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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. @Sancdar - I barely ever leak (oh the standard simple version of the map that is), but with public blizz td games my motto "they leave before I leak" was coined. I've even resorted to "this game is to hard for you" or "you suck at blizz td" game names..
  2. So you would say that first leak (a single badly damaged creep that is) on 24 is worse than nova? Maybe i should check nova again..
  3. @GipFace - I understand and respect your reasoning, and I was only reffering to the line "acid can't solo", not the ranking. Acid can solo.
  4. Hard to say. I have a taste for well done pop, but all the same I like honest raw music that harshly tells a relevant message. I like: monotone music agressive music sad music 80ies style silly stuff plain weird shit
  5. Cisz

    Public Beta

    If only people would know wht rc means.. Maybe there is a way to name the version in a way even a very dim person gets the point. Like a big label "UNFINISHED". Maybe in the pregame gfx, like a big "UNDER CONSTUCTION" sign. GipFace - what do you think of that?
  6. Only like two or three times. What is the eletd message for that?
  7. Cisz

    American News

    In germany we have a constant stream of "suicide bombing in (insert either iraq or afghanistan)". It's not excatly news anymore, more like common knowledge/everydays buisness. Thre are currently some abducted germans, so that is rating a little higher. As usual, who cares if hundreds of foreigners are dying, if one of our fellows is in danger of getting hurt.
  8. I agree, a great list. Maybe one small correction: Acid can't solo? On two pass acid can solo just as good as storm: >> Acid solo <<
  9. Hm. You mean a lan emulation that allows to play blizzard games w/o having a legit key? And that uses the less traffic heavy lan protocol for the game? The one that doesn't contain all the anti-cheat-checksums? Like an unauthorized version of b-net w/o the service? It's an interesting concept, but I can't see how they will prevent cheating. And I'm not entiery convinced that blizzard won't sue them. And I'm against moving the eletd community to gg-client. This sounds like a split. The most players are on b-net, so why move away? I think it might prove dangerous getting to friendly with them. The best I can see is that we might use them for an international tournament.
  10. I'm against race mode getting the axe. Put it back in plz.
  11. I was never really into tft or roc, so it was more an act of desperation when I started to try out the scenario maps. Blizzard TD got me all excited and I trained a lot. Next thing I was searching the internet for custom maps, but without much hope. I'd been an active member of the Dunkeon Keeper community of Fizzbans Keep, and I allready knew that for every even remotely funktional map, there are tons of unplayable trash of the "wanna see a nude ogre?" or "insert_name_here is gay" brand. And I was right, I came upon one trashy map after another. I tried to figure out the popular ones, by checking number of dl's or hosted games, and so I found green td (slighty above avarage trash) and dota (really good, but I neither like nor can play it very well). I guess it was dota that gave me the idea that a map with a community and a homepage and a group of people taking care of preventing fake versions could greatly improve a maps quality. So now I checked every map that looked remotely playable for a website. That was at around 3.0 beta 8, the old forum was like a few weeks old. The quality of eletd was very obvious, the ingame voting, the transition to the game start, the spacing of the waves, the attack effects, all looked very mature and well designed. No calapulted bug bears. No "you lost you moronic No0Oöb Ill kill your hampster"-style messages. Since then I only ever play anything tft but blizz and eletd if I'm either very bored and desperate or polite beyond knowing better.
  12. I just let the game music run. I'm very concentrated on the game anyway, so even the game music is pretty muted.
  13. @boomboom1 If you read this thread very carfully, you will notice that is meant to force the tournament organizer (that's me) into setting a date.
  14. Hm. I'm not sure what to think of them. Do I get this right: He uses found footage, like tv clips or movie snippets, and music he didn't make as well? So basically his videos are a collage and his job is to arrange them and to do the voiceover and put the text in? I've seen some of them, but I have difficulties to understand them, as I don't know french and when he talks english, he has a heavy accent. Oh, and I have a funny story about the music at the beginning of the last listed clip. That music is probably stolen from a band called Siechtum, but they deserve it, as they stole the music themselves. It's a track from the demo kasparov, done by a guy called Ronny. I happen to know one of the coders that programmed kasparov, so I know everything about it. It's a crime. Theft. Evil.
  15. Your best option will be to make your own clan, or to get someone else to make one. Read the clan info page and the clan faq page to get a general idea. Basically you need to get 10 people to be online at the same time, all in the same private channel with you and all ready to join. Then you just click the button and hope that all agree. So your first job is to have a lot of friends that enjoy eletd a lot, write down their names or add them to your friendlist, and try to get 10 of them online in the same moment. Do you understand the concept? Would you like help with that? Do you have more questions? I'd be glad to help you with this, as I remember very well how hard it was for me to get the clan started. Big thanx again to the original founder crew.
  16. @boomboom1 If you pass our rigorous testing process, you can join us, but there are two mayor reasons why a clan on northrend will not be very usefull for you. You will only find europeans on northrend and playing with them will give you a big disadvantage, as you will have a lot of lag. And we have different timezones ofc, so when you come online you will have a hard time to find a player not in bed, school, or work.
  17. I don't see why this disruption is typical for mechanical units. Especially in tft I'd expect spellcasters to pull of a trick like that. The "slower with damage" sounds better to me. Imo a mech unit should be tougher than a normal creep, that's one of the original reasons why wracrafts were build. (Along with beeing faster and having more firepower.)
  18. There is only one clan. And that's on northrend.
  19. Guess what, it will be on northrend again. For now there is only one eletd clan to own them all and that's on northrend. Get organized man, get a clan, collect players, meet and play, and then do your very own tournament.
  20. Summoning is great for several resons. It encourages micro and makes a good example of a new way for placement. The "tower", actually beeing the summons, are constantly to be relocated to make the most of it. The tower is so good, it even made it possible to win the dreaded edfn build.
  21. No, it's not. It will be vh sr as long as we can't get 20 players that can play vhx consitantly. Maybe you should form a clan and start teaching?
  22. Cisz

    Mr Chak is the name

    Thats the best avatar ever.
  23. The problem is this: Single player.
  24. Cisz

    Recent Replays

    @Kingzor/Good - To answer goods question, he died from ronnie overflow. Thats what happends if you stack them back till the entrance is full. Otherwise, the clan owns again.
  25. Cisz

    Hey, this is me.

    Hiho. He is Gkj-Mo. He is from germany. He finished me with fossils on samerandom.
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