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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. No such thing man. Read my placement guide, and keep in mind that it doesn't cover tower selection, so the actual "what shall I do" is even longer.
  2. Master, please behave. Could you answer the question? Did he win? I too honestly want to know.
  3. Cisz

    DNEF build

    I would play muck at 4-5.
  4. Are you talking about public beta voodoo here?
  5. Master - behave. Voodoo does a % based bonus dmg, so it only does huge damage if your towers do huge damage. The only known problem here is the polar/vodoo combo. And polar/voodoo share no elements.
  6. It's probably much more simple: In a lan, and garena is a lan (v-lan), there can be thousands of players using tft, and only those with compatible versions will see each others games listed. At least that's what I remember from SC.
  7. Garena is just a v-lan system, right? So they are free to use any version they choose.
  8. 13est, you will be using this bot, because if you don't use the bot, you can't play ladder simple as that. All ladder games will be hosted by the bot, and the bot will host them to as many places as possible, and if garena has ladder players, it will cross host on garena. Same goes for euro-b-net and all regular servers. You don't have to use garena, the bot will simply allow garena players to play with you. Do you hate garena players? Deal with it.
  9. A friend of mine is suffering from this too, so I have a basic understanding of your situation. I hope you'll be fine soon, all the best wishes.
  10. Cisz

    New Terrain

    Well, to me it looks a lot like this: The texture is pretty repetative, and the mesh is kinda, you know, square, or cube. All the tft cities look like that to me. Sorry, not my taste. You prefer the city style over the normal cliffs?
  11. Cisz

    1st Offline meeting

    Next, and last list of flats. Flats as of 03-15-09.xls
  12. I think it's time we offer some quality on youtube: While I was uploading that, this popped up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtpxmKtOo9E Which is also very good.
  13. I tried to watch the replay, but you used the wrong map folder.
  14. Cisz

    New Terrain

    I'm afraid I don't like that cliff. Sorry, I never liked the square boxy look of the wc3 cities.
  15. Cisz

    IRC Meetings

    Jolin, is it true that windwalking creeps still can be hit by any aoe and splash? So they can be slowed? And hit?
  16. Afaik this is possible if the garena guys use the same version of tft.
  17. Cisz

    1st Offline meeting

    Karas mom suggested to think about a flat in Potsdam. It's like 45mins with a car from the center of Berlin, and meaybe easier to get a flat there, and maybe cheaper. I checked rents, and yes, they are a little lower there. (I'll give more precise costs later today.) Problem is: We'll end up driving around more, and I assume we would eat out more often. My original plan was including a kitchen and us using it a lot. So my guess is that money wise it will not save us anything, but we might get a free flat if Berlin is taken allready. Potsdam is nice too, I'd have suggested going there anyway.
  18. Nah, he just thinks he cool and got rushed by a real pro. We all have been through that. If I want my ass handed to me, I just need to ask jolin012.
  19. Cisz

    Release Suggestion

    Don't wait for terrain now, release the next beta, so we can hunt for bugs.
  20. Cisz

    Release Suggestion

    I really like the suggestion about the terrain. Void- seems to have problems doing a design that works and that he likes at the same time. Personally I am willing to give him all the time he needs to do a great job, and I really would like a new terrein, but this should not be a reason to not to release.
  21. You are assuming that IcanDo can do read, right?
  22. He has a point there, you hadn't posted in ages. And I did over 4000 ronalds on 4pb vh pick. Nice rushing there.
  23. So far I personally think: -Bot hosted games. -Cross server hosting. -Automated matchmaking. -No mixed games (ladder/non ladder). -Players have to be of similiar ladder rank to gain/loose points when playing each others. (Countering loss accounts and grinding for points.) -There needs to be a maximum score. (Prevents activity substituting skill.) -There needs to be a minimum number of games you have to play to avoid decay. -Players have to "qualify" by playing non-ladder games for a while. (So loss accounts take work to create.)
  24. Youre getting better. Time to play on a higher difficulty now.
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