoning, but dislike oblivion, so I would say: Restore the old gfx. @Vigi- - What's wrong with oblivion? It's a powerhouse of a tower.
  15. @Vigi- I think you missed the point here. Tft allready has 4 interfaces, and by letting the players choose a race, they can choose the skin. These 4 skins are for free, they are part of tft.
  16. Cisz

    Tower Range

    Yes, you get it. (The angle speed is constant, but the track speed goes up.)
  17. Cisz

    help improve! thnks!

    Ok, let's see. Imo mushroom is much better at 4 or 3 or 6. And disease is broken, don't use it at all. Wave 28 is nature healing, so gunpowder sucks here. I guess some mushroooms at 3 would have worked much better. You don't have fire, so you can't make up for gunpowders weakness vs nature. Same goes for 33. Quark needs to be manually jumped around to do proper damage. If thats to much clicking, just don't use quark. And trickery is even more complicated. Laser is good, but at 4 or 3. You should have had more laser and some mushroom to kill earth waves (when laser is weak). And you didnt build a root tower at 4, they rock. The best you could have doen here is to place one root at 4 and buy lasers at 4 for the rest of your gold. When you got fire, a nova at 5 would have been nice too. I guess you should try to learn what long pass and two pass means and to avoid long pass.
  18. Cisz

    Tower Range

    The time for one circle stays the same, no matter what the range. At a range of 1100 it actually makes sense to change the range during a wave, to hit the creeps several times, so the tower get's some micro attention.
  19. Cisz

    help improve! thnks!

    As usual: Don't use a mapname with underscores (_). Rules about mapnames and stuff are here. And here are some tips, maybe they can help you. Gunpowder - I think you should move them more to the right, into the very center of the map at 5. (You don't know where "at 5" is?). I would't play them at 6. Imo flamethrower get's a lot better at 4 or 3. I would say you leak wave 31, because you have too much fire damage and too little dark damage. Maybe you should have exchanged one flamethrower for 3 magics. And it's no shame to leak 32, we all do. I'd say you shouldn't play at 8 in multiplayer. The creeps take ages to reach the other side of the tower. Play at 4 or 3 instead, so they get a second shooting quick. Wave 35 is healing, and those are particulary nasty for players of lower difficulties, they heal to full health, allthough they enter the map at lower health. Try to get them early, like at 4 or 3. And please don't play magic on longpass (at 5). In short: Place all towers at 4 and/or 3, only longrange towers like gunpowder belong to 5. Is this of any use? Do you have more questions?
  20. Cisz

    Tower Range

    After a long discussion in the irc, we (Karawasa, jolin012 and Cisz) present some suggested range changes for a nice variable set of 500, 700, 900, 1100, and 1500: -Darkness (1500) down to 1100 -Electricity (900) up to 1100 -Voodoo (900) down to 500 -Corrosion (900) down to 700 -Oblivion (900 minion) down to 500 -Life (700) up to 1100 -Gold (700) up to 1100 -Quaker (700) down to 500 -Flamethrower (700) up to 900 -Jinx (700) up to 1100 What do you guys think?
  21. Cisz

    Tower Range

    And here is the difference between 1100 (blue) and 1500 (red): 1100 can reach the center and two of the three outer lanes, but only just so. I can't place more than 2 towers that way, and there is some space where the towers hit one outer lane. 1500 on the other hand allows 6 towers to reach all 3 outer lanes. 1100 vs 1500.PNG
  22. Cisz

    Wich server

    We allready have a fast meeting place: The irc channel. I'm hanging out there whenever I'm online, so if you have a question or want to play, the irc is the place to go. I'd be glad to see you all hang out there too.
  23. Cisz

    Tower Range

    About 700 (red) and 900 (blue), look at this: I can place much more towers on two pass at 3 while maintaining the coverage of the lover part of the path when using 900 rangers. 900 vs 700.PNG
  24. Cisz

    Tower Range

    I feel more like 500/700/900/1100/1500. 700 and 1100 are limited versions of 900 and 1500. They can do the same, but only from far less places. But if you feel like less different ranges, 500/900/1500 sounds cool.
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