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Everything posted by gwho

  1. agree. it's not skill, but actually impossible b/c it requires constant clicking. there are lots of other towers out there that also require constant clicking. and to do it for measly 4 towers would be pretty impossible if the clicking location isn't identical. to have micro, and skill in TD, "switches" are what's needed. Micro should be managing tower priority modes and be possible. micro that requires 24/7 clicking is bad and doesn't add much for the game. There are lots of tower that dont have modes. you could 24/7 target-micro those as well. 24/7 micro should be optional for eeking out small bits more damage, not being ultra critical as in the case with celerity tower. Even more problematic is that the celerity tower, even if you micro perfectly constnatly, isn't all that worth it. there are better towers that dont require that micro. more towers could use the target location command. That's a great command b/c it requires adjustment, but not 24/7 clicking. microing a ton of tower targetting locations actually does become about micro. and it becomes possible too. spamming =/= micro. Something that ties down all your apm is not very conducive to encourage micro either. switching triggers periodically for each tower makes microing fun.
  2. it would be cool if the perpetuitity tower would "suck the life" out of targets. perhaps a ghost-like essense comes up out of the target, to add to your # lives. (or maybe a green vertical glow that comes up with yellow twinkles to depict "life-essence".) It would also be nice if that tower had different kill animations for when it gets the last hit and it counts towards your # lives and different for when it doesnt get the kill.
  3. question: doesnt the next wave come regardless of the status of previous waves? leaking to prolong timer should be nonexistent. am i mistaken?
  4. interesting way to say the same thing: "cost effectiveness of lower towers is greater than that of highly upgraded towers" but there could also be the chunk factor, where you can't upgrade for a while until you have a lump sum of X minerals to upgrade.
  5. is there a sort of theme with each element? we should also provide that basic paradigm/theme. light seems to be high range single target. + strong single target damage ? darkness slightly less, + poisonous effects nature less. + misc effects fire and water is damage and high attack speed earth ? a general framwork to go about mixing elements for towers will be good for newer players to intuitively make what towers they want without memorizing every combination, if it's sort of systematic.
  6. What is the quark towers' angular speed? does fast mode rotate at exactly double the speed of slow mode's rate? Slow mode should do slightly more damage than the exact double of the fast rate: - we have fractional damage so that is not an issue right? - slow mode does things in bigger chunks, so there is chance to overshoot - if the dps is the same, then infinitely fast frequency is best b/c it will hit every bit while it is in range. slower speeds means that a few units will walk out of its range b4 the sweep comes back around to hit them. so slower speeds means you have a loss. (you can also think of a very very slow speed with proportionally high damage to keep the dps constant. You will let a ton of guys go buy and end up not hitting them). So the last reason especially is why slow mode shouldn't be 1/2 speed and x2 damage of fast mode. But it should have an extra bonus - slightly more damage than x2 or slightly faster than 1/2 Since the rate of rotation is not as straight forward to describe or do math with, i suggest adjusting the slow damage to, say, 22 damage per rotation. And let's state the rate of rotation. (it's 1 cycle per 1 game-time-second right?) I presume that's what attack speed means for this tower. Then the slow tower, when it goes into that mode, is there at least some tooltip somewhere saying its attack speed? is it possible to change the mouseover info for a unit/structure in the center bottom where you also see damage?
  7. There should be one right? we have 54 + upgraded versions of towers. When people start addressing individual towers are too OP/useless, it's going to get messy. I think it would be good to have non tower balance suggestions separate from all the tower suggestions. Right now, one of the best triple towers imo is the polar tower . it has great damage, higher range, splash, temporary HP reduction, AND damage amplification. holy i'm-the-best-at-everything batman! Some of the other better towers imo is the Nova Tower, . 60 damage / 1.5 sec in 10 AOE. you can hit like 15 creeps and that's like 600 damage overall. thats, really good, but the polar tower still kind of outdoes it in damage, plus everything else. Of course nova tower has slow + WIDE damage, whereas the polar tower is more focused. This kind of niche-making is good. i'm not necessarily saying let's nerf these, but other towers certainly end up having to reason to exist if you're a player trying to be efficient and observant. It would be nice if towers all had some niche rather than be totally overshadowed by other towers in all respects. Since we have a nice format of fixed, uniform prices for each tier of towers, a dimension of balancing - cost - is essentially removed. we can focus on balancing the effects to match its worth in money.
  8. i noticed being asked twice for difficulty twice as well. the second time, it sometimes doesnt have the easiest mode as an option. kind of messy
  9. gwho

