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Everything posted by holepercent

  1. for my replay fans warm-up round: LDWN 1st attempt double lumber mode in pick.. i didn't abuse the bug to summon extra elementals.. eletd_beta_235_LDWN_61_17lives.w3g
  2. i'll be out of town for a week for a short vacation starting tomorrow.. and probably wouldn't have access to the IRC.. the replays will tell my part of the balance then..
  3. karawasa decided to implement the double lumber mode which was suggested before and dismissed immediately.. heh.. but have to say it's quite fun.. to upgrade the defense more than normal.. although definitely overpowered.. i played single player vhx allrandom chaos and only one elemental was summoned every 5 waves..didn't encounter the bug..
  4. this is a old bug which most are aware of.. it's due to the well tower buff.. which is modified from another spell.. results in the super-sizing of towers even after the relevant variables were changed. not that a fix was found for it.. uploading of replays use the form just below the post text box.. find the file, type some comments in the box and click attach.. attaches to the post directly on this forum..
  5. 1100 range combined with slow firing speed is not exactly easy to place well.. one square difference can make quite some difference in coverage of the bottom and/or the right lanes.. post a screenshot of your placement and we'll see if that is the optimum placement..i too have misplaced the tower in some games.. although probably a slight buff may be needed..
  6. team mode was planned but was shelved for the official 4.0.. the discussion continues however.. we may see a team survivor released later.. there is already enough work to do on tower balance.. so new content is highly unlikely and karawasa wants to finish up the balance and release the 4.0..
  7. holepercent

    Fun Mode

    i think the ending waves of VH are challenging enough.. having harder endgame creeps makes rnd even harder to play.. and it has been seen that it is possible to run out of space to build.. as others have mentioned, we have a range of difficulties to play.. ve is very easy.. although some will still find difficulty in the endgame.. vh for most pros.. extreme if not challenging enough.. and the ultimate challenge is probably vhx rnd.. not forgetting chaos.. so there's not a strong argument for increasing the curve..
  8. holepercent

    Stronger heros?

    agreed.. heros take away much from the game .. it's called a TOWER defense.. so the focus should be on building towers.. hero mode for me was like for noobs who didn't know how to build a proper eletd defense and depended on the hero to take down the waves.. so yes for hero mode being removed.. competitive mode or what's superweapons mode now is definately much better at least.. but where are the BOMBS?
  9. electricity tower is still around in 4.0.. apart from the range which has changed..
  10. holepercent

    Light towers

    true, but that's against a single creep. It's weak overall against light waves and it is always much better to build another element. in random, this is why players repeatedly sell and rebuild towers to match the elements to deal 200% damage to the wave if possible. anyway, to play well, it is VERY important to know the elemental damage system well.. knowing how to cover the weakness of the build. it is never a good idea to rely on one damage source (massing a single tower).. often, this results in mass leaks of the weak wave..
  11. ronald is designed to test the players defense. and if ronald gave gold, the player's defense would keep getting stronger and defeats the purpose of the ronald stage. so yes, if you wanted to change defense, you'll have to sell towers..
  12. the draft host looks around for a player to join the draft..
  13. If you don't know yet, we are working on a new private beta testing cycle.. expect more improvements and some tower changes..
  14. holepercent


    Welcome to the forums.. play plenty of eletd, read up on strategy and post your replays for help and advice..
  15. it's a trading card game where players buy packs of cards to play against each other..
  16. yes.. there were periods where the forums were down for some players for a few days.. sometimes just have to wait for karawasa to fix the problems.. other times, pressing f5 or whatever refresh key actually works to enter the forums (after error messages)..
  17. it can happen with any tower i believe. it's just i realised it happened more frequently with polar towers in play over several games played at different times.. like try to identify common towers that increase the occurance of the bug..
  18. about tier3 well increasing attack speed.. that is for build balance.. to balance 4-ele builds to match up to 6 ele builds as tier3 duals feature most in 4-ele builds.. impulse tower causes the stun.. i realised it also in one of my build project replays where impulse was the main damage.. and refined water can also result in some stun..
  19. the undead bug occurs frequently with polar towers in play.. undead pathing issues or stuck unit left of I when polar towers are in play. the same thing happened in a test (didn't save replay) with polar towers and a creep at 56 was stuck left of I..
  20. And who's going to maintain the page and keep it going? A lot of interest groups pages that i came across suffer from lack of maintainence... It is great when it starts but after a while few if any remain committed to maintain the page.. it usually occurs that everyone thinks someone else will maintain the page and eventually it goes into oblivion..
  21. karawasa didn't get the hotkeys to work.. and i think it resulted in some summoning bugs or the case where the elemental appears in the area giving the player the element when the elemental is leaked.. if the elemental is leaked multiple times, the elemental appears that many times in the area..
  22. the elements couldn't be hotkeyed but interest and pure could be hotkeyed..
  23. my latest tower list will be out when i finsh the last 3 4-ele builds.. the build project is not complete yet..
  24. you and kirby.. jolin012 unconfirmed.. he's away now.. see if he joins when he returns..
  25. I'm blue(water).. and i played more blue or blue-based decks in magic:the gathering itself..
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