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Everything posted by Cisz

  1. This is a tower that does a multi shoot like metal, but doing the smallest part of the damage to the first target, right? So the total damage would look something like this, given enough creeps are there and the attack has a bounce limit of 2 more targets: Target 1: 1000 Target 2: 1100 Target 3: 1200 Total: 3300 What happens if only one target is available? Will the damage drop to 1000? Apart from that, the tower has a fixed damage and can be balanced, it might just need a compensation for it's weakness vs single targets.
  2. This guide works on vhx too. See: >> lfwd-n, vhx, no leak <<
  3. Cisz

    Challenge #4

    Oh, btw: >> lfwd-n, vhx, no leak <<
  4. Cisz

    Tournament No.1

    Look here: Timezones If this clock shows it's 5pm in gmt+1 (paris and such), the gathering starts. I'll try to be online earlier, but might be distracted by a bunch of tasty sausages. And I'll make a post here to indicate it's starting ofc.
  5. A friedly reminder: Today (14.07.07) at 5:00pm gmt+1 we will meet in the channel "Clan etd" for the first Element TD tournament. >> Read more here. <<
  6. Cisz

    Tournament No.1

    Tournament tomorrow.
  7. Me. I don't like growth or flesh golem either. So far flesh golem was to weak to unbalance the map, but expect me to so some nasty testing with anything that gets stronger over time in the next version.
  8. Cisz

    Tournament No.1

    All players play the first round at 6:00 pm gmt+1, divided into several parallel games. The winners advance to the second round. So you can't show up later and join in.
  9. Basically a tower thats maks no sense to build early. Throw it up as late as possible. I don't like the concept, but I guess it would be balanceable.
  10. Cisz

    Tournament No.1

    Given we have enough players for three rounds and each game/round lasts an hour, plus waiting and organizing, anything up to, dunno, 4 hours maybe?
  11. Cisz

    Tournament No.1

    Meeting time: 5pm gmt+1. Starting time: 6pm gmt+1. (Including daylight saving time.) Check out your time zone here: Timezones.
  12. Cisz

    Mortar Tower

    We are talking about a mortar, so long cooldown and splash, right?
  13. Cisz

    New Creeps

    Yes - it's just likely, yes, ok, and yes. Please keep composite damage as a diverse way to deal damage. And as long as there are elemental and composite damagers (as opposed to support), my calculations aply. If I can chose at least one balanced composite damager, it will get stronger if you don't aply the suggested change.
  14. Cisz

    New Creeps

    I like that idea. But as long composite damage will hit for full it might get very popular. Keep in mind that the original idea was to make composite damage attractive because its simple, but a good combination of elemental damage is more cost efficient. If you upset that balance, the map could turn into a composite-only extravaganza. 11-60 x m u f h Sum x 3 1 1 1 = 6 l 3 1 1 2 = 7 d 2 1 2 2 1 = 8 w 5 1 1 = 7 f 2 1 2 2 = 7 n 4 2 2 = 8 e 2 1 2 1 1 = 7 = = = = = 21 7 8 6 8 Assuming that each element appears 7.33 times and non elemental comes 6 times in wave 10-60, the average expected damage for composite is (6 x 7.33) + 6 = 50 waves of full damage (compared to 50 waves expectation), while elemental towers do (2 x 7.33) + (0.5 x 7.33) + (4 x 7.33) + (6 x 0.9) = 53,066 waves in 50. If you raise the resistance of non elemental creeps to 25% and keep composite at full damage, elemental damage will drop to ~52,2. How about this: Composite towers do 86% to non elemental and elemental does 75%. That would drop composite to 49,1 and the factor of 1.06 more damage by elemental towers would be preserved. Mathemagics... Oh, and maybe 25% resistance is to high, but we will know after a few games.
  15. Cisz

    New Creeps

    Read this: As for this: I don't like that idea. The health and armor are to ballance the difficulties. If we change the waves, the difficulties would turn into different games. Like the players on easy play natures call circle defense and the players on hard are on blizzard td.
  16. Cisz

