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Everything posted by gwho

  1. i think its better to trickle the challenges, instead of releasing a bunch at once
  2. what 3d desktop program do u use? mine: the girl is alodia gosienfiao. not so into cosplay, but this shot of her i really liked.
  3. I'll take a look tomorrow, is there a changelog somewhere? Check the versions at bottom of forums. kk thanks I checked out the periodic tower, seems a lot better now with increased damage and range. It's a lot more versatile . I have yet to try a strat with it. What do you guys think of the periodic tower being something like the best of every element? When i first started i expected the tower to be like uber pro. What if the tower cost more but it has 22 range with 2.25/4.5 AoE like the fire/earth? Just feels a little awkward it would cost the same as a pure element tower. i like. It always felt like the idea behind that tower was to be the "epic, but plain tower". no special powers, just expensive, good b/c of raw damage. ... Especially so b/c we dedicated a whole element upgrade for 1 periodic tower. it better damn well be epic. kind of like the supermonkey in bloons tower defense 4.
  4. gwho

    Temporal Tower

    The idea is that u have to micro it. it's essentially the same as celerity tower, with a different way of requiring micro. both towers should be buffed. the temporal tower, unlike the celerity tower can be placed in such a way that it will automatically change targets almost always. It's short range makes this possible. but the celerity tower is total junk cz you can't even do that (thanks to huge range), and perfect micro is barely on par with level 2 dark tower, which only takes 2 elements. I'm not sure where you can place a celerity tower to always change targets. That said, I think you're forgetting about range. For instance, a light tower has less damage than a dark tower in any stretch of the imagination. However, it has far more range. yeah, b/c of high range, u can't do it with celerity. yes light's benefit for less damage is range. i dont know if this is on topic though. cause the dark tower has greater range than most other normal towers, and still has dps comparable to the dps of a perfectly microed celerity tower. Range can be a benefit, like the light tower. but if it requires constant micro and damage that really really sucks if you fail to micro, then i wouldn't say its worth it. In this case, the high range of celerity is a draback, not a benefit. dark tower still has pretty above average range essentially equivalent damage with zero micro, and it only costs 2 elements, not 3. it's also cheaper in raw miernals. Level 2 dark tower was simply one comparison, And i thought a pretty good comparison, since it's a whole tier lower than celerity tower, and is essentially the same. 6 more range, i wouldn't say is a good tradeoff for requiring tons of micro and potentially lowering your dps by a ton. you can do dps calculations for other similar towers of similar spec, similar tier, etc. the celerity tower ends up being really really bad compared to its investment cost. ok lets do light tower. (all towers are single target so makes comparing more on-the-money) it seems there has been an update, and the dps of level 2 light tower dps 758 cost 2125 range 22 2 elements no micro "required" level 2 dark tower dps 833 (very nice job, dev team; lower range with slightly more dps. *approves*) cost 2125 range 16 no micro "required" 2 elements celerity tower dps 762 (max) 100-ish (min) [keep in mind, you can't maintain max dps b/c targets won't always exist at 22 range, and we have to account for human imperfection for micro] cost 1500 range 22 constant micro required, or your dps drops to something like 300-ish (that's being generous) 3 elements So light tower and celerity tower. same range, similar dps, but the light tower costs 1/3 price more, but you don't have to micro 24/7. is that worth 600 minerals? i guess if you're playing on random mode with full elemental refunds, you could get celerity, but its window of cost effectiveness will be quite short-lived. Altho the celerity tower has been buffed, it seriously needs a MASSIVE buff to justify 24/7 micro. b/c this micro doesn't just boost effectiveness, its' actually a SEVERE punishment for NOT doing it. Even with a minimum range, or a range priority of something as generous as 11 makes this tower still pretty boring, and still has with the wrong kind of micro. Ephemeral tower and celerity tower essentially overlap in roles and design. But i'd rather scrap one or both of those towers and make room for a better tower concept, with similar idea of rewarding greater range. but less micro. "humph ok, mr genius, do u even have a starting point?" had to step up to the plate: https://forums.eletd.com/index.php?s=&s...ost&p=20716
  5. gwho