    Creep HP Growth

    this of course has to do with factoring in compounding and not. So I would think it would make most sense that the "exponential HP growth curve" remained steep the harder the mode, and less steep for easier modes. Of course easier modes will have less damage % reduction, of course, but the compounding aspect could also be made easier/harder by making making the curve steeper/more closer to linear. sorry i can't contribute anything specific, just this general framework.
  10. for the jet tower, why is there such a huge delay between canceling its position and giving it a new position to attack? wish it was faster.
  11. i remember playing a defense game that had this sort of thing. "last/ first /healthiest/weakest/ground position". i was super impressed, and it made the game so much more fun b/c i could micro, but didn't have to "spam micro" every tower 24/7 in order to get a good deal of efficiency boosting. flicking a mode on a tower over here, switching a mode in a tower over there encourages me to actually do micro, instead of going ok theres 10 towers that need continual micro for a slight bit of damage boost. not even Nada can do that. and it wont even be fun b/c it's spam clicking continuously. yeah. having micro is good, but it needs to be manageable, imo.
  12. this happened to me once, but i dont know what triggered it
  13. gwho

    Short Questions

    Essence Cap = Supply Limit. Pure Towers and Periodic Tower use one supply. You are able to purchase it twice. Game gives two for free. Therefore, max is 4. can we get the periodic tower tooltip to say it requires essense cap? is the supply at the top right modifiable to say essense instead of supply?
  14. gwho

    Fast Creeps

    sounds good. the speed burst didn't really seem as significant. it's not something you'd really notice and post about though. good thing u saw it.
  15. gwho

    Short Questions

    what is essence cap? its supply right? so taht u can build the periodic element tower? how come the cap increases sometimes, even if you dont choose to increase it? what is causing that?
  16. gwho

    Short Questions

    For quick questions and quick answers. if ur answering, quote the question example: "what are is the weakness chain order" light > darkness > water > fire > nature > earth > light
  17. i'm not clear on what words have waht definitions. when u say tile-set, taht would be one of the 8? in that case, yes, within the same tile-set, there are different "textures" to make the same land look different. its in terain editor -> textures -> "red char cracks"
  18. yup i got that. but within the terrain of the 4th one, there are tools to give the hi ground and low ground more of a visual contrast. Doing this doesn't require a new ... "template" (?). just different texture wtihin the same terrain template. i can put up a screen shot if i'm not being clear enough
  19. there is nothing to screen shot cz it just looks exactly as it does ^^ yeah it just sits there so i was confused. for my graphis settings, everythign is on low except for effects (TLO style) but still, that should result in no explosion animation, right? (And if it's any setting that controls the explosion animation, it shoudl be effects)
  20. not sure if this goes here or in cosmetics, but the nova tower does damage, but there is no animation put in as of yet. so i thought does it even do damage? there is no problem with it dealing damage. But the icon on the bottom right, does not do that shaded clock thing for its attack speed.
  21. added to the list. chyeah, i dont even bother with creep info. i'm already racking my brain trying to remember the tower types and their elements. if i lose, i needed better towers / compounding / positioning.
  22. if you go to the terrain editor -> textures, you can find some pretty distinct coloring for increasing contrast. I think the "red char cracks" texture (my bad, i used improper terminology like "palette") would look great where the creeps move, while the high ground where you can build towers, stay the dark rich texture as is now.
  23. that would work beautifully. For the lava area, maybe if the high ground and the low ground were different terrain palettes. (one is dark dark, and the other is the more lighter grey colored ground).
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