    New Creeps

    You missed the numbers. Look at my table: 1-60 x m u f h Sum x 6 2 1 1 1 = 11 l 3 1 1 1 2 = 8 d 2 1 2 2 1 = 8 w 5 1 1 1 = 8 f 2 1 2 2 1 = 8 n 5 2 2 = 9 e 3 1 2 1 1 = 8 = = = = = 26 9 9 7 9 26 is the number of all waves w/o special atribute. So right now less than half of the creeps (26 of 60) are standard and more than half of them have a special atribute. (9 Mech + 9 Undead + 7 Fast + 9 Healing = 34 of 60) On top of that, 6 waves are non elemental w/o attribute, which get only 90% of elemental damage and can be considered "tough"- or "hard"-type creeps in most cases. That brings the standard waves down 1/3 of all (20 of 60). I'd say that's about enough.
  17. Cisz

    Recent Replays

    Many players are asking for examples on how to play eletd. This is the thread to post links to replays you played lately. Had a good game and want to share it with us? Encountered a problem and want to get tips? Post it here. Please take the time to desribe you replays a little. Important note: No replays of inofficial versions of eletd (beta or rc or such; or fake versions that are not approved by Karawasa and/or MrChack). Here it goes: >> Storm on samerandom. << I played cyberseer for the first time, although he had been in the clan for a month. We ended up randoming storm over and over again, so the matches were quite easy.
  18. Cisz


    Thats aging for you. Mechs get weaker with age, undead don't.
  19. Cisz


    Soul collector is some sort of limited flesh golem, right?
  20. Cisz


    I don't like both of them. Armor reducers are very game deciding, remember? And, as proven with poison, a tower that is good on all but one type, is still very valid. And double bounty is pretty money tower, right? What about my suggested "exchange creep with on of the next or last wave randomly" aka chaos tower aka strong vs healing and fast?
  21. Cisz


    Did you pick up my suggestion of long range and very long cooldown? Like 2 seconds or more?
  22. Cisz

    Mortar Tower

    Sounds ok to me.
  23. Cisz

    Tower Redesigns

    Er, you mean you removed it from the "to be changed list", so it's kept? Good, I just recently got a liking to them.
  24. Cisz

    New Creeps

    I'm not sure if we need more types. Eletd allready has the record for most different creep types afaik. 7 armours x 5 attributes = 35 combos. Thats less than 2 per game and type. Substract the first 10-15 waves where basic towers are enough, and you get very close to one. Afaik some combos are not in the game at all right now: 1-60 x m u f h Sum x 6 2 1 1 1 = 11 l 3 1 1 1 2 = 8 d 2 1 2 2 1 = 8 w 5 1 1 1 = 8 f 2 1 2 2 1 = 8 n 5 2 2 = 9 e 3 1 2 1 1 = 8 = = = = = 26 9 9 7 9 1-10 x m u f h Sum x 3 1 1 = 5 l 1 = 1 d = 0 w 1 = 1 f 1 = 1 n 1 = 1 e 1 = 1 = = = = = 5 2 1 1 1 11-60 x m u f h Sum x 3 1 1 1 = 6 l 3 1 1 2 = 7 d 2 1 2 2 1 = 8 w 5 1 1 = 7 f 2 1 2 2 = 7 n 4 2 2 = 8 e 2 1 2 1 1 = 7 = = = = = 21 7 8 6 8 No nature undead or fast, and no fast water. If we ignore the first 10 waves, even more types are lost. But don't get me wrong, I really like the wave structure as it is, like with water before nature healing (56, 57) and fire before dark fast (58, 59), so don't change that please. The game allready is to long, so more waves are not an option imo. If a new creep type would be so incredibly fascinating that an old typer could be replaced.. but imo thats not the case here either. Now how about that: New creep types that only show up in chaos mode? That would really improve chaos to the point it could get the new standard. On topic: Persistant: Aka evasion, aka a way to raise the hp of the creeps aka boring. Tank: Sounds good, but not good enough to replace an old type.
  25. Cisz

    Tournament No.1

    We are nearly there, just a few more days.
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