    a thousand times reiterated +1 +1 +1. tons of great maps, well worth the money
  6. Attack Ground is not a function that is innately present in SC2. We had to be rather creative in implementing a work-around and that's likely the source of what you're seeing. Of course, if it's not functioning adequately, we can definitely take a look at it it would be nice if it was faster reacting, since you do miss out on quite a few volleys which makes all the difference on very hard. perhaps it's some kind of waiting trigger that requires 0 projectiles to exist or requires that the volley is finished, rather than just allowing it right away? Anyhow, thanks for being concerned about it. Do improve if you can, but I'm sure you'd agree it's kind of low priority atm right?
  7. "Orbit Idea #2" a ball projectile that does damage while in transit. A tower is constructed, and it serves as a latching point. The idea is that you make a few of these relatively cheap towers (since you need a few to establish the network), and you pass the projectile between these towers. The ball does damage while in transit between the towers. MICRO? oh man, you can place your "node" towers, and start microing to make the ball go in the path you want. You can creatively and very flexibly send the ball all over the place. More node towers will increase the ball damage, but will do so in a logarithmic fashion. There will be an optimal # of towers, or at least a range of #. say, like 4-7. After that point, the damage doesnt increase that much and it wont be worth it. This prevents spamming a ton of node towers that you wont even use. The constraint also kind of limits what paths you want it to take, so you have to think about things. Naming wise, i wouldn't say orbit fits this concept best. maybe transmission tower? projectile tower? ballistic tower? network tower? yeah. I think this is the kind of micro and visual diversity that would boost gameplay experience.
  8. What will the Radius tower be like? (lol at the name, upgraded radius tower is diameter tower hahahahha) I had a concept to toss up for it, which fit the name "Orbit Tower" more so than radius/diameter tower Concept/Animation: The orbit tower sends out a ball projectile (a red-plasma "moon") that will target a unit. The "moon" will essentially latch onto that target and the animation will be that it orbits that unit. That unit will take damage over time, and nearby creeps will take damage every time the "moon" makes an orbit around the target (or for simplicity, damage over time as well) When the unit being orbited dies, the moon and/or unit does a burst animation and the moon. The idea is that for every orbit, the damage pulse will increase somewhat exponentially. Targetting: The orbit can stay locked on, even outside of the tower's range. The tower's range will only determine what it can initially target. If the unit being targetted dies, the moon is called back, and a new creep is targeted. Of course if there are none, the moon will circle around the tower until something comes in range.. Micro: you can manually call back the "moon" even before the current targeted unit dies and set it to orbit another creep that is within range. Role: It has small AOE, but it's really a single-target DPS tower that has benefit the longer you leave it on one target. It will be decent against bosses, since you can just leave it on the boss, while doing a bit of dps to whatever surrounds the boss. You can utilize it as clean-up somewhat. The interesting thing is that the moon essentially acts on its own, at least visually. perhaps this concept can simply modify the ephemeral tower or the celerity tower, since all three have somewhat similar mechanisms. The clerity and ephemeral two are kind of boring atm imo, and not nearly as visually appealing as something like this concept. The micro will be less demanding, but will require good judgement b/c you'd want to take advantage of exponential dps. In order to make it for more with nature (celerity or ephemeral), the "moon" can be changed into a .... flying insect or something. mosquito tower? lol. somethign more badass probably. Thus the increasing dps over time makes sense and so does having nature element.
  9. gwho

    Support Towers

    The effect is AoE, the attack is not. Should probably work on the impact visual to make this more clear. make the website more clear too ^^ btw: the info for pure fire towers level 3 4 & 5 are completely messed up.
  10. why does everyone here love tons of micro? when u get a bunch of towers that require periodic micro, it gets nice and fun. you can always consta-target with any tower that easily occupies ur apm without forcing it.
  11. gwho

    Temporal Tower

    The idea is that u have to micro it. it's essentially the same as celerity tower, with a different way of requiring micro. both towers should be buffed. the temporal tower, unlike the celerity tower can be placed in such a way that it will automatically change targets almost always. It's short range makes this possible. but the celerity tower is total junk cz you can't even do that (thanks to huge range), and perfect micro is barely on par with level 2 dark tower, which only takes 2 elements.
  12. only for host. the first one sets the minimum difficulty for the entire game. the second one sets your own difficulty. so for the first one, you can set normal for the game, then very hard for yourself in the second dialog. ooooo, lets have that labeled!
  13. looks better than tony the tiger
  14. yup that's what the brilliant design was meant to be used for. go create game and play solo, and chooose w/e mode u want =]
  15. gwho

    Passive Icons

    Passive Icons on the website. give it a different border, just like dota websites
  16. they definitely should. i dont know if this always the case though. take celerity for example: maximum damage is 22/14.5 * 280 / .066= 638 ish damage per second. and that's single target. might as well just get some other tower that does with splash. that does way more total damage with zero micro. (like level 2 darkness tower, which has 833 dps / 2125 cost = .39 , compared to celerity's maximum possible 638 dps / 1500 = .42 ok? that's .39 compared to .42 Do you really want to sit there spamming (hopefully perfectly) in order to get .03 more dps per mineral? and keep in mind there is a TON of room for imperfection within 22 range. you can even argue that level 2 dark tower requires only 2 elements, while celerity tower requires 3 elements. i am not doing that tedious $h17 for a measly .03 efficiency * (2125 - 1500) = 18.75 DPS 18.75 additional dps for perfect celerity tower micro. compared to light tower's zero micro dps. The celerity tower needs a MASSIVE dps boost to justify its 24/7 micro, or it needs some sort of non-24/7 micro mechanism. "Range bracket priority" is a starting point for the latter. There is 24/7 constant spam micro in EVERY td of any RTS. you should be comparing to other sc2 TD's not something like bloon's where you can't individually target micro. But then again bloons has first/weak/strong/last targetting, so u can switch a bunch of things, rather than spam clicking.
  17. gwho

    Laser Tower

    toggle switching is very minimal micro. it's just a drop in the bucket compared to controlling a FWN celerity spire tower. Might be a tad overpowered, but how about having the fighters as a 'cleanup crew', adding a HP target sort that prefers lowest HP in range(or give people the option). It will target the near dead first and in effect will be a micro reduction tower i dont see how that would be overpowered. the overall dps is pretty set. it simply allows for distributing or focus firing. and you have to micro it. (of course if there's only one target, it would all attack that one, right?)
  18. suggestion: address towers by element combos not names. especially since ur referencing the non-1st level ones. yeah, u can decode it thru the tower page, but it's nicer if u dont have to. always a little boost into ppl understanding and wanting to read your post. for gravy!
  19. quark spinning the opposite way? that opens the door to "24/7 micro" , where it is then possible to boost efficiency by spamming the direction change and concentrate damage (and increase deps) to a certain sector of the 360 sweep. -1 what if you want it to hit something close even if it's not that significant? what if instead of being hit or no hit, we have "brackets" of priority? something in range, say range 11-22 is prioritized over soemthing range 1-11. rather than "you cannot hit anything within range 1-11" Keeping those brackets few in number and large in range retains the micro you want to keep.
  20. gwho


    It should be renamed, possibly something like "Attack Cooldown" "Speed" is the game-time-second duration between attacks - the time between each attack, essentially the attack cd. But simply calling it "speed" makes it sound like a higher number would be better, when the opposite is the case. "Attack cooldown" would be appropriate and intuitive. It's essentially the "period", but that's not very intuitive, although very accurate. But there is a "periodic" tower, and not everyone would catch on to the convention of "frequency/period" so... "Time between attacks" is just too wordy. having "cooldown" makes the most sense for an RTS game.
  21. gwho

    Support Towers

    i presume all three of the towers in question have the same cd? level 1 being 15 seconds? the cd is very important, since it relates directly to dps calclations and it should be stated on the website. Rather, instead of making a separate "cd", it would simply be the speed right? so the speeds for those 3 towers should be 15/15/15 for each level?
  22. gwho

    Support Towers

    ah, so the level 1 clone tower is 100% * 10 / 60 = 16.66% damage boost. this is pretty on-par with the other towers which are 15% over a period of 60 seconds. beautiful. what is the priority that a clone towers operates by, when having multiple towers within its cloning range?
  23. gwho

    Support Towers

    nice catch. cloning a tower is essentially 100% speed upgrade or 100% damage upgrade while the others are not. (higher levels even greater than 100%) one way of "nerfing" the clone tower could be to adjust the duration it lasts to something roughly on par with the other towers. 5 seconds with a 15 second cd would theoretically get you effectively 33%, on par with the other support towers. in the late game, cloning a really strong tower is so much cheaper and so much more effective than buying additional towers. you will will buy additional towers, but you will make that many more clone towers if you're being cost effective. It seems, though, that even though the clone tower level 1 has a 15 sec cd and a 15 sec duration, it doesn't seem to continually clone. How does the "already been cloned" status on a tower work? if you have 2 towers per clone tower, will it then be able to clone continually by alternating? is the restriction just against cloning the same tower indefinitely?
  24. gwho


    +1 +1 +1 great suggestions. the xel naga element picker could also be in format, rather htan Also, the icons in the xel naga picker could be the identical ones shown in the "next wave" thing, instead of changing all the time. for level 2 and level 3, just add a number, instead of changing the icon itself. confusing stuff. i feel dejavu. did i already suggest these two things?
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